For me, it is All about the lying. I want truth, honesty. I beg my husband to be truthful. I want him to be truthful, honest, to tell the truth, all of it, I want him to own it and take responsibility for it. That would help me heal more than anything else is just the Truth. And I am never never going to get it.
Every story , every talk is a new version. If there was a chance of saving this marriage, it would be for him to tell me the truth, all of it. Whether he admits he is gay, he is bisexual, how many encounters he has had, I just want the truth. At this point if he told me is was gay or bisexual, I could handle it, I could then determine if we could save our marriage or not. I could possibly live with a gay/bisexual man who was truthful. We could talk things out but I can't live with a dishonest man, who is more worried about his "image" than giving his wife what she needs more than anything else.......the truth.
I was so thankful that my H has found a counselor. I told him please just tell her the truth be honest with her. The only way he can benefit from counseling is him telling the truth. So I had a glimmer of hope maybe this will help. He told me he told her about his betrayal and trust issues, I asked him if he told her about his sexual encounter with a man and contracting hepatitis B, he told he had , BUT then in our conversation last night, he told me he hasn't told her, yet about being with a man but that he intends to. He did not even remember his previous lie to me that he already told me that he told her about being with a man. I just shut down......I try to hold onto hope, and he just shatters it.
He told me I confuse him, that he can't remember everything he told me, really? If you speak the truth you don't need a good memory. My head is spinning from all his stories, his contradictions, his gas lighting . At times, I think he truly believes he own lies.
I envy those of you, whose spouse did come out to you, I know it is still painful. But I believe I could handle the truth. I am just so tired of all the horseshit.....I need to put my boots on and go get a shovel.
He won’t change Cindys, this talking in circles will go on forever. Most of us don’t get the admission, we just have to say that what we see is what is real, not the crap they feed us. None of us deserve the gaslighting and circular conversations, they drive us insane.
Going into this marriage were you the kind of person to say that you could put up with being married to a gay man? Or has he succeeded in wearing you down that far.
Last edited by Duped (April 9, 2018 1:25 pm)
Hi Cindys,
You sound just like me, except 9 years ago. In fact, my favorite word throughout all of this was "horseshit". Because that's what this is.
All I wanted was the truth, no matter what it was. It's what we all want. But I think some of us more than others need it to really get closure and put an end to the ugly chapter. I'm one of those people - I can't just proceed without knowing all the facts. I'm an investigator at heart. I love to know "why". We went through three counselors and I asked over and over just for whatever the truth was. But here I am, 9 or 10 years after discovery, 7 years after separation and 5 years after divorce, and yet I still know nothing. He is still dating women. He is still 100% denying.
The trick is distance. The more distance and no contact you can put in between yourself the faster you will move on in your mind and the less you will care. The less you will want to know why, and the less you will want to try to take the "truth" and see if you can work with it to save your marriage. idk how or why it happened but one day I just didn't care anymore. And there were stages of it. One day I didn't care enough to stay anymore and I moved out. One day I didn't care enough to keep holding on to that divorce agreement and I filed it and finalized it. And then one day, after years of being divorced I woke up and realized I didn't care anymore that he kept the big house with the pool and all that BS. I just didn't care. That was freeing. But the trick is to start now. The sooner you get out of it the sooner you can heal.
I know that you've posted this here before so I apologize for asking for the same details but I forget - why is it you need more proof or truth if you already know he's been with a man and has hepatitis? That's a pretty big hurdle to get over and forgive.
I wish you luck on your journey - but please know that until you accept that he will never tell you the whole truth, you will not be able to move on. I fought people on this site tooth and nail about that. I told them if he would only be truthful with me it could all be different. In the end, they were right. They knew better from the years of experience that I was yet to have. But I still had to have it before I believed it. How I wish I had saved five more years and just taken a leap of faith and gotten the hell out sooner. truth.
>Still Wondering:
He is still dating women. He is still 100% denying.
