OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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October 17, 2018 9:51 pm  #1

STBX wants to tell our kids about the Trans thing.

I’m beyond anxious and am so over being gaslighted by my STBX.  We have 4 kids so my life is them and what their needs are.  Their dads only agenda seems to be telling his crap so he doesn’t have to hide.  While I’m here taking care of them and driving them to therapy, going to their conferences and trying to get what they’ll need for the cooler weather, his agenda is all about him! 

He has told me he wants to tell them this weekend and that I have no right to be there.  He has stated he wants to tell them that’s why our marriage broke up.  I’ve threatened him by telling him that if he involves our marriage, that involves me and he has no right unless I’m there.  If he does that I will tell them about the masturbation, porn addiction, lies and deceipt because that was all part of the breakdown of the marriage.  I told him that I didn’t want him to blow up their world and them have no where to go since they’ll be at his one bedroom apartment and I won’t be there.  He said he’d drive them home if they wanted.  Seriously, I would not want to even look at my dad let alone be in a car with him if he told me that.

He has gaslit me over and over saying that he expected more from me and that I must not of truly loved him with the way I speak to him and how easily I’m giving him up! He also told me that if the kids don’t want to be around him and be okay with him and his new self that it’s because of me.  I’m so scared he’ll gaslight the kids too.  I’ve never spoken bad about him to the kids and if they don’t want to be around him it’s because that’s how they were raised.  We taught our kids to be kind but that this was just a small percentage of people that need mental health help.  Seriously that is what he was saying 10-12 months ago.

Those of you going through this or have been through this, how are your kids?  Are they accepting?  Does your ex gaslight them too?  I want them to have their dad, but he’s no longer the person I knew even 8 months ago.  I already told him he can never have the title of mom, I earned it and he did not!  I also told him he can own my anxiety and depression because he did that to me!  I can’t remember a day I haven’t cried.  I have cried every day for 8 months since the CD stuff came out.  I want my normal/boring life back!


October 17, 2018 11:06 pm  #2

Re: STBX wants to tell our kids about the Trans thing.

I understand your emotions KitKat..  not quite in the same way because I was married to a cheating lesbian and a not a porn addicted trans person.   But my kids certainly had a similar shock to process when I revealed the truth to them. 

My kids are doing fantastic at this point.  They were 10 and 7 when they found out.  They are now 12 and 9 and they seem to have made it through the divorce and aftermath very well.  That's not a guarantee that issues won't surface later in their youth or teen years, but for now all signs point to them being very healthy and happy. 

My kids know what there mom did to me was awful, but they still love their mom.  They need to keep that relationship.  I think they compartmentalize their feelings a little bit.  I think they pretend their mom is the same old great mother she used to be when they are with her because it would be hard on them to think about her failures while being around her.  

My ex didn't want to ever tell them.  I felt like I was lying to them by not disclosing the truth, so I finally had to answer their questions with truth.  She would rather have never addressed it and just let them "figure it out on their own" when the other woman moved in and shared a bedroom, etc..   stupid!!!!!!!

I'm sorry you are still hurting.  It's very hard to heal when you are still living in the same house, still married, still interacting personally on a regular basis.  I hope you can find a path forward as soon as possible. 

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


October 18, 2018 5:38 am  #3

Re: STBX wants to tell our kids about the Trans thing.

