I just found out that my husband is gay. We have been together for 10 years, married 7 years and we have 3 children. Im traumatized. The day after he told me I couldn't speak and I was nauseous all day, I almost had an car accident because I was so not in touch with reality and I was zoning out all day and didn't remember the names of casual things like a chair or a table. Then after that I had this major relief and wanted to support him and I was so happy for him. I added him on Grindr and talked to him about hot gay men. I watched every gay movie I could get my hands on, to understand and to support him. Then I had this major flu and just slept for a few days. Now it has been a couple of weeks and Im just in this really strange state. It has been just up and down , constant crying and then this numbness. Sometimes I think Im dreaming, Im just waiting for some one to wake me up. Sometimes Im just happy because its over... because a part of me knew that something was going on but I never knew what it was. Im so terrified and Im so sad because we have been building this life together with the kids, a very beautiful family, and its all just falling a part. I really don't know what to do. I live far away from my friends and family because we recently moved to his hometown. The kids are very settled here now and are in school and have friends here and I don't want ruin their lives by moving away from here, but Im scared because I dont have any safety net here , now friends, no future , no one to talk to. Im also trying to set boundaries because my gay husband still wants to be intimate with me and he wants to keep this gay thing a secret from every one and take his time to "come out". Im stuck here with this secret , trying to keep everything toghether, acting like nothing is wrong and it is just killing me. He is feeling very awful because of me, feeling sorry for me, but he is also feeling very free because now he finally knows who he is. He even told me that he felt so free, that he could fly. I really want to support him in that area because I cant imagine how hard it must be for him, but I dont know if I can. I feel like my life is over. My whole life. While he is flying..Im dying. We havent told the kids. We havent told anyone. Im just thinking if this is fair to me and the kids and be living like this ? How much time should I give him to figure things out so he can be ready to tell people ? And is it possible for us to live together for a while after everybody knows because its not like either of us can go somewhere else right now..we are just not in that position financially. Is it good for the kids ? How to tell the kids ?
Im meeting a psychologist next week because I have to talk to someone and get some advice. I figured I could also have advices from this forum...You have been where I am right now, please help me
Hi Zepporah, sorry to hear what you are going through but welcome to the board. Many of us certainly can relate. Your life is not over, but it has changed in a very significant way now that you have truth. Silence hurts so I think the sooner you get to your psychologist meeting the better. If I could make a few comments and ask a few questions?
Who's thinking about your health and mind? It sounds like everything is about supporting your spouse but who's supporting you? Does your spouse have any concern over how this is affecting you?
Are you comfortable discussing 'hot gay guys' online? I think it's almost inevitable that the discussion will turn sexual. Because you can't compete with these guys you're sort of demeaning yourself and your role as a partner. You don't have to do this, especially if it's not healthy for you.
I noticed you moved to his hometown. Sometimes that is a form of control. By removing you from existing friends and family you have to rely on him and it limits your ability to just walk away.
I think most people here would say that kids are resilient, especially before they hit their teens. They will not have their lives ruined by moving somewhere else as long as they have a safe place called "home".
Your spouse now feels free because he finally knows who he is? I suspect he knew for a long time. Now because he's finally told you, this is the weight that is off his shoulders and now it's been placed on yours. He's compounded it by asking for your silence, again placing it all on you.
It's hard to say how much time you should give him but how much time do you give yourself? This is your life too. Some of us have spouses that never wanted to figure themselves out or be honest. Can you live together? Some people do that for a while, some become more like roommates. What's good for the kids? Well what isn't good for them is to witness one of their parents living joyless on a regular basis. It really sends the wrong message about what a marriage is supposed to be. You should tell them, age appropriately, before they start wondering what's wrong. They will want to ask where everything, including they are going, so make sure you have all that figured out first. And tell them together.
The up, down, happy and sad is the roller-coaster. It's pretty common and shows you're human with feelings. Hope some of this helps. We're here for you.
It is not uncommon in our shock and our love to want to support our partners in their coming out/expression of their newfound or newly owned sexuality. However, it's also not uncommon that we do this thinking that now that our spouses finally know who they are, own who they are, they will be finally be able to be good partners to us. Unfortunately, this is almost invariably a mirage. Instead, what happens is what you are experiencing--he's feeling "free" as a bird and thinking only of himself, while offloading onto you the all the costs and consequences. He wants to stay married and in the closet while enjoying his gayness on the side. Meanwhile, you are reeling and in shock, and being asked to isolate yourself by staying in his closet. This is the first indication that he is not now freed to be a real partner to you; it's an indication of how self centered and self involved he is. As Daryl says, he's not thinking of you; he's thinking of himself and what you can do for him, but you have no one thinking of you and how to support you.