Exactly. Women are the denial 'Womb' that they return to over and over again. (While they continue to have sex with men.) It doesn't change.
1. I know how hard it is to accept that the person we were closest to and spent most of our lives living with was/is a fraud.
2. Normal people who are gay do not use other people like our spouses did/do
1. Not in their head...they are doing what is the norm and what for most want in normal society. Reread some of Seans post. They do out of denial.
2. Those who are out usually don't. It may take years to come to this conclusion for them.
But for most that are in denial...they will drag others along the way through their own personal mud.
From my/others personal experience, opinion, research and I could go on and on....
To me there is only one difference between=
1. A Gay MAN (out that is)
2. A Bi-sexual Man (maybe out, maybe not) and a
3. A "straight man" who sometimes has sex other 'men'
It's this (and only a theory but one I think you can take to the bank..)
> The gay Man is finally out and open to the world and admits that, "After a long journey, they have finally reached their destination."
The other two are right behind him.
Yet at different levels in the road...They will get there.
They ALWAYS do.
I'll post more on this later but the bottom line is..They are gay or will get there in time.
It's hopeless for women that are in these relationships since the "Ship" has sunk and they crossed the line.
There's no saving them.
Or us as long as we are tied to them.
Last edited by Scrupulous (April 9, 2018 6:30 pm)
Thank you all so much for responding to me. I appreciate your truth and honesty. I still feel I am in the "pathetic" stage.......I am still in denial.....and I love him. I keep telling myself I deserve better than this, and then the self doubt comes in, "maybe this is as good as it gets for me?'
But, I do have my rational mind, and at 63 years old, I want to benefit from your words of wisdom, I don't want to waste time, I refuse to remain "in limbo." So I see my counselor tomorrow, and I am praying thru counseling I will get my answers.
Always, cindy
I think my ex came out to me only because he had found a man with whom he was head-over-heels in love. My ex wanted an emotional connection with a man and I think for him the sexual connection was secondary. For those whose spouses just want hookups and with multiple anonymous partners there may never be an admission because there is no emotional connection. Falling in love shakes the truth out of the first category but the truth for the second only comes out when they get caught literally with their pants down - arrested for indecent exposure or as a corpse when they were set up for robbery and it went awry.
There was a period in my marriage when I repeatedly asked God why my husband was so cold to me. One day as I was driving to work asking this as-yet-unanswered question a truck passed me with the bumper sticker "SHIT HAPPENS". I took that as His answer: I did not need to know the why but only to recognize it for what it was.
What do you do when you are out walking and are confronted with a pile of shit? You don't worry about its origins but you make sure you don't step into it (engagement). You walk around it (avoidance) and you keep an eye out for more (awareness). You do these same three things over and over as you continue on your way.
To add to that revelation some twenty years later, at some point you may decide that keeping your head down watching for shit is distracting you from what you set out to see on your walk and conclude that you are walking in a dog park. At that point you may head off to a garden where dogs aren't allowed.
I hope I haven't too badly offended dog lovers and the devout and that maybe it will help someone else find clarity.
Me too...although I clear up my dog mess so anyone can walk near me and not have to put up with any shit ;-) unlike these crappy men.
But cleaning up after your dog still fits the analogy. My dog (and his mess) is my responsibility, so I clean up after him. Do I enjoy it? No, of course not. It is not a pleasant task, but it would be wrong to leave it for someone else to either clean up or step in, so I do it. I'd like to think that I do the same with my own crap. (Because let's be honest. I have got my fair share of it.) The difference is, like my dog's, I handle it. I try very hard not to have it affect others and certainly don't make anyone else clean it up. My STBX (trans MtF) is leaving crap and chaos in his wake, and I am the one having to clean it up while he goes merrily along his load lightened.
Stay Strong.
Exactly Abby. Who cares where the shit starts?
But because we are caring women that want to fix everything and love them, we look for answers of hope.
I just want to know where I'm walking to avoid the shit again.
Becauses he's a shit. LOL