My wife and I have been going through counseling for a few months now. She said that she was harassed by a male doctor about 8 months ago. She didn’t tell me until a couple of months later. During most of those two months, she was hyper aroused. In just over 17 years of being married, we were more intimate in those two months than we had ever been consistently. To be honest, it was great. I have known that she has never been that into sex, but she said that she felt God had answered her prayers about that part of her life. I knew that it would probably slow down some, but I was really happy about the change. We’ve had rough patches in our life, every couple does, but I thought we had really turned a corner and things had been good for a good long while now. Her health was better and then all of the sudden our intimate life was better than ever. Life was good.And then the wheels started wobbling. Sometime in November she told me about the doctor business. How at first, she was numb about it and then was turned on that a man would risk his professional reputation for her. Then she was really upset and started having paranoia and anxiety about it. We started going to a therapist and then she started going by herself. Earlier this year, she told me that she was asexual/sapiosexual. That it was the doctor’s passion and intelligence that turned her on. Then is came out that she was thinking of him or others during that two months of our crazy sex life. That’s a difficult pill to swallow. But okay, we can still deal with this. I just need to figure out how get that intelligence thing kicking for her. I’m not a rocket scientist, but I do some computer programming so I’m no dummy either.Then stuff started flying off. March of this year has been hell. I don’t use that term lightly either. Our pastor at church often talks about people having to fight hell by the acre. I thought I understood that, but this month taught me I didn’t. She told me at first that she thought she was a narcissist and had no feelings toward me or our son. Then she said that’s not completely true, but it’s just she had cut off that emotional side of her. Okay, again, things we can work on. And then the wheels all flew off. She told me that she had had feelings for women in the past but that nothing had ever happened. That she had run from those feeling and situations that would have potentially put our marriage in danger. I believe her and still do. I have no evidence to even hint that she’s not honest about that. Temptation is not sin. Giving in to the temptation and following through the act, that’s sin. Still, things we can deal with. It would be difficult and there would be hard times, but this is my wife. This is the woman I love with my whole heart and promised I would love and care for until death do us part. I don’t take those things lightly. I’m not perfect and sure I’ve let her down. But I have never been with another and don’t want to be with another.So somewhere around March 17th, she tells me that she had run from this her whole life. That she needs someone who is intelligent and that she can have an emotional bond with so that she can be complete. That she needs to be with a woman. That she has always wanted to be with a woman, but thought it was something that she could overcome. She did what she was supposed to do and married a man. She said that she pushed those desires down and that has been what has caused her anxiety and depression for all these years. She wanted to work through these feelings and try to save our marriage. Then a few days later, I thought things were getting better. We had sex and she was very much into it, until the end. After words she told me that she was imagining being with a woman. That sex with me very much felt, and always had felt, like a violation. The next day she said that she wanted a separation and then divorce. I was willing to do just about anything to save our marriage. She said that she would like to try an open marriage or at least allow her to be with a woman. I told her I can’t do that. That was too far for me. First of all, I don’t want another woman. Second, I can’t give my blessing for her to go 1) commit adultery and 2) commit it with a woman. Finally, I can’t do the open marriage thing because I’m a Christian. I can’t tell my son that he should do what the Word says except when things get tough and he thinks he knows better. That’s not the example that I want him to follow. Plus, I don’t think I can handle the thought of her with someone else in our house/bed.I have told three people and none our of families. Our son’s birthday is next month, so we are waiting on that to be over before we tell them. We haven’t told him yet either. He’ll be seven next month. He’s mainly going to stay with me for now since her work schedule is so early and school is so close to our house now. I can’t imagine how he is going to deal with this. We waiting until school is out to tell him so that he’s not dealing with that and school. She’s moving out the next week after school ends. Her friend (maid of honor at our wedding) has two houses due to her parents recent death and was glad to let her move into one. She gets upset and hurt that I’m not as excited for her