Hi there,
My husband of 30 years let me know last month that he needs/wants to explore another side of himself - with a man. I'm devastated and have spent much of the month crying, feeling bereft and profound loss and despair. We met young and have been best friends all of our lives. We have decided to live together in the same house- separate rooms for at least another year until our daughter goes to university. We remain respectful and kind toward one another - its' hard not to be. I am sure I will have more question for the network in due course but for now I wanted to ask whether it's ok to be kind to him, to care for him - I see he is struggling with this - he hasn't yet experienced anything physical with a man - except for a brief kiss - I believe him But he has joined a dating site and has been out for three coffees- none of these have gone anywhere - bizarrely, in caring for him, I find myself talking to him about them and supporting him in making sense of this new life. I feel this profound need to stay connected to him - please know that I am under no illusion that he will change his mind. I guess I am wondering if staying connected in this way, talking things through most nights, sharing a hug and care is ok ? or am I prolonging my own pain into the future. Thanks for any guidance
Welcome to the club that no one wanted to join. I think the best guidance I can give you is to be kind and caring to yourself and think about what you need now and going forward. If you are living in the same house but in separate bedrooms does your daughter know that you and your husband are having difficulties or is it being attributed to someone's health problems? Secrets are hard to keep and if he's on dating sites and meeting men in public places word may get back to her.
Are you considering remaining married but at least on his side having it open or are you biding your time to exit? It sounds like maybe the latter and if so you will want to build a support system beyond this board and stop having him as your confidant. You will continue to be parents so communication on that level will remain necessary but detach yourself emotionally and physically if you plan to build a life separate from his. Discourage him from sharing details of his dates too! When it's all over and you are divorced you may or may not be "friends". If he's out in the gay community he will have a busy social schedule so don't count on him sharing common interests with you. Begin now to work on developing your own friends. His struggle is not yours to nurture him through.
Welcome, Addie. Is it okay to care and support? Sure. Why not? We all process things differently and we all have different needs. If staying connected helps you accept this new lifestyle and helps you grieve your loss, then by all means stay connected. However, eventually that may change. It may get to a point where it just hurts too much or makes it difficult for you to move forward with your own life, and if that happens, you may have to rethink things.
You say you are under no illusion that he will change his mind, so I don't think you are prolonging your own recovery. In fact, talking things through the way you are could help you solidify the knowledge that your husband is gay.
Please know, though, that when he does make that emotional connection with another man you may feel differently, and it is okay for you to change the rules at that point if you need to.
Bottom line.... take care of your own heart. Do what you need to do in order to protect it.
Stay strong.
Thank you both for your responses,
I can't tell you how much they have helped - you both seemed to have a good gauge of how I am feeling.
In relation to StrongerThanIKnew, you might be right, I think staying connected does help to solidfy the knowledge that my husband is gay - I just couldn't express that in that way so thank you. And, I know it sounds daft but it was also good to hear that its ok for me to change the rules if/ when I need to - it's empowering to hear that.
In relation to Abby, again, thank you. We have told our daughter living at home (she's 18) and our son (20 who doesn't live at home). And whilst we are open with them both about how we're doing, we do try and keep it appropriate in not sharing all - I can't imagine them not knowing. As for whether we are planing on staying married - you know - I don;t know. We have laid a plan for the transition (about a year) informed in part by financial considerations and in part by our need not to rush so who knows - I don't know if anyone else manages to continue to live together whilst leading separate personal lives ? I guess I'll have to scour these posts for info on this. In the meantime, I think I might need to do a bit more of the emotional and physical distance on my part.
Thank you again.
Hi addie01,
Welcome to our group. I'm sorry for what you are going through right now. It's awful and nobody deserves this pain.
Great advice given so far.. Do what you feel comfortable with. If you feel better offering him compassion and care and helping him, then do that. If at some point you no longer feel better doing that, then stop. You don't owe him anything at all.
Since you are still undecided about your future, it's very hard to give you advice on whether your continued relationship is prolonging your healing. If you know already that you'll divorce and move apart, then I would say the sooner you do that, the sooner you will heal and move through the storm. But you might very well chose to remain in a mixed orientation / open marriage and if you do, the honesty he is giving you now and the care you are giving him now will go a long way to help you remain on good terms.
