My husband says he's trans. I knew he cross dressed before we married, 30 years ago. I didn't have a problem with it. But it kept escalating. He buys so many clothes. He has hundreds of outfits. He lied to me about his spending for years. Last year I discovered he had taken all the money out of our retirement. Is this part of being trans or is this something else?
soconfused wrote:
My husband says he's trans. I knew he cross dressed before we married, 30 years ago. I didn't have a problem with it. But it kept escalating. He buys so many clothes. He has hundreds of outfits. He lied to me about his spending for years. Last year I discovered he had taken all the money out of our retirement. Is this part of being trans or is this something else?
This is about being deceptive and dishonest, and not being upfront with the very person you should be honest with.
The 'trans' part of your situation is secondary in my opinion.
It felt like that to me, but I'm so new to all this I just don't know. When he talks to trans support he never mentions the lying or spending. He's not sure he's trans but he has started hormones anyway. He is afraid to dress in public. I am so confused. I can't get my head around this. My emotions are all over the place. I thought I knew him. How do I do this? I think we have to separate at the least, to protect my finances. I don't want to. What happened to our marriage?
Last edited by soconfused (August 27, 2018 4:08 pm)
Dear So Confused,
Several of us here have dealt with cross dressing/trans spouses, and what you describe, escalation and secrecy and deception, is part of the pattern.
Your spouse sounds like he might, like mine, be an autogynephile, or a man who who is sexually excited by the thought of himself as a woman, and who therefore dresses up to satisfy his urge to "feminize" himself. If you want to know more about this condition, you can look online for a free and downloadable copy of the psychologist Michael Bailey's book, "The Man Who Would Be Queen." You can also look for the website and writings of Anne Lawrence, a transperson and psychologist, who has written "Becoming What We Love." Other of Lawrence's writings are available there.
Protecting your finances is of paramount importance, and I suggest that you immediately move to protect them. Get your own bank account; transfer whatever you can to that account. And see a lawyer, to find out what your protection is under the law. You don't want to be held liable for his credit card debt.
I'm sorry you're experiencing this; I watched my stbx turn into something/someone I could barely recognize--the giddiness of the "pink fog," the escalation, etc. It's mindblowing.
Yes, it is utterly mind blowing! I'm so glad to hear somebody else understands. I'm not anti-trans, but when I see him dressed, it just feels gross. That confuses me too. How can I love and accept my LGBT+ friends as they are, no judgment, just friendship, and feel so grossed out when I see him? Is this secrecy and lying and spending part of being trans or is there another word for it? He says it's just him being his true self, but he's lied to me so much.
I will look up those books. Is there a way to do private messages? He reads this forum sometimes.
I'm sorry you had to go through this too. Are you ok now? I'm sorry if that's too personal. I want to hope I can be ok someday.
I did call legal aid today to get some legal help on the finances.
They haven't called back yet.
You're in the initial phase of "what the fuck happened!" But there are good people here who know exactly
what you're going through, with good advice to help you through it.
My situation is different to yours, and I am 18 months from my own "wtf!" moment but the need to protect myself
financially is something I eventually took on board.
One day after step at a time...and if you have somebody you feel you can confide in, who won't
break your so, because this is a hefty burden to carry alone.
soconfused - you can send private messages to other users. Just click on the Inbox button and look for the option to send a message to someone.
Why would your spouse come here to read unless it's to try to spot you posting here? If so I'd suggest being a bit vague on the personal details. Take care of yourself, small steps or big steps forward, they all count.
Hi - yes it is confusing - a lot of that turns out to be because of being lied to. Like I don't know if I'm trans but I'm going on the hormones anyway? come on. of course he knows what he's doing. Financially protecting yourself is so important. and your health.
feeling grossed out is totally normal, it's simply human nature, what you're feeling is a repulsion. This is because of being in a marital relationship to him. You see him dressed up, i.e. showing the truth of himself and you feel repulsed, i.e. don't want to have sex with him.
If you met him at a party for the first time and he was all dressed up as a woman you wouldn't want to form a marital relationship with him at all, doesn't mean you don't like him necessarily, it's not a gross out, you know you don't want to go to bed with him.
Right from the start it sounds to me like you got misled into thinking he was different to the way he actually is by the half-truth of him admitting to the dressing up but maybe making it sound like he was heterosexual anyway? Did you see him dressing up before marrying him?
Last edited by lily (August 27, 2018 8:10 pm)
So confused:
I am ok now. We are separated and divorcing. I initiated it. I have lived apart from him now for 7 months, 2 in a housesitting gig and 5 now in my own apartment. 35 years of marriage, and it was the hardest thing I've ever done to decide that I couldn't go on in it. My stbx, like your spouse, insisted that he was "too ashamed" to dress in public, but also insisted that I accept him 100% ("To the extent that you can enjoy me as a woman," he told me when he first disclosed he had decided he was transgendered, "we have a future together.")--yet he couldn't accept himself enough to own what he said was "merely an alternative sexuality that doesn't hurt anyone." He said that because he "couldn't pass" he would simply dress and act out in private, with me, while maintaining his public persona as the male/man he is. As if you or I or the grossly obese woman I work with has the choice of whether or not to go out into the world each day to avoid the kind of judgment women--especially old or fat women--are subject to. So I was the only one having to adjust or pay the costs of his decision: at home, I had to accept him as a woman; at work, I had to deal with being a woman in a man's world. And I was in his closet, for a year and a half before I told anyone and found the SSN. Telling someone you trust in your day to day life what you're going through is the single best thing you can do for yourself right now, so you aren't isolated. And posting here.
I don't know if it's a kind of temporary insanity or an intense narcissism that accompanies coming out; all I know is that my stbx became someone I didn't recognize (and I don't mean with respect to gender presentation!).
Private message me if you like. You might also search for threads that mention cross dressing or transness; you can also search by name--the posts of the woman who goes by "whatasham" were extremely helpful to me, and she, like you, has a spouse that has crossdressed for many years.
You will get through this.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (August 27, 2018 8:22 pm)