and this new chapter of her life. She says that I need to see that she sacrificed so much of herself for us. I’m grateful she’s never cheated on me (cause I think it would be a different circumstance and would have packed her stuff for her) but all I can see is this gigantic lie that she sold me. She told me she loved me as a friend in a platonic sense and that I was her best friend. She says nothing has changed but this one thing about her. But I tell her its a big thing to change. I feel like I’m losing my best friend and she doesn’t really even care. That she planted a bomb in our life and then she ran away while it exploded. I do want her to be happy, but I really do wish she could be happy with me and our family. She says she wants me to be happy and find someone who will complete me to which I reply that I did. I still pray that God would open her eyes to what she’s doing. She’s tearing our family apart. I know that we’ll always be family, but not like we were. She says she’s not going to see any one for while and that she needs to work on her right now. She wants to get to where she is “complete”. I told her that I didn’t think God designed us that way. That He made Eve for Adam to be his companion. I then told her that she was that for me. Areas I’m strong in, she is not. The ones where I am weak in, she is stronger. We were one in that way. I feel like she ripped that apart and I’m left with half a puzzle. I feel the guy in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom who has his heart ripped out while it’s still beating. Except its not some weird dude doing, it’s her. I go a lot between being numb, overwhelming sadness, and being angry. I tell her is baby Groot size anger. But if you’ve seen Guardians of Galaxy 2, then you know at the end baby Groot kicks some butt when he’s on a rampage. The numb stuff isn’t so bad, but the sadness is rough. I can feel bitterness seeping in too, but I’m trying to not let that start. I know that won’t end well for anyone. I have ADD, so between that and this I’m having a real hard time concentrating on work. I went to my favorite baseball team’s game the other day and couldn’t really enjoy it because of this. This whole situation sucks. It’s worse than anything I’ve ever had to deal with. And I don’t see it ending or getting better any time soon.Sorry about the long, rambling post, but I had to get it out. I just don’t know what else to do at this point.
Last edited by southerndad (April 6, 2018 12:32 pm)
Hi Southerndad - so glad you found us.
Do you know what sticks out to me, out of all those sentences you wrote? One main thing: "She gets upset and hurt that I’m not as excited for her and this new chapter of her life. She says that I need to see that she sacrificed so much of herself for us".
That right there is manipulation at it's finest. Mainly the second sentence. She lied, she manipulated, she's leaving you...but she's upset with you because you can't see how much she has done for you. How much SHE has done for you by forcing herself to lie to you all these years.
One common thread you'll notice on this site is that many of the gay in denial spouses will use tactics like this to make you question yourself. Well, maybe she's right? Maybe I didn't do all I could. Maybe I should try harder. Maybe if I'm nicer, funnier, more intelligent, more in shape.....all crap. There is nothing you could have done. Write down those words that she said to you and any time you start to feel yourself question letting her come back you need to read those words. "She says that I need to see that she sacrificed so much of herself for us". And you need to think to yourself: would any sane person tell this to another human being as they are walking out of their husband and child's life? It would be one thing if she were talking about a true sacrifice. But she's talking about the sacrifice of lying to you for 'your' benefit all these years and how hard it was for her. She's delusional. For most of the women here, we find that it's that the husbands will be exceptionally good at making us believe we didn't see things. And once time passes it's so easy to question: did I really see that website with naked men on my computer? No, that couldn't have been right. With the men on this site it's usually more along the lines of what you're seeing. Either way - just like I tell the women to take screen shots of all the pictures they find so they don't question themselves later, I'm telling you to write all of this down or reference this post any time you start questioning yourself and whether this relationship can or should be repaired.
Another common thread you'll find here is that unfortunately, 98% of these spouses do not up and move out until they have a reason to. You don't throw away the safety and security of your home and all you have and move out into a friend's house unless and until you have a damn good reason. That reason is usually a new romance or at the very least, someone they are trying to get into the pants of. It's not always the case but many times we find this out much later.
Hang in there. Come back, read often, ask questions, and vent. I found that the more I vented, the better I felt.
So sorry you find yourself here.
