OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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June 20, 2018 9:28 pm  #1

Husband Came out Trans 2 YRS Into Marriage


I am new to this forum (and a lot of things...) so I hope I am posting in the correct place. 

I'm just going to spill it all because I am at my wit's end. 

My husband and I have been married for 4 years now, together 6. We lived together for 2 years before we got married. Six months into our relationship I found women's clothes in his dresser; a few pairs of panties and a slip. He told me that the dresser had belonged to his ex-wife and that he got it in the divorce and had just never cleaned the clothes out of it. I was hurt that he would keep his ex-wife's clothing but we worked through it and I accepted that explanation. Another thing I discovered was estrogen he was taking. I asked him about that, as well. His explanation was that he had a hormone imbalance that caused him to have low testosterone. He said that doctors had suggested he take testosterone but the effects that had on him physically and emotionally were very unpleasant so a doctor suggested the possibility that a low dose of estrogen would be beneficial. He also said that, in all honesty, he didn't necessarily identify with either gender and the best description for him would be intersex; however, presenting as male was not a problem for him and that is how he chose to live. 

I considered leaving him at that point but we got along so well together and we had already developed such deep feelings for each other that I concluded that in all honesty this information didn't change much, if anything, about our relationship. We continued on and it wasn't an issue any more. At least not for me... I accepted what I thought was his truth and I was satisfied that I was "with a man". We fell in love and in my mind it was like a fairy tale. 

I suppose at this point I should include the fact that I brought my daughter into this relationship as well. She was 8 when my husband and I first got together. I'd been a single mother since her birth. Father is not in the picture. 1 year into our marriage he adopted my daughter.

We were living in CA at the time of our marriage. Shortly after our marriage he was offered a very good job opportunity in TN. I didn't like the idea of moving to TN but chose to give him the opportunity to further his career and thought we could make a good start to our lives together there. 

After living in TN for 2 years and making no friends I was already feeling isolated and lonely but I was happy with my marriage. Our marriage was happy and I was happy in it. Then, seemingly out of the blue, my husband went into a deep depression. He was withdrawn, drank more, sad and quiet. I couldn't ever get it out of him what was going on. Finally, one day, via text, he told me that he is transgender. Not only that but he'd known for a very long time. Not only that but he had come out to his family during his previous marriage and his ex-wife knew as well. 

So... I've always considered myself an LGBTQ ally and I find no fault in his being transgender. Even if I can't bring myself to use the correct pronouns. What I cannot accept is the all out dishonesty. This wasn't something that he was coming to terms with. This was something he'd not only known about and accepted about himself many years prior to our relationship, this was something he had already come out to his family about. This was something he had already begun the transition process on. This was something he deliberately kept from me and lied to me about when I flat out asked him about it. I feel manipulated, lied to, taken advantage of, and stupid. Above all, I feel stupid. Well, maybe anger is top of the list and then stupid. It's a mixture of those two feelings right now. 

He had every opportunity to be honest with me. He had every opportunity to live his life as a woman and chose not to. He mixed me up in such a lie of a life and now I feel more alone than I did right after my daughter was born. I cannot believe that you could do something like this to a person you claim to love. It feels so emotionally abusive that I can't even look at him any more. 

The first year after he told me I was in denial and I didn't face it all. I was starting a new job at the time and I wanted to cling to the stability that my life had finally found after having been a struggling single mom for so many years. The idea of going back to that life was crippling. But he upped his hormone therapy. His breasts are larger than mine. He acts feminine and gets frustrated with me when I don't use female pronouns. Things have begun to come in the mail addressed to his female name and he's seeing a doctor about sexual reassignment surgery. Our communication is all but non existent at this point. He simply keeps things from me because he thinks it helps me. When in reality it just makes me feel abandoned. The first birthday I had after he told me I woke up alone because he had packed his bags and left to drive to Michigan to go to a pride event. I didn't understand what was going on until later that day he texted that he was almost to Michigan and acted like he had told me all along that he was going. 

All else aside I just feel like he's being a bad spouse. These aren't things you do to someone you claim to love and care about. 

Whenever I try to talk to him about my side of things and express how badly I am hurting he just says "I'm sorry". It's the most insincere apology I've ever received. It's quickly followed by "what do you want to do about it?". I just... I don't know what I want. 

I've been left behind while he pursues his happiness. A happiness I thought we had already found together. I feel abandoned and so alone. I feel trapped. I've never made enough to support my daughter and I on my own. She's adopted now, I love our home, I love the life I thought I was choosing for myself. At this point I want to leave because I no longer trust the person I married. I no longer believe they are on my side and love me for me. I no longer feel like we're a team. I feel like I've been given an impossible ultimatum. I feel like I have no choice that ends in my happiness. 

