All Aboard the Crazy Train!!
OMFG! The shit that comes out of his mouth is so utterly unbelievable that I want to vomit.
Last night, we ended up having a discussion, as he calls it. Sorry, DUDE, but that wasn't a discussion. It was him yelling at me and telling me that I don't understand him and what he is going through.
Well, at least he got one thing right! I don't understand most of the shit that spews from his head these days. First thing he says is that he now 'cringes when I touch him' because I refuse to acknowledge he is a woman and he can't 'stand his penis'. He got part of that right. I don't acknowledge he is a woman because he is not a woman. He shouldn't be allowed to ever get to use that word to describe himself. It's insulting to me and every other woman out there.
Anyway, that lead into me asking him why does he 'pee like a man standing up then if he hates his penis so much and he's such a lady?' I mean, if you are going to emulate something, you gotta give it 100%. If you are going to pretend to be a lady, you need to do everything like a lady would, right? He had no answer.
Later on, he was spouting off some bullshit about how sad he is that he didn't get to experience the magic and joy of blossoming like a girl in puberty and he's so jealous that I got to go through that at 12. It's one of the few things he was really enjoying about his hormones and he's sooo looking forward to that in the future. Seriously, like going through puberty was some super fun time filled with rainbows, unicorns, magical bras and lace underpants was such an amazing time! Oh, yay!! Menstration and boys snapping your bra or trying to grab your boobs all the time cause now you have them and everyone sees them!! AND there is the added bonus of the ability to get pregnant so you had to be careful about boys...ALL THE TIME! Oh it was so much FUN! Ugh, not really. I hated that shit!!! He is so fucking delusional it's unbelievable! OH and then there was the whole bathroom deal. Yeah. He's one of those.
I was in a mood last night so I asked him if he would use the unisex or family one if there was one available in the future (since at this point the only future here is him leaving to go pretend to be her and me, here alone and doing my happy thing like I used to) and he yelled NO at me because he is a woman and once he is living full time as one, he will have every right to use the woman's restroom because he IS one and everyone will have to accept him as one even if he doesn't pass and he gets made or riduculed or has security called on him. If they don't, well then he said he's going to get in their faces and sue anyone and everyone who doesn't acknowledge him as a woman.
I rolled my eyes at that one which made him even more angry. He said that he will show anyone and everyone his 'vagina' once he has surgery to make him into a genetic woman. I don't think he truly understands genetics (BIO 101: Genetics are in your cells, dipshit and you can't change them!!) My god, he really is stupid and unbelievable. What in the fu*! was I thinking when I said yes to this insanity?
Anyway... I swear that I couldn't help myself and I said, "You mean fake vagina?" and man did he blow up even more. He told me that when I say stuff like that, I'm insulting and demeaning him because when he has the surgery and passes, he WILL BE a woman and no one will ever be allowed to question that. All that matters is what's inside. His feminine side and the fact that because he 'feels like a woman, he is one'. I was like, oh really, then why do you need the pantyhose and high heels and make up then? Why do you need to surgically alter your body if all that matters is what's on the inside? Explain that? His contradictions are dizzying.
At that point, he started to tell me I am a horrible person for not recognizing him as a woman. He said I had body dysmorphia because I don't always like my body because I am overweight and that I should understand. At that point, I gave up talking to him and just let him wail on about how horrible his life is in a male body. The failure of our relationship is my fault because I don't believe a word he says. Oh no, this failure could never be his fault. It's my fault because I was ok with him and his stupid transshit before we got together, but now he realizes that I am (and people like me) are the reason men, I mean, trans like him have so many problems in the world. It's MY fault that trans people are killing themselves and yadda yadda yadda.....Truth bomb: Trans people have problems in the world because they are mentally ill and refuse to live in the real world.
Reality check number 1 (cause I like reality): I didn't care about his transition when we got together because it didn't affect me. When we got together I was very clear about my needs and I straight up told him I wanted to be with a man. I was transparent about my needs and desires. He said he could do that and wanted to be my man.