Don't beat yourself up about your initial "here, I'll sign you up for Grnder," because all that is is an expression of your desire to keep your marriage. Many of us do similar things in the initial shock phase to try and control the situation and save our marriages.
It's a good sign that you are trying to draw some boundaries, especially around sex. You don't have a future together as a married couple, and the sooner you make that clear to him and start distancing yourself by protecting yourself emotionally the better. He may want to take his time to come out (isn't that convenient for him? And in the meantime he can rely on you to support him emotionally and the kids and maintain the fiction that he is straight.), but once he comes out, I assume he means to end your marriage.
Perhaps it would be good for you to act with that thought in mind: he's going to end the marriage, so what do I need to do? One thing you should do is to go to see a lawyer and find out your rights in a divorce. And as someone will no doubt tell you, you need to tell someone--a friend, a family member--so that YOU have some support.
Daryl. Thank you for your answer. When I read your questions I just cried. It is true, nobody is there to support me. Im not taking care of myself , my health and my wellbeing. You made me think. It has always been about him. His issues, his problems and I am the one who has always been there for him but not vice versa. I have isolated myself for many years. I'm of course not comfortable discussing hot gay guys., I don't know why I did that. I also tried to pleasure him sexually in a "gay" way. I think I have lost it completely...I mean who does that ? I think I have lost myself completely in our marriage and now I feel like Im loosing it for good. I have decided that Im not going to have any sexual contact with him anymore or any intimate contact what so ever. He cant be gay and still have me for a wife when ever he wishes. Im done
OutOfHisCloset. " He wants to stay married and in the closet while enjoying his gayness on the side. Meanwhile, you are reeling and in shock, and being asked to isolate yourself by staying in his closet. "
Wow....that is so true. This how I was thinking it..but you put it in words for me to better understand. That is just what he is doing right now. Thank you for your answer. I have to be strong now.
Definitely see a lawyer without him knowing it to find out about the laws where you are living now. It occurs to me that his moving the family to his home town could have been a way to position himself to seek custody if he came out and you two separated. Having his parents available to help out when you have no one around to help you could be his plan.
You are very perceptive to realize so quickly this marriage always has revolved around him and you've lost yourself in it. You will need to be strong now to keep from being sucked back into his orbit but it sounds if you are.
Be gentle with yourself and pat yourself on the back for each step you take forward.
Making you or anyone cry was never the intention and I hope my comments were more thought provoking than hurtful. God knows we've all had enough hurt.
"Who does that?" Well, I did. Don't beat yourself up over it. Focus on the next steps that you can take to protect yourself and to draw a zone of protection around you (not having sex with him is one of those; telling him to move out of the bedroom is another).
Keep writing. We're here for you.
Zepporah wrote:
I also tried to pleasure him sexually in a "gay" way. I think I have lost it completely...I mean who does that ?
I did it too. Its what a loving partner does when they are trying to please their mate. And we are scared, shocked, lost and still used to pleasing them and giving them what they want. You deserve better. Take care of yourself. Put yourself first.
I'm so sorry you're in our boat too! It certainly is hell I'm not going to sugarcoat it. I think you should be aware and concerned about your mental state and the shock you're in right now. It's totally devastating. You've just been hit by a bus. The best thing you can do is not to try and figure anything out right now. Just try and focus on taking care of you right now and getting through the day. I feel so awful for you. My kids are older and I didn't have to deal with them at the same time. Or maybe it's helpful to be busy and have something to take you away from the torture you're feeling. How far away is your family? Can you go stay with them awhile? You don't have to make any decisions about what to do even though it's all you'll think about. Answers will come in time. I cried for 125 days straight and didn't know how I could stay sane. But it's true what they say, you'll find your strength! This is a great place to be when your crumbling. It saved me. And it does get better I promise. OMG you poor thing. He moved you to his hometown and now this??? The intense anger you're going to feel will surprise you. Prepare for it. It's a roller coaster of tears and desperation one minute and in the next you just want to fu**ing pummel him. I cried, screamed and begged him not to leave me for months. I thought I needed him to survive. But I found such strength through all the help I got here. Everyone was soooo wonderful, caring and they got me through it. I learned so much and the advice was invaluable. Congrats on finding a therapist! That's a first step to healing. Big hugs coming your way!!
Last edited by Kathyd (July 28, 2018 4:23 am)