Thank you Daryl for confirming my thoughts on this. If one was to believe most men are into this behaviour for the mere thrill then I'll give up on all of them out of fear. I'm a very sexual straight female but just the mere thought of being with a man that is sexual with other men is repulsive and deflates any desire I'd have for him.
I may be a minority but WE as straights need confirmation that there are others like us out there that refuse to accomodate the confusion. To explain in further detail;
To the ones that are confused about their sexual orientation, I'm sorry about the problems they may face but I'll be damned if I should make it my problem to accomodate them.
Hi Penny,
I concur with OOHC and just want to add. Don’t give up on the thought of finding your own therapist. And yes, even though curiosity might be killing the cat, who cares what he talks about with his therapist. Just like he lies to you, or tells you half truths he will do the same to her.
P.S. I also used to binge watch Netflix to not be around HIM, couldn’t standbeing around the idiot pot head in the end. Stay strong keep fighting the good fight. Are youstill talking to your best friend , or is it too much for her?
4everdamaged wrote:
Hi Penny,
P.S. I also used to binge watch Netflix to not be around HIM, couldn’t standbeing around the idiot pot head in the end. Stay strong keep fighting the good fight. Are youstill talking to your best friend , or is it too much for her?
Thanks damaged - yes, Netflix became a major avoidance numbing behaviour for me. I still enjoy it but I have a different feel about it rather than the mindless binging. And yes, I’m still sharing with my friend. She keeps asking me - have you run it past Sean and the forum? Lol. She said she may not have been so sure about the GID aspect if it had only been gay porn(she’s known him now for 25 years and it was a shock to her. She would never have guessed it, unlike other examples of other people not being overly surprised) if I hadn’t provided a wider context for her.
Hi Penny,
I had been out of town. Just realized I missed page 5. You’re getting to the right mindset for sure . I had to get to the place that I just didn’t give a crap anymore what his specific problem was. Just didn’t matter, my life was not what I had signed up for and I didn’t have a husband in anything other then name only.
I’m glad you have your friend to talk to. Be prepared as you move forward for others to not believe you about him (if you choose to say anything at all). My con man had the world fooled. Everyone thought he was such an awesome guy. Hang in there, just keep focusing on you and the future.
Hi 4everdamaged, The con man I was "married to" also had all the world fooled. 18 years later, people who knew us as a couple still don't believe he was in the closet. And when I tell them he is now living in the south of France with a man, they quickly change the subject to the weather., probably because that is safer....
The fact these are all people who are still regular church attendees, really hurts me because it seems they don't believe in providing any emotional support to me.