OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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October 18, 2018 11:31 am  #1


I came to this site and posted my story 2 years ago, not sure if anyone recalls.

I found a phone full of M4M craigslist hookups but was told he was just looking and it never went anywhere.

2 years later, I find that for 2 years (at least) he was logging onto a secret email account from Sept 2015 up until the date of discovery.  He was emailing men on here. I have no idea whats in the account,and pretty sure i would die if i found out. I am 7 months pregnant.

He did commit to stopping and has not been back on the email in 2 years, but he lied to me and I just discovered that he was talking with these men behind my back a year after we got married.

It is like reliving everything ALL OVER AGAIN.

He once again is claiming he never follow through and didn't cheat but i know better. You don't spend 2 years talking without follow through. I am afraid to look at these emails.

I know that he has been faithful for the last 2 year's, i see he no longer uses the email as he downloaded it and no longer does. Also CL is shut down so that puts a hamper there on potential hook ups.

I just don't know where to go from here. The lies are what kills me. It's like finding pieces to a puzzle and putting it together bit by bit.

Now we are at a point where he literally is getting angry with me for bringing this up. I JUST FOUND OUT you LIED to me!!! What the heck!

I know that he is faithful at this point so im like do i stay and be thankful for him changing , or do I say screw this and walk away. He is my very best friend. I have become the mother of his children and he the father of my daughter and in just a few months well have another. 

I feel like a complete idiot. I don't understand why or how this has happened to me. I did nothing to deserve it.


October 18, 2018 12:29 pm  #2

Re: Here...again...

Hi hopeful ,

I’m so sorry you find yourself back on here.  I feel for you, I really do.  I have a feeling that others will be along with better advice then me.  My few thoughts, please don’t feel like an idiot.   You fell for your “best friends lies” we all did.  Especially early in in the relationships “he’s angry with you”, turning the fables on you.  An absolute classic move.  No , you did nothing to deserve it.   Now you’re pregnant again.  A tough time to be dealing with all of this.   I just wanted to say hi, keep posting.   I’m going to defer to others who may have had experiences closer to yours.

I can only add that looking back to the beginning of my 22 year marriage, I can remember catching him in lies.  Getting deflected.  Being told “I’ll never do it again” and then believing him, because I WANTED to believe him.  Because I was like you, he was my ‘best friend” and my entire world.  Best wishes, keep posting. I’m sure others will be along.


October 18, 2018 1:14 pm  #3

Re: Here...again...

This is what I fear. Sexually I am a fluidly OPEN person, the idea od this having sex with other people doesn't bother me as much as the lies behind it.

If there were communication, ie. This is how i feel sexually, this is what I want sexually, and then inclusion of some kind I could be more understanding but lying, and then lying more. No. Where do the lies end ans how can i believe anything anymore?

I know that the lying is to protect him and also out of fear of loss in a relationship.

I myself am bisexual but I am not searching relationships with others because we made a commitment and at one point when we discussed involving others sexually he shut it down because he didn't want to see me with anyone else, I respected the boundary he gave me, yet here he was the entire time cheating on me or at least emotionally. 

I'm trying to be forgiving. As a now Christian, I realize that Judas betrayed Jesus and Peter denied him 3x and Jesus STILL chose forgiveness and love above all else. I want to be able to exemplify this but i also feel that Jesus does not want us to live in pain so if the other person is not honest or continues this behavior without change I get forgiving and moving on, but where does the line get drawn.

I realize that statistically there is a huge chance of relapse and stds. This scares me and i don't know how to live withouy that anxiety.

I wish i had a friend or family member I could talk to about this. It's a lonely road.

Last edited by Hopeful10 (October 18, 2018 1:15 pm)

     Thread Starter

October 18, 2018 1:19 pm  #4

Re: Here...again...

Should probably say I was all those things, but have obviously changed perspective over the last 2 year's.

     Thread Starter

October 18, 2018 6:52 pm  #5

Re: Here...again...

The line gets drawn where you decide it needs to be. In my opinion, forgiveness is not the same as saying what he did was OK or that you're now OK with what happened. It's the moment you tell yourself that you will no longer let it define your existence. There can still be pain and consequences around whatever that action was. There can still be a need for penance from the person who did the 'wronging'. 

He keeps saying he didn't cheat but he means physically and is essentially arguing a technicality. What about emotionally or intellectually? He's not entitled to decide what your definition of cheating is. The truth is that he was trolling around in email with other people, it doesn't matter what their sex is or if he ever saw anyone in person. If you're not OK with it, that's your perogative.

Besides support from members here you might want to check in with the main SSN # or email and see if there are any groups near you.

Last edited by Daryl (October 18, 2018 6:54 pm)

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

October 18, 2018 7:02 pm  #6

Re: Here...again...



