I’m so sorry you find yourself here Elisa, this is such a nightmare for you and your family.
You are only a couple of days in, it is so early and you have lots and lots of processing to do. You’re in shock, please be gentle with yourself. Reach out to a good friend if you can, someone who will be kind and listen.
As for him wanting to stay best friends and have shared interests I think that is a clear indication of his selfishness- that is not what you need and none of that will help you to heal and move forward.
Baby steps, look out for yourself first and keep posting here so these wonderful people can help you along.
He Intends to move out to live with, in his own words, "the man I love". The children and I have asked him to postpone this a couple of weeks. My daughter finds change difficult and asked him to help make this easier. She wants to feel more comfortable with him again before he goes. My son gave him an ultimatum and asked him not to go straight off to the new man but to help mend the damage a little first by facing up to his responsibilities and not running away. I tried to dissuade him from any fixed ultimatums but he is incredibly stubborn. He doesn't need to be here, but maybe go to his parents. We don't expect or want him to make a U turn, just to help us process this and negotiate a future where he can be a good dad. Then he can be freer to move on and carry a bit less guilt. We can accept his need to move on and to come out as gay and to end our marriage, but we are all so hurt by the manner he has done this.
Well, tonight he had agreed to come home and talk with us all. He then refused and told us by phone that he has already moved out and into the man's flat. He then went into a complete rant accusing me of trying to control and blackmail him, and said he would meet with me, but not the whole family together. He feels there are things that should not be said in front of the children(all adults). My kids are all wanting us to be together when we meet up. They feel there is more strength in our togetherness. I have nothing damaging to say, I am trying my best to make it possible for him to be their dad. They all heard him shouting and are incredibly shocked. He seems to be trying to pass blame on to me and I will not accept that.
He also phoned and spoke with our daughter who lives abroad and inappropriately started to describe his new flat and offered to send her photos of it and then wanted to tell her all about his new love. My daughter skyped us and was visibly shaken by this and in fits of tears.
I do not want him any longer as a husband and any friendship is looking doubtful now. I am becoming more concerned about finances. I don't believe anything he says now. I also fear for his mental health. I think that I am being emotionally stronger than he is. My kids will continue to love and respect me. He may not lose their love totally, but he has already lost their respect and soon that will not be recoverable. I don't see him being happy any time soon. I will be happy before he is I think because I can live happily with my own actions and decisions....he won't be able to do that unless he reaches out to his children and sees and hears them, and recognises their needs.
Feeling strangely a bit stronger. I will continue to love myself and my children.
Hi Elisa! First let me give you a big hug! I’m so sorry you found yourself here. This is a great group of people and everyone is so supportive,
I will never understand how these “men” can be such cowards and keep us around to hide their dirty little secrets.
Hug gratefully received. Thank you.
A coward is exactly what my son called his dad tonight.
A courageous man would have come out before starting a new gay relationship.
A courageous man would be willing to hear their children and shoulder their feelings.
A courageous man would be kind in the way that they leave
A courageous man would try to leave his family in the best possible state
My husband is not courageous. He is weak and selfish. That is not how I would have described him before he ran off into his new adventure. He is not the man I though he was, and that is what my children say too.
I will try to be the courageous one.
Hello Elisha, I quite understand your hurts.. just keep strong, please put yourself together and love yourself ultimately. You will be fine, it's a question of time as tough time don't last but tough people do!
Hey Wondering89... You are so right about the roller coaster...bad night sleep...too many thoughts in my head, questions spinning round, no answers to the I feel pathetic again, weepy, gloomy. I have to pick myself up somehow.
He knows that each action he takes is hurting us more. He is on full speed loved up teenage hormones and he just says that he needs to be selfish....since dumping this on us a few days ago he has not yet done one thing is all about him....we are a hindrance in his way, an obstacle to get by....I thought we were the centre of his life. I get that he is leaving the marriage, but he has left his kids too and his feeble attempts to communicate with them have all been taken as an act, a pre rehearsed speech with little real emotion, empathy or thought.
My son is drinking, hurting so munch inside, so angry I fear for him. I will have to be stong for him. So, now I am going to pick myself up...I will try driving the camper an which he always drives and I might just dye my hair purple.
OMG Elisa I feel for you I was where you were and my heart deeply goes out to you.
I feel your pain and send you a big hug xxoo yes roller coaster of emotions is what you will go through..
Taking your wedding ring off must have been hard and even harder when he came to you and told you he wanted to live with the other man OMG my husband so said that too...
Its ok to be mad and to grieve for what you had and you do lose your best friend but as time heals a new relationship will form but it does take time, it's only been 17 months for me and I still miss what I thought I had in a marriage... But yes take one day at a time till you are ready to be strong to take care you, as YOU are important in this life too....
Take care lovely and look after you.
Big hugs from Vee
Last edited by Vee (July 22, 2018 4:38 pm)
Big hug and kisses Elisa xoxo!
You will be fine! I know it!
Thanks for all your supportive messages.
It is the middle of the night here in the UK and I just cannot get to sleep. So I will give a bit of an update.
I feel generally quite proud of myself. I am coping, taking little steps, keeping busy, trying to make the tiny beginnings if a new future. I have put purple dye in my hair to show that I am not going to hide away and become invisible.
Of course I have my bad moments. Clearing out some of his things from the camper van, coming home at night to an empty house. Sometimes I just weep.
I have annoying moments, like when I can't mend my bicycle, or retune the TV. He is the one who is good at those practical things.
For now he is coming home after work for an hour or two, and spending some time with the family. I hope that we can get to a place where we can feel comfortable in the same room, He has listened to us as we have told him some of what we feel. I think he is trying to help us mend a little.
My son though is struggling. He is still so so bitter and angry. He is quietly seething. My daughters, on the other hand, are feeling relieved to still have him there for a few hours and they are communicating well with him. My son is angry with us too for being too easy on him, for not taking revenge.
I want to keep things amicable, in part, I admit, to ensure that he meets his responsibilities financially. I have been putting together a list of what I feel I am owed. We are to discuss this next week. Whatever he agrees to, I will make sure he agrees in writing.
I am lucky to have some lovely supportive friends who have been there for me. I also though have encountered one horrible, bullying, interfering creep of a man who gave me a horrid hug that felt invading, and then had the audacity to tell my children that I have been having absolute lie. He also told them some pathetic jokes about gay men which were completely inappropriate. Thus all happened last night at a community get together. I came home feeling very creeped out by this man and have since kept my door and Windows locked.
I will never take back my husband. I know that. I would always be waiting for the next time it would happen. I also realise that I have in some ways been set free and I am stronger than I thought.
There is a butterfly tethered with a thread to a pretty garden. The garden is nice and comfortable, familiar flowers and hedges. One day the thread us cut. The butterfly can fly when she us ready to. Outside of the garden lies a dark black foreboding forest, then a vast empty plain. Beyond that though there are green hills, fields of wild colourful flowers, snowy peaked mountains, gushing rivers and tidal sea, all wonderful, with wild beauty and promise.
If you don't know this man's name perhaps see if any of your friends know it and anthing more about him. Be sure to let them know though why you are wondering so they don't think that you are interested in him! I agree that he sounds creepy and in case there is anything in the future you will want to be able to give the police as much information as possible.