I have found out my husband of 26 years is gay. We have 2 kids, one is 18 and mentally ill and is getting treatment in Utah, one is 15. The 15 year old has been through alot with his sisters anxiety depression we agreed to wait to tell till he is out of high school. I am 53 years old and would like to find love again. My husband and I are best friends and I am being supportive, but some days are hard.
So sorry you have the need to be in this group, but we are here for you.
My d-day was August 18th. On August 19th my GH of 27 years told me he was leaving me. We have three children 26, 23, and 19. Our youngest was foster/adopted and has a wide range of issues and is custody of the state at the moment. We are currently filing for Co-Guardianship of an Incapacitated Person.
When to tell the kids. You can only do what is right for you. I can tell you that I was not willing to live with lies or half truths. I insisted that all of our children be told ASAP. My GH wanted to wait for a month because it was not a good time, blah, blah, blah. Lots of excuses. I told him and stood by the fact ... "There is NEVER going to be a good time!" And so all our children were told by August 31st. Yes, even our mentally ill child. They were all shocked and took time to process what was/is going on. Our youngest remarkably did amazing! The best part about it was not having to pretend that things are ok. If mom is not exactly doing well, they know exactly why. The truth indeed set me free. I am much more easily able to move forward.
As for meeting someone new, I am not there yet nor do I know if I ever will be. Yet I have been thinking about it. I'm not an internet dating kind of girl. Just for my own sanity, I know I will need to be getting out and rediscovering who I am ... just to be around people. Someone suggested It is a sight that lists the local groups around you ... so many different groups on different topics or activities. That would be the route I would go. Me starting to do things that interest me or that I love. If I meet someone, so be it. If I don't meet someone, I'm still enjoying learning who I am all over again.
Take Care of yourself!
God Bless
Hi shellshocked. Welcome to the forum. I'm glad you posted.
We can share some kind words with you by writing responses here, but based on your request I would strongly recommend you try to talk to someone on the phone and/or join one of our local face-to-face groups in addition to participating here.
The triage phone line is (773) 413-8213.
You can also fill out an online form and they will get in touch with you.
Joining a local group where you can gain support from real people will be a huge help to you. To be able to look people in the eye and hear them tell stories similar to your own will do so much for you.
Back to your post: It sounds like you have a lot on your plate without even considering your husband turning out to have hidden a same sex attraction from you for 26+ years. We get it. There are so many here like you. Some with fewer years invested and some with more. But you are 53 years young and you have a long and happy life in front of you. You just need to navigate this storm you are in at the moment. We can help you with this.
How are feeling? Has your husband cheated? How did you find out? What are your stresses and fears right now? Do your kids know - I assume not? Sounds like you are planning to wait a few years - what is your strategy? Have you thought about what boundaries you require in your relationship? Have you told any close family or friends who can act as your primary support group?
Lots of questions right?? I'm hoping to get you to start thinking and talking about these things. Sharing them is very therapeutic and you'll get some great advice and wisdom and compassion from our group when you talk about or ask about some of these specific topics.
Check out the first aid kit thread for some of the more general and common points of advice:
Let us know how we can help!
Hi shell shocked ,
So sorry you are here, but glad you found us. Mass and Phoenix gave you great advice. Definitely call the triage line. I left my GID (gay in denial) husband of 22 years (three years ago). I called the triage line and was connected to a wonderful woman, we spoke for at least an hour (she had been married about 35 years). It was an absolutely great connection for me and just so much support and validation. I wasn’t near any face to face groups (still not ).
You are at the start of a process. Phoenix’s questions are a good place to start processing. The fact that you are ready to find love again, good for you. When I walked out the door, I NEVER thought I would remarry. I just wanted well, you know , to feel like a real woman again as it had been far too many years (I was 47). I had never cheated and was “in it for life”.
One of the things the lady I spoke with encouraged me was, to yup go ahead and find myself and find happiness again. I won’t say every decicusion I made at that time was a smart one, but I dont regret any of it. I met my new husband by chance 8 months after I left XH. I was already divorced, quickest divorce ever, I just wanted OUT! New hubby and I both were never again kind of people (he had been terribly hurt by his ex wife), We’ll here we are, I just remarried two days before my 50th birthday.