I've moved into our basement. My daughter is almost 16 and I've explained to her what's going on. I think sometimes I want to at least try to be on his side and go through the transition with him. I know the only reason he hasn't completely gone through with it is because of me. I think sometimes I'll stay with him and we'll just have an open relationship. I think sometimes what's the point? I think sometimes I'll just sell our home and leave and my daughter and I will go on. Most of the time I just think that no matter what I do I'll be unhappy. So... I sit alone in my basement apartment every night and I just try to make it to the next day. I don't hold out hope that he'll decide to take it back and give me the life I thought we had but I suppose that's what I'm asking for by keeping things in this limbo. I'm heart broken more than I've ever been in my entire life. I feel like such a failure. I feel like I've failed myself and my daughter. I feel guilty that I can't be the type of person he needs me to be.

He's taken a weight off his shoulders, placed it squarely on mine and just walked away.  


June 21, 2018 12:33 am  #2

Re: Husband Came out Trans 2 YRS Into Marriage

He is being a bad spouse. As you say, he knew but didn't tell and now he is selfishly going about with what he wants to pursue. You're not stupid, you were deceived. You have no reason to feel guilty as you were never given a choice.

It's normal to think there might be nothing to look forward to but that only happens if you let it. Your mind is already going through the options. Usually our biggest obstacle is fear of the unknown. On the other hand you also know what's ahead if you stay. There's nothing wrong with going day by day until you're ready to take a larger step.

It sounds like you have no one to confide in. I think that is something you should work on. If possible, look for a counselor. Also, according to the support group list on the main SSN site, there are groups in Knoxville, Memphis and Spring Hill (Nashville). If any of those are handy, try reaching out to SSN by phone or email.

You are not the only person here with a transgender spouse. I expect you will hear from a few. You can also search the posts for those types of keywords. The experiences of others may be very helpful to you.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

June 21, 2018 6:04 am  #3

Re: Husband Came out Trans 2 YRS Into Marriage

So much of your story is like mine, both in the deceptiveness and cowardly selfishness of your spouse, as well as in your reactions, which ping back and forth between "leave" and "support," "anger" and "guilt."  I stayed for three years after my stbx revealed to me, out of the blue, that he'd decided he was transgender.  I stayed for some of the same reasons you did--stability, fear of the financial consequences, a hope I knew was futile that he'd come to his senses or realize that we were supposed to be in a committed to each other marriage.  The fact is, these men are in committed relationships only with themselves and are committed to the woman they wish they could become (but never will, despite all the hormones and surgery in the world).  

I will say this about what you wrote: the life that you are saying you "thought" you had you never really had; what you had was a mirage and illusion, a Hollywood set your spouse erected as a false front.  So one thing you are going to have to do is to re-see that life you "loved" as something you aren't losing, because you never really had it; what you will be losing is the lie and years of being deceived and lied to.  You now have to ask yourself what choices you can make, what actions you can take, that will give you the best chance for happiness in the future. 

 The fact is your spouse, who keeps asking you "what do you want to do about it," is not going to do the right thing and divorce you, honorably. He's lied and deceived and manipulated you from the very beginning!  You're the one who is going to have to do it, and it's going to be one of the hardest things you've ever done.  But you cannot live in a basement mourning the mirage of a life you thought you had, knowing you will never again have even the semblance of what you now know to be a false life. 

You're in shock and reeling, and continuing to live in this abusive situation, in which he pursues what he wants--he left you on your birthday in favor of showing off his breasts in a pride parade!--is only going to tear you down further.  You aren't in it together.  You were never in it together.  You have only yourself and your daughter, and you are going to have to take care of the two of you, because the only person he cares about is himself.  Take that in and use it to power you forward.

Along with a therapist, you also need to consult a lawyer and see what you are entitled to in a divorce. Do not tell him you are going to do this. I know you don't want to do this, but do it to protect your daughter, because if your spouse is going to be getting SRS it's going to cost a LOT of money, and as his spouse, you're going to be on the hook legally for expenses.  I know you are worried about supporting yourself and your daughter, but he could destroy you financially, and he will act selfishly and as if he is entitled to spend the money on his transition.  

These men who expect us, their wives, to simply get with the program and offer unqualified support and domestic services and a model of femininity--and believe me, your spouse is creeping on both you and your 16 year old daughter in this way, so get her the hell away from him and his disorder!--while they do exactly what they want and never consider that we have feelings of our own that count make me so angry I could spit.  