     I and most of the other women on this list whose husbands decided they were trans have experienced the same set of selfish and self-centered behaviors as you are seeing with your stbx, and have had the same recognition that our spouses could no longer be counted on to be thinking about what was right for us as a couple or for our families as a family--they were thinking only and at all times and in all stiuations of themselves.  It's maddening and unfair and hurtful and damaging to us and our kids and they do. not. care.  The only person they care about is themselves. 
     What I found helped me a lot in dealing with my stbx was to stop thinking of him as a rational human being and partner in my marriage, and to start seeing him as a disordered person with delusions, including delusions of grandeur, which included his narcissistic and entitled belief that I was under some obligation to embrace and support him while failing to acknowledge that he had blown up our marriage or appreciating that he had dealt me a blow of world-changing proportions.  He had no empathy for anyone but himself.  
    The truth is that our spouses blew up our marriages when they decided they were trans.  But instead of recognizing that they changed the terms of our marriages and that they are therefore under an obligation to free us from our marriages and to do so in the most gentle and generous terms possible because they owe us that consideration, they assumed that it was our job to adjust ourselves around their new reality and that everyone in the family would reorder their lives around their own new (ever-changing) needs and selves.
    You have to begin to act from the understanding that your stbx's agenda will always be himself, and himself only.  Don't expect him to be reasonable; don't expect him to care about your needs or those of the children.  He doesn't care about you or them apart from what he wants and what you can do for him. Yes, it's unreasonable.  Yes, it's unfeeling. Yes, it's infuriating. But once you understand that, really understand it, and apply that principle, you can approach him with a little more emotional detachment.  Once you stop expecting him to act like a human being and realize he's become a deranged person who is no longer your partner, except legally, you can predict what he'll do in any given situation.  Think of him like a specimen; as Rob said once, "Observe, don't engage."  (Emotionally.) 
    I don't have any specific advice for you about his demand to tell your children.  I assume he wants to do this so he can openly dress in front of them and begin to force them to accommodate him in his new persona?  All I know is that because he doesn't care about their needs and believes that they must adjust as he wants them to (see...delusional and disordered thinking) you're not going to be able to counter what he wants if the only way to do so is by negotiating with him; he doesn't negotiate, he demands.  And what he thinks is that what he wants he should get and that the children must adjust to him.  He doesn't care about their mental health.  
   Reframe his gaslighting baloney.  Remember that he is acting from his psychologically disordered belief that he is entitled to whatever he wants.  He says you don't care about him because of how easily you are giving him up?  Counter that in your head with: HE rejected you when he decided he didn't want to be a man!   
  Have ready what you will tell the children If he does go ahead and tell them.  I've read advice to spouses whose marriages have broken up from cheating that they tell their children something along the lines of "daddy/mommy wanted to date another man/woman, and married people aren't supposed to have dates."  Perhaps you might have ready a line like "Daddy decided he didn't like being a man and wanted to be a woman, so he can't be my husband (or your father?) any more."  And adjust that to make it age appropriate as needed.  The info about porn, etc, should not be shared with your kids, even if you're using the threat of it to keep your stbx in check.

Last edited by OutofHisCloset (October 18, 2018 5:49 am)


October 18, 2018 4:59 pm  #4

Re: STBX wants to tell our kids about the Trans thing.

If he thinks you have "no right" to be there, that says everything we need to know about him.  But, your choice is to tell them yourself before he has the chance (i.e., before this weekend) or just let him say his bit and then when they get home you can de-brief them and add anything you feel is appropriate.

When my daughter was told, her first reaction was concern for her father's mental health.  After that, she got angry when she started to piece together everything he'd done to gaslight both of us for so many years.  She would have wanted to have a candid discussion with him, but he shut her down every time she's tried to raise the topic.

You may not like your husband grabbing the microphone here, but at least for your kids, they'll be able to ask follow-up questions -- even questions that might make your husband uncomfortable.

My daughter is barely on speaking terms with her father these days.  I've tried to encourage both of them to work out their differences.  My feeling is that even though she's an adult (23) kids go on needing their parents for many years after they're financially independent.  I know a lot of adults who became estranged from a parent, and it's not a happy life for either party.

I wish you the best.  How old are your kids?

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

October 18, 2018 6:35 pm  #5

Re: STBX wants to tell our kids about the Trans thing.

Walk- my kids are 17, 14, 13 and 10.

I’m also concerned my oldest may also gaslight her siblings along with their dad.  She defines herself as a gay atheist who advocates for anyone in the LGBT community which is who all her friends are.  She has already tried to sway my other kids to her agenda including trying to get her brother to join her group of friends.  It’s going to be a very tough road ahead for me and my kids!

     Thread Starter

October 19, 2018 12:23 pm  #6

Re: STBX wants to tell our kids about the Trans thing.

That's tough, and your kids are going to need one anothers' support as they navigate this situation.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

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