But now...oh he can't be that man. He won't be that man. He HAS to transition because there are no other options or ways for dealing with gender dysphoria. According to him, he's tried so many things to cope with his gender dysphoria and live as a man, but he just can't... Truth bomb here: He's lying. He's never gone to therapy more than a few times in his entire life and the ONLY reason he went was to get a doctor to give him the diagnosis of gender dysphoria and transgender so he could get on hormones. He is so full of shit it's unbelievable!!!..
And what do I see? I see a mentally ill man who refuses to get help for not just his gender dysphoria and autogynephilia, but a heap of other mental illnesses such as depression, oppositional defiance disorder, anger management, a touch of narcissism complete with low self-esteem and self-worth and self harming behavior.
And get this: I don't have a problem with trans people. I feel sorry for them cause they are so psychologically unstable it's scary. And they aren't safe to be around because they are still men inside. Men who want to bend reality and force everyone to agree with them..or else.
OMG! Will someone please help me off of this crazy train? (rhetorical question) I am going to have to do something about this situation very soon because to be honest, I am pretty physically scared of him right now. He has a history of blowing up and breaking stuff because he doesn't know how to deal with his anger. I'd like to say I trust that he'd never harm me, but I thought that about a few ex's and ended up in the hospital just one too many times (one time was too many).
Thank god he's an OTR truck driver and will be gone again soon so he'll be on the road again for 3 weeks. I cannot wait!! He's been home for a week instead of his normal 3 days cause he got into trouble at work last week and had a mental break down in the truck so they sent him home to figure his shit out. He was supposed to go see a counselor for it. Of course he didn't cause he's not the one with the issues. It's everyone else that has the issues. WE are the problem. Not him. I swear, sometimes when I am talking to him, he says the exact same shit that my younger brother with a drug addiction says when you try to talk to him about his drug problem. Drugs or pantyhose, they both say exactly the same shit!!
And he can't leave me because he loves me. I'm not believing that bullshit either. Truth is, he can't leave right now because he has no where to go and I own a nice house. Well, he's going to have to leave. I can't tolerate this abuse any more. I refuse to be dragged any further down into this pit of insanity and attacked for not agreeing with him or acknowledging he is a woman...cause he's not and never will be.
Sigh. Man it feels good getting that off of my chest. Thank you all for listening. I swear, this shit will be over sooner rather than later. How, I have no idea, but I'm really clever and resourceful and I do not have to ride the crazy train anymore.
Last edited by Nomorelies (March 20, 2018 10:31 am)
Last edited by Lynne (February 3, 2019 2:02 pm)
Last edited by Lynne (February 3, 2019 12:41 pm)
Thanks, Lynne. I hope my experience does help any other woman (or man) who is dealing with a relationship like this.
And he will be leaving soon...very soon. I've reached peak trans and I am not dealing with this bullshit anymore. I'm 2 weeks away from my launch which will make enough money for 3 months of expenses, I will be giving him the boot. Which ones should I use? My girly high heel boots or my kick ass motorcycle riding boots? Hmm....decisions, decisions! Ha ha...
Last edited by Nomorelies (March 20, 2018 10:35 am)
Wow, that account was very eye opening. I have such sympathy for those of you who are struggling with trans issues. It must be so difficult and confusing.
Nomorelies wrote:
It was him yelling at me and telling me that I don't understand him and what he is going through.
I love this line of bullshit. I was watching "Hoarders" last night, and the guy was yelling this to his own mother about how can't she just PRETEND to understand his way of thinking? And the mother was like, "You want me to PRETEND? What good is THAT?" And then he's like, "No - I you're not understanding how this works in MY mind!", and his mom had to leave because she couldn't deal with it. They were trying to throw away a broken picture frame from a hoard of crap, and he wanted to keep it. And all I could think was, "THIS is the result of how YOUR mind works. You don't like the result. But you won't let anyone else try to expose you to something more normal and healthy? It's up to everyone else to come to the understanding of why you're not normal or healthy, but you want help but won't let them help you? Riiiiiiight." And that's exactly what I thought of today when I read that statement from your husband, too. Of COURSE you don't understand what he's going through - how COULD you? If you could, that would mean YOU were f*cked up, too!