You are not,alone..you have folks here, you can build a support system and you have a god.    It took me sometime to realize that alone is ok..if not being alone means living in  hurt, lies and abuse...no alone is much better.
I do not lie cheat or steal on myself.

You and us gave true honest love..we were "all in". They apparently could not. We have nothing to be ashamed of.  Do not beat your self up about it..if you're like the rest of us you have your wonderful spouse to make you feel bad/guilty/demeaned etc.. Do not jump on his bandwagon.  I found when I started taking my strong fierce love and giving it back to myself I felt better.. These spouses do not deserve our fierce love..they have forfeited all rights and or I privileges with the lies and hurt. They will never comprehend the honest love we have.

Start building your support system..the lies will eat you up..ie if he meets a guy for a beer is it two buddies getting together or a date?  Why should we have to wonder?  One does not do that to someone they truly love.   

We cannot change them or the past.. But we can free ourselves from the hurt and abuse.

A sincere ehug..

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

October 18, 2018 8:57 pm  #7

Re: Here...again...

Daryl wrote:

..... forgiveness is...... the moment you tell yourself that you will
no longer let it define your existence.


KIA KAHA                       

October 19, 2018 12:48 am  #8

Re: Here...again...

Thanks for your replies. I told him yesterday that he doesn't get to define cheating that he did cheat regardless of whether physical or not, I now look back and see the pattern of behavior and it is beyond hurtful.

He made me feel very loved during this time!! I feel like it was a charade.

I cannot stop thinking why does this happen to me.  I chose this man as my husband because of the appearance of how much he was in love with me, and how wonderful he treats me. He still treats me this way but my respect for him has dissipated, my trust is demolished and many times i look at him not with love but disgust.

This entire time he repeatedly said there was no email account and I drove myself insane over it. My gut was on fire, and for good reason.

I love him immensely, part of me wants to stay for this baby and because of our family dynamics. Before, I could just leave, but now I feel stuck and worried that the remainder of our marriage I will be struck with wonder, wondering who he is, where he is, and what he is doing.  Every change he makes I will look at him with a microscope and think he is being unfaithful.

Part of me wants to leave and with my terrible track record of men, never date again. I have been with an abusive man who cheated our entire relationship, and now ive been with a kind and sweet man who has cheated from likely the day we even married. This was far worse than the abusive man because i never expected it. He acted so in love with me. i don't think I can handle anymore heartbreak in my life.

Ever since I found out about this 2 year's ago, he is not happy the way he used to be.  Neither am I.

I don't know if it's him knowing how unhappy i am, or that he is unhappy with the lack of men in his life now.

While I dont think he is full on gay (he gets boners at the drop of a hat) , I do think he is bisexual like myself. But I was able to repress my sexuality because I committed to him, why couldn't he do the same? How much do i really truly mean to him if he did this so early on? Who am I really to him? Why did he do this to me?

I feel like i am torturing myself.

     Thread Starter

October 19, 2018 7:38 am  #9

Re: Here...again...

Hopeful10 wrote:

 and now ive been with a kind and sweet man who has cheated from likely the day we even married. This was far worse than the abusive man because i never expected it.

It's really important to remember that he's putting you through abuse just as much as the previous guy. He's acting nice and sweet with a purposeful intent to use you as  "wife" while he lives the real life in the background. 

You'll probably see his "sweet" nature take a dark turn when he can't hide anymore or you leave him.

Really sorry you're going through this.


October 19, 2018 1:42 pm  #10

Re: Here...again...

Sorry Hopeful,

But I have to echo Iamthelorax,  I was contemplating this morning after thinking about some of the recent postings.  That the past two months participating on this forum has been very beneficial for me.  I realized that I really have forgotten all the "beautiful memories" of my early life with my XH.  All I can really remember anymore is years of just TORMENT AND MENTAL ABUSE.  Sadness, desperation, loneliness.  Thinking of my XH, I'll borrow some of lorax's words.  He was nice and sweet in the BEGINNING, with the purposeful intent of using me as his "wife" , his cover to the world and himself because my XH did not want to be Gay (still does not).  But he ended up becoming a very sick and pathetic man.  I realized this morning that the only boundary I ever really set, that he did not cross, was that he never hit me in all the years we were married.  I used to joke, that would be the last thing you ever do.  It almost was AFTER I left him.

You talk about "charade" and how you have both been unhappy since you found this out two years ago.  It's not going to get better.  Your "track record with men" can change.  But you have to work on you.  Learning about co dependance and working on your own self esteem.  Finding out who you are and can be.  If you do the work, if you find the courage to stand on your own two feet.  If YOU get healthy, then you could change the mistakes of the past.  Hugs and blessings out to you honey.



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