At this point I would give you the most generic and simple advice.. Be kind to yourself. Do what makes you feel best. If caring for him makes you feel good, then do it... for you! If that changes and it starts to be uncomfortable then change and do it for you. You don't owe him anything.. he didn't just accidentally discover out of the clear blue that he is interested in men. That's a secret he has kept from you and that is not kind and caring on his part.
Thank you phoenix,
It's good to acknowledge that a (significant) part of my motivation for being kind might have more to do with my own needs - makes me feel like I am making sound(ish) decisions despite what feels like a chaotic mind.
I also understand what you mean about the fact that 'I don't owe him anything' and that 'he didn't accidentally discover that he's interested in men' but having spent a few days dipping in and out of the posts on this forum, I see that it's always complex than first thought. Trusted friends ask me whether I had any idea - I loathe this question so I say 'no' so as to close the conversation but in my heart my response is complex. A decade ago I found male porn on his computer and confronted him - I was devastated and that same day he disclosed that he had been sexually abused by his brother twice when he was a young boy - and that he had buried this and not disclosed it for over 30 years and then only to me. From that moment, I wanted to care for him - as the victim of abuse - he sought and underwent counselling for that for a year - became estranged from his family and and together we healed - I helped to heal him. Subsequent reading (online) this past month has suggested to me that perhaps such trauma he experienced robbed him of his own natural sexuality - and now feels healed and able to explore. Either way, it's complex right ? And I suppose my natural inclination to care for him is also driven by this context.
Sorry - a lot to write and read about...
Abby wrote:
His struggle is not yours to nurture him through. one of the most important and defining statements. I am 18 months into my partner saying he wanted to explore his bisexual side. I wish I hadn't become so emotional & depressed about the way he changed the dynamic of our 32 year partnership....but that, I see now, was unavoidable, and the tears, recriminations & arguments are all part of the journey to get through to the other side. Don't expect your husband to be the one you depend on for answers, within your relationship of 2...start seeing yourself as the stronger 1, the person worth relying on. Let him make sense of his own life. And try not to carry all this inside yourself, you need a confidante. A doctor, counselor, good friend, family member. I see you've already told your children. I (alone) told mine too, but nobody talks about it to him, which now makes it a secret we're all keeping. It's a bit,,,stupid, crazy..
This is so new that your head will take a while to catch up. Then your heart will follow.
You're in the best place
Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (August 16, 2018 2:51 pm)
I had to finally realize when going through a three year separation and one year divorce after 30 years of marriage that.....Loyalty DID have an expiration date. I gave him loyalty through it all, none from him. So happy to be rid of him. I am happier than I have ever been. I used to feel lonely when I was with him,no more. Loving my aloneness.
Last edited by Sunflower (August 16, 2018 5:37 pm)
I meant to get a comment in this morning but I somehow lost the thread and thought you'd deleted your initial comment. I've been traveling all day, and now I see that others have weighed in, with some good advice and perspective.
I'd like to add one more. Think of me as "the wicked witch of the West" weighing in. I think your impulse to care for him is misplaced. You need to care for you, and caring for yourself by caring for him might indeed make you feel better, but it also might make you hurt later in the end. You seem to be extremely trusting--of his story, of his motivations, of his actions, of his intentions. But I worry that you are reading him through your own set of values and your character. Undoubtedly he's happy to have you keep caring for him; it eases his guilt over deceiving you and hurting you and continuing to benefit from your care and love. No doubt he's quite happy for you to want to be kind to him; what's the downside for him? He gets to go out and fuck men (because that's what "explore" really means, and I'd take what he tells you about his connections and dates with a grain of salt the size of Gibralter) while you stay at home knowing what he's up to and buck yourself up by saying you're caring for him and helping him. What I've seen on this forum is that when we're all reeling and hurt and desperate and in shock, facing the reality of what the disclosure or our discovery means for our marriage and our own future, we are desperate to remain relevant, and part of the way we can do this is by casting ourselves as "supportive" and "helpful." It's useful to consider how "supportive" and "helpful" our spouses have been in return. And it's necessary at some point to stop using our caring to support a partner who has withdrawn their love and affection and is looking to transfer it to someone else, and to care for and support ourselves.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (August 16, 2018 5:17 pm)
Wow OHC, so many times I have wanted to say what you just said! Sometimes you just need to put it out there.