You talked about struggling to detach.. one minute you can't let her leave, then next minute you are completely relieved when she is gone. This is very normal.
It takes time for love to leave. It's the stickiest of emotions. If you really loved her you can't possibly kill your love for her overnight. It just takes time. Give yourself time.
You are BOTH also dealing with fear. Change in life is scary. You are both losing something. You are losing love. She is losing security. You are losing much more because she is excited about her future while yours in unknown. But the point is.. you are both dealing with fear. That's why you see her waffling a little bit.
She is dealing with shame. She is causing your pain. She knows in her heart that she lied to you, stole years of your life, and is now hurting you more than anyone else could possibly hurt you. That makes her very ashamed. Her guilt makes her want to help you. Her shame makes it impossible for her to see you in such pain. She can't be around you while you are crying. It burns her.
I encourage you to start thinking of her as your son's mother and your ex-wife. You are still tied to her emotionally and you consider how your actions today will impact your relationship in the future.. and you consider that relationship to be how it is today. But it won't be. In a few months to years she will be a very minor character in your life. She is the mother of your child and most likely the only interactions with her will be logistics for parental visits and decision making. You aren't going to care about her emotions. The sooner you get to that point, the better you off you will be and the more quickly you will heal.
Thanks for the support. So much of all our situations suck. But at least today is a numb day, and I’m good with that. I’m trying to find the motivation to hit the gym again, but that’s not been really successful. Work has been crazy, especially since I suck at concentrating right now. My wife is having a hard time with depression over her therapist crush. That still ticks me off. Told her it stills feels bad and weird to know that our separation is just a step to divorce. To which she replied that I know how to get here to stay; agreeing to the open marriage stuff. There is part of me that wishes I could but then I know I’d be the third wheel and eventually she’d leave anyways. Or I’d be completely miserable with the situation. Not even mentioning what my religious convictions about that. Nothing against anyone who has that situation, but I cannot go against everything I believe.
She has starting buying things for her new house and is storing them in our closet so our son doesn’t see them. I asked her today to take them over there to her friend’s house. It’s just a little too hard to see all that stuff every time I need clothes. So she’s agreed to do that.
We talked with the church counselor and we are going to tell our son about this before school is out. Granted it’ll only be with a couple of weeks left though. I’m still worried how he’s going to deal with it.
I also told the counselor that I would like to continue to come to talk. I know she’s not going with me anymore, but I don’t have a big circle of friends. My buddy that I’ve been friends with since elementary school is leaving for a job overseas. So trying to keep the emotion thing in check. I’m very much the quiet and deal with my own crap kinda guy. But even I know this is a bit much.
Third wheel indeed. Not what you or anyone should have to live with.
This past weekend, we told our parents about the separation/divorce plans. We did not tell them the specifics of why it’s happening(TGT). My wife asked me to until everything is finalized before that part is told. I disagree but went along with it. My parents were obviously upset, but honestly took it better than I thought they would. Hers did not. Her mom went from blaming me for not wanting to put up with my wife’s mental issues any longer, to blaming it on our son (not sure how she thinks that), to my wife being possessed by the devil. That’s in less than half an hour. Her mom and her’s relationship is a bit strained right now anyways. This has caused it to worsen and we haven’t even got to the real reason of why it’s happening.
I’m trying to do the suggestions that have been posted. I got a punching bag and got my old weight bench out to do some exercises. I worked on some stuff in my workshop. I was on call for work this weekend, so that helped a bit too. We have something family related for the next four weekends, so it’s going to be weird and awkward. Feeling more numb lately, but I know I’ve put on at least 10lbs stress eating. So got to start eating better and actually use the punching bag and weight bench. It’ll be easier (I think) once spring feels like spring and not winter part 2. I have some outside stuff I need to work on around the house. Plus still planning on a mini-vacation with my son while she’s moving out.
She was upset over her mom and her new therapist visit earlier today. She seen the old therapist that she has the crush on and that caused her to be a mess again. While we were talking she said that she is sad that she’s losing her best friend in this. I told her it feels less like losing and more like getting rid of. I’m honestly over rehashing a different variation of the same conversation. I’m trying to distance my self somewhat from her emotionally. I don’t like it and I wish it could all go back like before, but I don’t think it ever will.
I know she has some anxiety and depression issues. Her old therapist and new one are in the same office. She’s been seeing a therapist for a few months. She had a nervous breakdown a few years back, but she’s been doing better (or so I thought) until the doctor incident. She says most of it is due to hiding the gay thing. She decided tonight that she is going to talk to her mom and tell her everything this week. We’ll see how that goes. I would rather have that conversation out of the way and not have that hanging out waiting.
I had quit soft drinks back during summer last year, but has really picked back up over the last couple months. I hate coffee and I have needed caffeine to make an attempt at work. So have to work to kick the Mountain Dew again. I built my workshop a couple of years ago. I do some small woodworking stuff in there or just tinker with things. It’s my man cave. TV to watch a game or usually a Netflix cartoon cause little man hangs out while I’m in there.
None, not even a clue. She never mentioned anything of the sort. I knew a couple of the guys she dated before me. She told me that she had prayed for a guy just like me. We knew 3 dates in that we were going to get married. We finished the 2 year community colleges that we were in and got married. We had some rough times, but that never came up. I knew she didn’t care for sex that much, but I just thought that was somewhat normal. It was frustrating at times, but the rest of our marriage was pretty good, especially after the first couple of years. She told me about the guys she liked in movies and made comments that were quite the opposite of what she says now about TGT. So I had no idea she had feelings for women in the past until all this came out. Now she says that she “just doesn’t like d—k”. Yeah, completely by surprise.
