OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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April 19, 2018 8:58 pm  #1

How did you tell your adult children

I'm within the first 4 weeks of learning about my GH.  
I told him we would need to divorce and we have told our 20 y/o daughter & 19 y/o son that we are splitting up. (They both still live at home). We have NOT told them that their father is gay.
When do we talk to them? How? Is it important for them to know right away?
He is not in any kind of relationship, he assures me. Has not had a homosexual experience, YET. So maybe the kids will give him more latitude? And can I throw him off a bridge? (jk, kinda - lol)
Any advice that y'all have learned from your experiences I would appreciate hearing.


April 20, 2018 8:33 am  #2

Re: How did you tell your adult children

Welcome jesijake, 

My kids were not grown when we told them, so I can't give you any advice from my own experience.  But, in general I think there are a few key points to make. 

I would talk to them together if possible.  Provided you trust that your spouse will be honest in what he presents during that discussion.  When - if possible, do it on a weekend so they have time to digest the info prior to the next work week.  I think it's important for them to find out sooner from you, rather than later by accident or after they notice that something is wrong.  I hear that kids can become resentful of you for not telling the truth and hiding the secret from them.  
I think it's true that the news will be much better received if he has not cheated on you and is not courting someone.  You can throw him off a metaphorical bridge by removing him from your life as quickly as possible.  Start thinking of him as your ex and don't worry so much about how your actions now might impact your relationship later.. because he will be a very minor player in your life.  It's a mental transition that is hard to make, but once you do, things get much easier. 

You'll get more responses soon from people who actually had adult kids to tell.. so I would take their advice over my own.  But hopefully my thoughts were helpful. 

Welcome to the group.  Please let us know how we can help.  


-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


April 20, 2018 1:00 pm  #3

Re: How did you tell your adult children

Jes I wouldn't worry about that at the moment of how from your end. If he's admitted he's gay then that's his problem to tell them first. You can start by letting them know HE has something to tell them when it's the right time for him...That gives him the option of how. All you have to do after is add details if they ask and be there for support. Sounds as if you are doing very well at the moment despite what you've been through.
I smell a mouse though with the story that he hasn't acted out on his desires and isn't in any relationships.
A good way to tell is go for a nice long walk with him on a high bridge and throw his cell phone over it.
If he dives for it (or makes too much of a fuss), then you know he's got some contacts waiting in the wings and was  lying. Btw those contacts will rear their ugly heads asap when he's out. Then you'll see a clearer picture. 
But hopefully he'll dive after the phone from the bridge and then you won't have to push. lol

Last edited by Scrupulous (April 20, 2018 1:03 pm)

Life is like phases of the moon.... We really only see it when it's beautiful, full and in our face. 

April 20, 2018 1:32 pm  #4

Re: How did you tell your adult children

About a year after my partner sent an email telling me he wanted to experiment with men, and dropping me into a world of confusion, pain
and wtf!...a year of couple's and individual counseling, many tears, arguments and grieving...it was reading a few articles online, learning that there are few face-to-face groups/resources where I live that I could safely trust to keep my confidence, mostly it was finding this forum that finally showed me that I could not go through this alone.
The first people, apart from the counselor, that I told were 2 of my adult children. One lives in the same city..I rang him before his day had started, told him I needed to speak with him NOW in person, then messaged my daughter who lives in another city and told her I needed to Skype with her
NOW. Son arrived as daughter and I were skyping...I sat him down, burst into tears and told them both what I was going through. We have a good relationship, always have. I felt they deserved to know.
I'm so glad I told them. And if I could give only one piece of advice I would tell you...confide in only the people who you know will have your back, and that sometimes you won't know people will have your back until you're willing to open up.

KIA KAHA                       

April 20, 2018 1:49 pm  #5

Re: How did you tell your adult children

Y’all are awesome.
Thanks for taking the time to share with me!

     Thread Starter

April 21, 2018 10:01 am  #6

Re: How did you tell your adult children

Mine are 23 and 25 and don’t live at home so it’s a bit different. One thing I insisted on was that he tell them. He did eventually but it was by letter.
Our son was amazing but our daughter has not said much at all. She’s sort of carrying on as if nothings happened? It difficult though because they are far away


April 23, 2018 12:28 pm  #7

Re: How did you tell your adult children

Scrupulous wrote:

I smell a mouse though with the story that he hasn't acted out on his desires and isn't in any relationships.

