Treat yourself kindly and take care of yourself - you will need good nutrition, plenty of sleep, and to have an outlet with good friends and loved ones. You will need to be with others who can make you laugh, and those with whom you feel free to cry and let out all the pain and confusion.
Make a list of things you'll need to do to move on. If you don't have your own individual bank account, that's a great place to start. Each thing you do will bring more confidence and momentum. Until you've walked yourself right out of the gay forest, step-by-step, without realizing how many steps you'd taken until afterwards.
Best to you -
I cant believe he thinks he will be so excited to show off his vagina after surgery. Has he seen the videos of these surgeries? He is going to be in a world of pain. And his "vagina" will not look anything like he expects. The healing process is brutal. I cant believe anyone would go through it. Its absolute insanity to me. Im sorry he is even saying such hurtful things to you. You deserve better.
Tyurk, yeah. I can't believe he wants to do that too....if he ever has the surgery. Those fake vaginas are just inverted penises and are quite scary. I have heard of them growing hair balls inside of them because part of the scrotum is used to make the inner labia and 'vaginal' canal and the patient didn't get ALL of their public hair removed before surgery. Then there's the whole 'keeping it dialated' which they have to do everyday. Sounds like a fun time, huh? NOT!!
BUT according to the TG's, they function just like a regular vagina! I'm like WTF? No they don't. It's impossible for them to cause um, they aren't made of vaginal tissue!! Hello, wackadoodles! Welcome to the real world! You can't turn penile tissue into vaginal tissue!
"Neo [read: pseudo] vagina": a semblance of the form, none of the function, and completely out of context. A vagina is more than a "front hole," as some transactivists want to refer to it; a vagina is made for more than intercourse; and it comes accompanied by a cervix, a uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the ability to make female hormones and a baby--and gestate it.
Yet somehow transwomen can shout down real women and insist "transwomen are women." It would be laughable if they weren't making inroads.
OOHC: Exactly. I am so glad I am not alone in thinking this.
And MtTG do quite a bit of yelling regarding this They do a lot of yelling at and silencing of anyone who won't go along with their fantasy/delusion. I'm not sure who they are trying to convince they are 'women' when it's so obvious that they aren't and never will be women. It's mental illness as far as I am concerned.