She tells me she has not been with anyone outside our marriage. I believe her for now. She has not given me a reason not to believe her. She has joined some meetup groups online and wants to go to their events to meet new friends. Says she doesn’t want to get into a relationship right now, but that’s not what I was worried about. She’s almost like a horny teenager it seems at times and wants to know how that is with a woman. But she tells me nothing will happen until papers are signed. I want to believe that, but i’ll be honest and say I have doubts about it once she is with new friends.
As far as other people, there are 4 people that know the whole story and one of those is the church counselor. I don’t talk about it everyday to the others. I read a lot on here and trying to get it out here. I know eventually I’m going to have to deal with it here at home once people start finding out, so trying to figure out how to do that. I’m going to find a connection group/Sunday School class to join at church. So hopefully will start to make some new friends there.
We did decide to tell our son before school is out, but still waiting until after his birthday. We did write out some of the things we’ve agreed on. At least things are amicable right now and hopefully will continue to be.
Southerndad, I hate to come up with an armchair diagnosis, but your description of your wife makes it sound like there's a radical personality change here -- more than just a gay person struggling with her orientation. Your description of her sudden surge of sexual behavior reminded me of an incident in a book that came out a long time ago -- "Hilary and Jackie" -- an autobiographical account written by the sister of a very famous cellist who died young of MS. One of the symptoms, early on before she was diagnosed, was this kind of really powerful sexual acting-out. I don't mean to suggest your wife might have this, but there could be a medical condition or some form of mental illness here, because her personality change sounds so extreme and dramatic. I'm just putting that out there in case there may be another explanation.
So, what a summer. I went away for a while trying to work on some stuff. My wife decided in early May that she wanted to work on things and stay together as a family. She said that she felt convicted that she should keep her wedding vows and not tear our family apart. I was happy that we were going to try to work on things. We ended up buying a camper (which I have wanted to do and was looking at even when she was planning on leaving) and staying at the beach. Our son was happy that she had decided to stay and we were at the beach. We ended up going three times actually, once just by ourselves. I had fun with my son, but it was hard with this thing hanging over us. Each trip had it's own issues and led to the last one being our last family vacation together. Things came to light on the vacations when would talk. Two of those stand out to me. The first one was about the time she had a breakdown a few years back. She was completely unresponsive to anything all of the sudden. Couldn't get her to move, nothing. She had been extremely sick and I was worried she was having a stroke or something. Called an ambulance and eventually the said nothing was wrong. They thought it was a nervous breakdown and she ended up in a hospital for a few days. The whole thing freaked me the crap out cause I thought she was dying. Well, found out on vacation that it was just act. She was tired of doctors not listening to her and that was the only way she thought to get help. She faked the whole episode. Then brings up things that I have done and says for me not to act so angry about it. That I had also lied about things in our marriage and shouldn't act like I'd never done anything wrong. I'm not perfect and I've made mistakes along the way, but I never let her think I was dying. But ok, lets move on since that was years ago. She begins talking about being a Lesbian, but living celibate. I assumed since we were in counseling and she was telling me that she hoped that some day we would have a sex life together, that meant celibate as it pertains to women. Come to find out, she means celibate all the way. We had a big fight because she didn't understand why was having a hard time with that, which was 15 min after she explained it. Finally, she is hounding me about it and wants an answer. So I thought that saving our marriage would worth it, and told her that I was ok with it but that I would always hope that it would change. Four days (yeah, four days), she tells me that she can't live that way. That she wants to be free to have relationships with women. She's crying and upset while she's telling me this. She says she doesn't want me to hate her and that she hopes we can still be friends through this. I don't hate her, but she's crushed my heart. At this point, I've turned off most of the emotion. I know that I'll have to deal with this mess at some point, but right now it's time to push through it. Paperwork is being drawn up by my lawyer. She's got a full-time job now and plans on moving out first to middle of next month. At that point, we have to tell our son (again). Nothing has changed as far as his living arrangements. He will live with me and she will see him ever other weekend. He jokingly asked about us moving to the beach, which is something I have always wanted to do. She told me I should do that, but I know that her visits would stop eventually. I feel like I would be taking that relationship away from him, but when I mentioned this to her she didn't seem that upset. She says she loves him, but that spending time with him is difficult because of how active he is. He totally all boy (noun..noise with dirt on). It just makes me sad because I really think whether we move or not, eventually she won't be in his life. So, that's the short version catch up. Thanks for listening to me vent.
There are times that I’m completely pissed off. I mean she lied to me for over 17 years about this. It makes me question everything in our life together. I know we had some good times, but it makes me wonder if that was just in my head and she was just tolerating it or putting on an act. I always thought I was a pretty good at reading people, but now I’m not sure. She’s being doing some mindfulness stuff and telling me how good her relationship with God is now. And all that has me even more confused. I really wanted it to work out, but I wanted my wife back. Apparently she wasn’t real and that hurts so much. At this point there is more of me that is just ready for her to be out of the house and this divorce stuff to be over. I know it’s going to bother my son when she is gone though and I dread him having to go through it. So, no I’m not ok right now, but I will be.