I'm smelling that same little mouse, all the way over here.

Sometimes it's easier for these guys to confess a tiny bit at a time, so they start with "I have these urges but I have never acted on them."  Seriously, ask yourself whether you'd throw away your marriage and your relationships with your children all for some urges you've managed to resist, successfully, for a couple of decades.  I'm not saying I can tell whether he's being truthful or not, but you don't need proof to a mathematical certainty -- you need a good working assumption.  I think the safer working assumption here is that he has acted on them, and can't admit this.

There's a very funny episode of "Friends" where they're all talking about the difference between what people say, and what they really mean.  Phoebe offers an example: "like when they say 'I think we should start seeing other people' what they mean is 'I already am.'"

You don't say how long you've been married, but with kids that age I'm assuming it's been a while.  

Each one of us in this group has a common story, but also a very unique story.  So you're going to get a wide range of responses to the question of how much to tell your kids.  I had an eventful weekend, and I'm going to update my own situation on a different thread ... but where I come out is that my daughter needs to know the truth, and it would be better for her to hear it directly from her father, but he'll stall and delay for an eternity so I gave him a deadline, and told him if he hasn't told her by then I'm going to do it myself.

There are factors at play in our family situation that may not be at play in yours, but in our case the issue is that without understanding the full story, there are too many events in my daughter's childhood that are left unexplained, and she will end up blaming herself, or blaming me, for things she doesn't fully understand because she never had all the facts.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

May 2, 2018 5:40 am  #8

Re: How did you tell your adult children

Thank you
He hasn’t told them anything yet. So his tension has caused more damage. He and our son had a huge fight yesterday. My son is so hurt and confused by my X and he doesn’t even know what his father is hiding from him. I’ve tried t be supportive, but to what end?
I’m just tired. And I know my kids are too.

     Thread Starter

May 2, 2018 6:44 am  #9

Re: How did you tell your adult children

  From what you say I take it you haven't told your kids that their father has something to tell them.  I think that's a good option here, because that allows you to have an honest relationship with them, and it puts the onus on him to tell them the truth about himself.  Of course, a man who has hidden in a marriage his whole adult life is unlikely to suddenly come clean to them now, and I'm betting he would like to go on hiding as long as it's convenient for him.  The trouble with this is that once he's out and living the gay life, he may either tell them, or they'll find out.  At that point, they turn to you and ask, "Did you know?  Why didn't you tell us?" 
   You can already see that your son is hurting and confused, and perhaps it might be helpful to think about where your loyalty lies now.  It's not with your husband or keeping his secret for him.  It's with your children.  Once you divorce, your husband will cease to be a part of your life and cease to have any hold on you (except insofar as he is your children's father).  The lasting relationships that you will have going forward are going to be with your children.  
   I think of the ending of a marriage in the same way I do about a person's death and the survivors' grief: when people die, the circumstances surrounding that death are important to the quality of their grief, and it's important for others to know the circumstances so they can relate to the bereaved in the most helpful and caring way.  Losing a loved one to sudden violent circumstances--murder, suicide, a car accident, death in war--is different from losing someone after a long drawn-out illness (or a sudden one).  Knowing the specfic circumstances helps us in relating to the grieving.  If your marriage ends because of cheating, or because your spouse has deceived you about his/her sexuality, it's different than if a marriage ends because two people "grew apart."  People in your life are going to relate to you quite differently if they know that your ex was a closeted gay man than if they think you just "grew apart." And that goes double for your kids.  You may worry that the truth will "affect" their relationship with their father, but that's a displacement--it's not the telling of the reality but the reality itself that is the real issue. 

Last edited by OutofHisCloset (May 2, 2018 6:51 am)


May 2, 2018 2:08 pm  #10

Re: How did you tell your adult children

OutofHisCloset wrote:

Jes,....People in your life are going to relate to you quite differently if they know that your ex was a closeted gay man than if they think you just "grew apart." And that goes double for your kids.  You may worry that the truth will "affect" their relationship with their father, but that's a displacement--it's not the telling of the reality but the reality itself that is the real issue....


This is a good post. One of the hardest things I had to do was tell my children about their father. But it was killing me to keep it inside me,,,,that the father they looked up to (and still do though in a different light) had changed. 

The secrets my partner kept from me....won't be a secret I kept from them, because I know secrets kept from people you love..change the relationship you have with them forever

KIA KAHA                       

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