SW that is exactly the part that jumped out at me too...”she gets upset that I’m not excited...” so she blew your life apart and is upset that you’re not EXCITED for her?? What the actual fu*k. I’m sorry Southerndad but that right there is the craziness you’re now up against. There are a few other husbands of lesbians here who will help you out. They’re a kind supportive group, as are the wives here.
Last edited by Lynne (October 3, 2020 6:53 pm)
Brother... You have no idea how incredibly similar out situations are. I could have written nearly every word of your post. In fact I probably have in my own thread. The one difference is that my ex actually waited until she found a woman to fall in love with and then left me for her. So if there is any small silver lining, it is that your wife (hopefully) hasn't cheated on you.
I'm just amazed by the alignment of our beliefs and stories. It's amazing.
You are going to get through this. I can tell from the way you write that you are strong and steady and you'll be fine. It's just going to be some painful times. Draw closer to God and your church family for support. Seek medical help if you feel depression or panic attacks or lack of sleep, eating, etc.. Keep sharing here. We can get you through this.
When you have 3 posts you can start using private messages.. feel free to message me if you want to talk.
God Bless my friend.
Its messed up that I really want to defend her when I see the replies that she is manipulating me. I really want to believe that she’s not doing that. And when I think she might be doing that, I really get angry. She’s going to pretty much walk away debt free except for a car payment. But I’m kinda ok with that because I’m going to have essentially primary custody of our son. I’ll be able to keep the house and hopefully keep his environment somewhat stable. I think that’s the right thing to do, but I don’t know what I’m thinking half the time. This mess just has me all jacked up. I will talk to her tomorrow about telling our son earlier. I think he knows something is up anyway. He’s been having accidents in his pants which he’s not done unless he was sick. I hate that this is happening right here close to his birthday. I don’t want him to associate the two.
Tonight she was really upset. She told her therapist about the fact she had a crush on her. Obviously that’s a potential problem for the therapist. The therapist is married, so she knew that nothing would happen even if she wanted it to, but she wanted to be truthful with the therapist. Due to the therapist’s group policies, my wife is going to be transferred to another therapist. She is extremely upset and knows logically that makes sense. But she said her heart is hurting. She spent most of the night crying. I really hate to see her in pain, but she’s cried more over this than us. Honestly, it ticks me off a bit and makes me really sad. I’m just ready for the suck part of this to be done.
Thanks for the help and advice.
You have to be age appropriate in your explanation but I think most kids get stressed over the unknown. Will I still live here, go to the same school, keep my friends? Since you will have the primary custody, how often will he see his mom? You might even want to let his teacher know there are some changes coming at home. Try to tell him together, if you can, and be ready for the "why?" questions. "Why can't mommy still live here?" and so on.
It sucks but at the moment you're pretty much the only adult in the room as your spouse is sounding more like an infatuated teenager. Try to channel the anger into moving forward or find your 'zen place' where you can let the stress dissipate.
Well, that was a rough weekend. She was pretty miserable all weekend long over the therapist change. She knows the crush was all in her head, but said her heart is broken. I did tell her that it ticked me off that she cried for almost 3 days over something made up in her head vs how she's handled the destruction of our marriage. She said she sees me no different than she did before, her best friend. That hurts so bad. We're still working on timing of telling our families and how much we're going to tell them. I personally just want it out and done with. We had originally talked about just telling them about the separation only and then later on giving them the details. I know my parents are going to be on me about doing what ever I can to fix this until they know I can't fix it. I would give anything if I could fix it. We went to store because we needed some stuff and she also started buying some stuff with her money for the new place. That really sucked.
I thought it was a good thing that we had kinda backed down to a separation to start, but really just feels like we're kidding ourselves. With the buying of new stuff, deciding what will be split here at home, and just the way that she talks about our marriage as if it is a thing in the past makes me feel like she's already gone. She started to tell me today that she's staying right now because she cares for me and can see I'm hurting. I called her on it and said the only reason she's still here is because of our son. I told her that if he wasn't in the picture she would have packed and left already which she admitted was probably true. The open marriage conversation came back up this weekend too. I know that's just going to be her going out and finding someone. She even said that she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't find someone and leave anyways. There's no way I can do that, even if I could sweep my convictions about it under a rug. That thought and fear of she's going to leave would be constant.