If you wait for him to care about you, you'll die waiting.  That's the truth.  So you have to care about yourself, and act.  Running away to the basement is not going to solve the problem.  He will let you rot there before he will make one move of compassion or to repair the situation.  He has made it clear he will simply go on as he has, and your being in the basement will not motivate him for change.  Your being in the basement is no challenge to him, and plays right along with what he wants, which is to do what he wants without interference.  Know, however, that when you begin to push back or challenge him, he's going to get nasty and angry, because he WILL NOT have his trans pleasures challenged--wounded narcissism will come to the fore. (This is why I said to use stealth in seeing a lawyer.)  

Keep writing, and keep reading here.  

Last edited by OutofHisCloset (June 21, 2018 7:10 am)


June 21, 2018 8:26 am  #4

Re: Husband Came out Trans 2 YRS Into Marriage

Hang in there...use this site to help yourself.  You are not alone, my situation is different, but just as shitty, lonely, and just as deceitful.  That I think is the hardest~the lies and hiding and BS that they give to us.  I am sorry that you are hurting.  I am hurting too as are just about everyone here on this site.  Keep sharing, it helps me to get it all out.  I too have a 16 year old dtr at home (my other 2 girls are out of the home).  Somehow my dtr seems to be taking her anger out on me, not her father who lied to ALL of us...
Its sad but I have to believe that one day I will look back and say, thank God I caught him watching gay porn, otherwise I may have ended up living my whole life entwined in his lie!
My stbx was ALWAYS a pretty shitty husband...never had compliments or kind words for me or the girls, never was able to show me any physical affection (no kissing, hand holding, etc), rarely did we have sex~it was an on-going issue in our marriage for 25 years!!!  That is the part I have to let go: my guilt for staying in a marriage that didn't meet MY needs...
Today, there has to be something better for me...and YOU.


June 21, 2018 8:39 am  #5

Re: Husband Came out Trans 2 YRS Into Marriage

< deleted >

Last edited by Estella Oculus (February 11, 2019 4:31 pm)


June 21, 2018 11:05 am  #6

Re: Husband Came out Trans 2 YRS Into Marriage

HI Vivikkah,

I'm so sorry you're going through this.  You've gotten some very good advice from the above posters. I just want to add that going to a lawyer (secretly) can actually empower you. We tend to sit and try to think of a way out of our situation and see no way for it to work (financially most often). But the truth is that we don't really have all the information. Going to a lawyer will tell you what you can expect to receive per the state laws where you live. For instance, child support (which your daughter should still receive for another few years) here where I live in Illinois is a flat percentage of their income.  So it will give you some idea of what to expect once you know what that looks like.  Same with alimony - the lawyer should be able to give you some idea of what that looks like, too.  The consultation is typically free, and you can learn much from it. You can even build upon your knowledge; go to the first lawyer and get info.  Then go home and use that info to construct a scenario that gives you new questions. Then go to another lawyer and say, "I know I should expect X amount from child support and X amount from alimony per my research. Can I get child support beyond the age of 18 if my daughter is in school full-time?" Questions will naturally arise during the consultation, but they often arise afterwards too - especially after talking to others (like here) who give you other ideas.  Keep gleaning the information until you have a much more clear picture of what your life might look like moving forward.  NONE of that work means you've decided upon divorce. It means you're conducting research into your situation so you can make more educated decisions. And it'll help with the fear. The worst that can happen is that your fears are confirmed and you're no worse off than you were before finding the information out.

Prior to going to the lawyer, you can start by gathering financial information. Banking info, account balances, whose name is on what account, how much is still owed on your mortgage, outstanding loans, etc. It'll give you some homework that you can do while you're in the basement, and it can feel empowering to find out all the info in your life that you kind of left under a rock for so long.  It can be depressing, too.  But whatever your situation is, it already is.  Finding out the reality of it doesn't change that - it just gives you more info to make decisions and see your reality.

You will need to take your life by the reigns.  I know you don't like any of your options right now. I totally get that. But you likely also don't like the option that you're now living in. And choosing not to move out of that reality means that you ARE choosing it by not choosing another.  He is and has been lying to you all along. It cannot possibly be the best reality to decide to stay in that situation while he continues to walk all over you. If that's your choice, then fine - but if that's not your choice, then you will have to fling all the windows of your life open so that can see other choices. Yes, it may come down to choosing the least shitty one, and that's not encouraging.  We all get that.  But sometimes that's just the way it is.

I'm sorry you're hurting.  I wish you the best.  Keep stopping by.


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