My girlfriend and I broke up two month ago.She (20) and I (25M) had been dating for 2+ years. We both loved each other very much, and it was truly an amazing relationship for the first year and 9 months. She was head over heels in love with me, wrote me poems and journals and told me how I made her the happiest she's ever been and how I brought her out of her world of darkness (she's had a tragic childhood, sexual abuse and no parents). I did my best to make her feel confident, secure, and happy.
Our first year and a half of dating, our sex life was great. We could only see each other once or twice a week, and when we saw each other, everything was great. No complaints at all. Literally a fairy tale relationship. She told me she never wanted our relationship to end and I made her the happiest she's ever been.
But then she got a new job at an organic grocery store, and her first week there a lesbian girl (Nicole) asked her out. My girlfriend told me about this and told her that she had a boyfriend but she asked me if I had a problem with them just being friends, and I said of course not.Well, over the course of the next 5 months, my girlfriend started changing. She stopped making an effort to see me. She cut her hair which was down to her ass halfway down her back, dyed it from natural dark brown to dark red, got piercings, started smoking weed again, and became a vegan. These are all things influenced by or done to impress Nicole.
One day, my gf texted me and told me that Nicole offered to move in with her and help pay her rent as her work hours were cut in half and she could no longer afford to pay rent. I was not totally okay with this, but it happened anyway. There were nights when Nicole slept over before this that my gf never told me about. They slept in the same bed but my girlfriend justified it by saying these sleep with a pillow between them.. and that she had self control and nothing happened.
Then our sex life stopped. We'd see each other once a week and my girlfriend didn't want to have sex. This hurt me a lot and disappointed me a lot and my girlfriend could tell. The last month of our relationship, we saw each other for a total of 9 hours. She would blow me off with excuses about having to watch her grandpa and all this. She changed her phone password, took down all pictures of us in her apartment, would only use her phone when I left the room.I found the lesbian girl's instagram and saw pictures of my girlfriend on there with hearts and heart eyes. And I found my girlfriend's tumblr and every page and picture she has on there is all lesbian related.The day we broke up, I asked my girlfriend, "Is there something going with your roommate Nicole?", and my girlfriend said "No. I would never do that to you." But we still broke up because of the no sex and my girlfriend said she couldn't love me in all the ways I deserved.
A week later, her cousin invited me out to the bar and saw how hurt I was and he told me I'm taking this too personally as she doesn't like guys. She likes girls. This was just more confirmation of my suspicion. So I called my gf and told her and she said that she can't believe that I would believe him over her.
Since then, I've gone no contact except for when she texted me on my birthday two weeks ago. She told me that she hopes I'm doing well and that I deserve so much happiness and that's she always there for me and that I mean the world to her.
But if I mean the world to her, how could she do this to me? How could she straight up lie to someone who did everything he could for her? I can't know for sure but I'm almost entirely certain that she was cheating on me with this girl for the last month if not more.
Please help, it's the most hurtful experience I've ever been through.My gf also has no idea that I know her tumblr and the girl's instagram.
Last edited by forevermissingher (August 13, 2018 8:26 am)
Hi forever,
Welcome to our group. I'm sorry you've been hurt so badly. All of us here in this group know the feeling of being lied to and used, so I hope you find comfort in our shared experience.
It's just amazing to me to hear so many stories in which the gay or lesbian partner is so totally convincing. They are such amazing actors/actresses! They have us completely convinced they are in love with us and totally into us. Part of it is that they have been practicing since their early teen years, part of it is that they can still enjoy hetero sex in their 20's just because it's sex. Part of it is that we are living in the fog of new love and infatuation and "fairly tale" so we aren't looking for signs of trouble. Somehow between these things they completely fool us into thinking they are str8 and our perfect mate.
Give yourself time to recover. Love is an emotion that takes time to grow and time to die. You can't just "unlove" someone in a week or two. It takes a long time and distance. Eventually the pain you are feeling will diminish. Someday you'll remember her and it won't hurt anymore. Someday you'll find someone new and you'll find that fairy tale again.
Again, welcome to our group. I hope you stick around and share your feelings and heal with us.
Hello Forever - I think Phoenix said it all very well in his post. Take it all to heart. I am very sorry about your situation and was particularly struck by your "Forevermissingher" moniker. I think that what we miss forever about these people is the person we had come to think they were; not the person they are. I am much older than you, and was married for almost 30 years. I've been divorced from my gay former spouse for many years also, but I still "forever miss" the person I had once thought he was, the person I fell madly in love with and believed I was living a "fairy tale" with. Like Phoenix said, give yourself a lot of time and distance. Within that time and distance try to separate who you thought she was from who she really is. It is very, very hard to do that, especially in the initial stages of realization. Sadly it turns out that often times we are simply in love with an illusion and yes, that illusion can be forever missed. The real person however, can be "unmissed". Best of luck to you on your journey. It is a hard and difficult one, but no insurmountable.
Hey Forever,
The other guys have responded to your post very well... I just wanted to say I feel for you and wish you all the best.
Time will lessen the pain and you will find someone else when the time is right. Someone who can love you the way you deserve to be loved.
Thanks for making the effort to find this group.
Hello Again Forever - I just wanted to add that there used to be a young man (about 30 I think) who posted here while he was enduring the break up of his marriage to a lesbian. Not to minimize what he went through in any way, as it was as devastating as what any of us feel, but all in all of all the people I have seen on this board over the years, he seemed to move through all of this more quickly. I think it had to do with his youth (like you have), the relatively short duration of the relationship (it was a marriage, but not a long term one), and the fact that he actually had someone waiting at the door for him, when he was ready to date again (an old friend who had apparently always had a "thing" for him). I don't know how searchable the posts are on here, but he went simply by "Bob" if I can remember correctly. He also posted on the old forum. If you can find any of his old posts they might be helpful, as his situation was somewhat similar to yours. He has checked in every once in awhile (not for some time though I don't think) and he seemed to be doing just fine - had a new relationship and seemed to have put most of his troubles behind him. He reported being very happy now, so again, if you can locate any of his posts they might help.
Wondering89 wrote:
I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to go through and the pain your still in.
I feel from what you have said something sexual and a connection had happened months before your break up. It may of happened just before changes starting.
I know from being a woman most of my friends once interested in a man will start working out, tanning, more make up or whatever it is to impress the guy. But most of the time they were talking or started being sexually involved with the guy first.
I don’t know how anyone could lie or hurt a person they care for but it is a weird sort of a fake personality act on their part.
I strongly feel they are in a sexual relationship and she lying to you about it all.
I hope you heal soon.. there is so many young ladies who would love a guy like you. Your ex was very lucky to have you support, love and care for her but hopefully soon you can give that to someone who deserves and cherishes it and returns it back to you.
Take care
I suspect cheating was going on too for at least a month or two before we broke up. She's the last person in the world I would have suspected doing this. I found out yesterday that she is now living with the lesbian and a random guy at a house. This hurt me a lot knowing this. Almost 2 months since I've heard from her. And it still hurts every day.
Last edited by forevermissingher (August 27, 2018 8:46 am)
Recently I read an analogy of grief that I think applies well.
It's a box. Inside the box is a large ball. On one of the sides of the box is a pain button.
At first the ball bounces around inside the box and hits the button quite often and it hurts.
Over time the ball deflates in size. It hits the pain button less often, but when it does, it still hurts just as badly as before.
The end goal is to deflate the ball as small as possible. That takes time and distance.
It's OK to be sad but don't move in and live there. You'll come through this, just keep moving.