As it now my emotions are crazy, I'm very much laid back, go with the flow. This has me bouncing so hard between extremes. I went back to gym for the first time in a while (knee issues). It felt good, but I got so angry. By the time I left, I was good and ticked off. Then I got home and was blubbering again. It just hurts so bad. I also don't like my emotions out running around. I like them in a stuff sack. Nicely contained and where they're supposed to be.
We're still discussing the timing about telling our son. I've brought up the advice I got on this thread. We're at least waiting until after his birthday. I really feel like he needs to have a somewhat normal birthday before this mess.
Thanks for the advice and a place to get this out. I know from reading others' posts on here that things will eventually get better. I believe that too, though some days it's easier to believe it than others. I still have faith that God could fix all of this, but He gives all free will and He's not going to force her to stay. And if she doesn't, then I know He can take this bad situation and make it turn out good. Again, some days easier to believe it than other days.
So, today has been a bad day. Yesterday I was ok, but the wheels fell off this morning. Yesterday I told her that we needed different Apple IDs and needed her own login to the computer. I have been seeing her writings and websites that she’s been going to and I really don’t want to know anymore. I do, but I don’t. So we did that and I was fine. She went out with her friend that’s letting my wife move in her old house. She came home happy and what I called giddy about her future life without me. That carried over until this morning. She texted me about something she wanted from the house to take with her. I fell apart. Then I had so much anger pop out and I ended up tossing one of the toys and I left a divot in the wall. It instantly snapped me back that I can’t do that crap. I got that feeling of so much pain when she came home. It really just hurts and no one to talk to here because we haven’t told hardly anyone. We still have at least a month left before we do. Between our son’s birthday and mother’s day, it be sometime in the middle of May. Which puts this somewhere around my birthday(yay!). I told her I didn’t want to be here when she moves her stuff, so my son and I are going to go somewhere for a mini vacation. Think we’ll both need it by then. I so prefer numb to this today.
southerndad wrote:
As it now my emotions are crazy, I'm very much laid back, go with the flow. This has me bouncing so hard between extremes. I went back to gym for the first time in a while (knee issues). It felt good, but I got so angry. By the time I left, I was good and ticked off. Then I got home and was blubbering again. It just hurts so bad. I also don't like my emotions out running around. I like them in a stuff sack. Nicely contained and where they're supposed to be.
I want to challenge you on this. (In a supportive way of course).
Did you know that men have a 4x higher likelihood of suicide than women? We are told by society that a "real man" is like Jack Palance or John Wayne.. the stoic, silent cowboy.. the rock who never shows emotion unless it's to be romantic. We are expected to keep our emotions in check and not let them out. We feel awkward and uncomfortable if we show emotions to others. The only people I ever felt comfortable shedding a tear around was my parents and my ex-wife. We use the phrase "cry on your shoulder" with friends, but we never actually do it. The only emotion we are expected and allowed to share is anger. This is a problem.
I want to challenge you to allow yourself to feel and outlet those emotions. If you feel like crying.. even in the car in the grocery store parking lot.. do it! Let that emotion out.. That is healthy. You need to know that it's OK to not be OK. If you need help, admit it and get help. A real man is in touch with his emotions and isn't scared to show his emotions. A real man allows his emotions to flow so that he can heal from them. The one emotion that needs to be harnessed is anger. That one can and should be allowed to flow as well, but it needs to be harnessed and directed. Use the anger to motivate you. Outlet that anger in a healthy manner.. get a punching bag to exercise with. Use it to motivate workouts or to motivate you to get things done around the house.
Let me re-state this.. I'm offering you this as encouragement. Not trying to criticize you. I want you to heal as quickly and completely as possible.