There is a better life out there. Stay with us, read stories and share. If this just hit you out of the blue, you are probably like a forensic detective in your mind right now, trying to put all the pieces together. Don’t waste any time being mad at yourself for not “seeing it’ or figuring it out on your own. Your probably like most of us, you saw what HE wanted you to see. Blessings honey, we’re here for you.
Hi shellshocked. Welcome, and I’m sorry you find yourself here.
My daughter was older when I made the discovery. Like you, I opted to wait until after graduation to tell her, which was only a few months away (in her case, she was graduating from college). In your situation, with a 15 year old, I assume graduation is a good two and a half years off.
You know your own situation best, so I only offer my advice for your consideration.
I urge you to assume that you are the only grown up in the room. By all means bring your husband into the decision making process, but many of us have learned the hard way that our gay spouses put their own interests ahead of the kids, often claiming to be doing the opposite. Deciding when and how to tell your daughter should be your responsibility.
Two and a half years is a long time to keep a lie going. She herself may be wondering why things feel so wrong and so strained at home, and she may be connecting the dots in a way that blames you, or more likely, herself.
When I told my daughter, I learned for the first time that she had seen things from time to time that she couldn’t explain. She was hiding things from me to try and protect me, just as I was doing for her. Only one person benefited from that. She had seen texts on his phone, for example.
You are right to want to pick and choose the time and manner to tell her. Just be aware that the longer you wait, the more likely she is to stumble across the truth and you will have lost the chance to control the timing and minimize the shock and pain.
She may be in a lot of pain already, and prolonging this situation would just mean prolonging her pain.
It sounds like you have so much on your plate already, and I hope this message doesn’t add to your stress level, and in any event you don’t owe me an explanation. But, maybe wait a few months and think about where you stand. Carrying a burden like this is hard under the best of circumstances.
Thank you for your kind words in support. To clarify, the last couple years my daughter was suffering from depression and anxiety, using pot, stealing some money from us, and was hospitalized for suicide attempts (more a cry for help). She made it through high school with a 93 average but could not go to college and I found her a place that took insurance so she is at in Utah (we live in New England) to treat her (she was also diagnosed with borderline personality-she has 2 relatives with that diagnosis and also has 2 genes that predispose her to developing a mental illness.) On top of that we found out she was sexual abused when she was younger-the good news is she is talking to someone about it. It isn't her we are so worried about but her brother. He is at an age were he is very concerned about fitting in etc. and has been through so much. Our counselor and my husband and I agree that now isnt an ideal time. My husband is one of the nicest human beings out there. Caring, loving but gay. He thought he could always put that part of him away but acted on it last year and can not live a lie anymore. We are finding support through a few friends and trying to find groups. PFlag is one of them. It really helps hearing from you in this community. I am 53 but a young 53-I am fit, and enjoy life and hopefully wlll find someone to love. He understands if I want to date and is ok with an open marriage but both of us arent ready for that yet.
There is a Boston area group if you are in that area. Just use the contact page to get hooked up with it.
So glad your daughter is getting the help she needs. We are still seeking the correct placement for our son. We have a big meeting tomorrow with DCF. Hopefully we will get a resolution.
You know what is best for your son. Everything in YOUR own time.
Sending bright light and prayers.
Take Care of yourself!
MasONeil wrote:
..... Everything in YOUR own time.......
Take Care of yourself!
You said it Mas....
Shellshocked, I just re-read and realized when I was posting I'd mixed up and thought the 15-year-old was your daughter. My confusion! Sorry for that. So I was speaking about your son. I guess the point still stands, though, that two and a half years is a very long time to keep a lie going successfully.
I'm so sorry for what your kids have endured so far -- and it's good that you have an experienced counselor to help you work out the best way to talk to them about what's going on.
Last edited by walkbymyself (October 16, 2018 2:57 pm)
The reason you don't see men writing in is that the majority of men who decide they are trans are those who have a sexual paraphilia, autogynephilia, which affects only men. Most females who transition do so as teens or in their early 20s (there's an epidemic of young girls who are deciding they don't want to be female), and detransitioners (those who go back to their natal state of female) say that their reasons for transitioning to male included not liking the social role of women, feeling uncomfortable in it, and wanting to escape it.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (October 16, 2018 9:27 pm)