Nomorelies wrote:
Later on, he was spouting off some bullshit about how sad he is that he didn't get to experience the magic and joy of blossoming like a girl in puberty and he's so jealous that I got to go through that at 12.
GOD. You know what I remember about "blossoming?" That it wasn't anything like blossoming at ALL. It was more like an out-of-control freight train. My boobs grew so fast and so big that I had blood-red/purple stretch marks all over my breasts, and worried that I'd ever be good enough for someone to love. I never even had stretchmarks that bad when I was preggers with a 10 lb. baby later in life. My boobs itched constantly because the skin was stretching too fast. I couldn't stay in the same size bra long enough for it to fit before I needed the next size up (we're talking I went from an AA to a DD in one year). I suddenly smelled all the time. The girls in gym class didn't like that I was wearing a bra (which I didn't WANT to, but my parents forced me to). So they took the opportunity to tease me, as if I were wearing a bra for no good reason - that I was "faking it", even though it was obvious I wasn't. I had periods that were so painful that they sidelined me for days every time I had them. That lasted until I got on birth control pills just to help control the problem. I grew from 5'2" to 5'9" in one year, too - my legs ached, I was constantly needing new shoes (and my family couldn't afford that), and bigger pants. It was a nightmare. I had zits all over my face, greasy hair. Blossoming indeed. What a romantic view of morphing into another entire person. It's NOT accurate.
Nomorelies wrote:
He said that he will show anyone and everyone his 'vagina' once he has surgery to make him into a genetic woman.
That's not what a "real" woman would do at ALL. We don't go showing our vaginas to people to prove something. Far from it.
Nomorelies wrote:
(He says) because he 'feels like a woman, he is one'.
If you feel like an elephant, are you one? Can you go get a trunk attached to the front of your face, and then sue everyone who doesn't treat you as if you're an elephant? Is a trunk what makes an elephant and elephant? What if you ALSO went around in an elephant suit - with the baggy skin, wrinkles, size, everything. Then you'd be putting on the outside of an elephant, complete with attached trunk. Would you be an elephant THEN?
Nomorelies wrote:
He said I had body dysmorphia because I don't always like my body because I am overweight and that I should understand.
No, that makes you realistic. If you thought you were fat when you weren't, THAT would be a problem. And you could theoretically diet yourself into the body you wanted. Then you'd be a thin person. No matter what he does, he'll never be able to change his body into being female by eating differently, or exercising.
Nomorelies wrote:
OMG! Will someone please help me off of this crazy train?
No one can help you off the crazy train. Once you realize it's a crazy train, that's half the battle. the other half is getting up the nerve to jump off the train.
I'm sorry, but to think of him as an OTR truck driver makes me chuckle - I mean, how's this transition supposed to happen - is he going to be driving the same damned truck and one day just walk off it as a female? Won't the other drivers recognize that as his truck?
And I can't help but think of what his life will be like once he's a female truck driver. These guys shower infrequently, eat poorly, and can be slobs. He's going to have time to do his nails and wear feminine clothing and do his hair and makeup in the back of his truck every day?
The last part that cracks me up is the attention he'll receive. He'll either be not passable, and the other drivers will ignore him or insult him. OR.... the other option - which is that he's passable, but not attractive and no one pays any attention to him as a woman because he's not an attractive woman. OR the opposite - that he'll have guys who he does NOT think are attractive hitting on him all the time. Welcome to the world of being a female, buddy! Hope you like either feeling ugly or feeling in danger! Those seem to be the only two options for a lot of us.
It concerns me that you think he could potentially lose his temper enough to be a danger to you. I'd take that VERY seriously. If the house is his, tell him to get out. Meet him at the door the next time he comes home with divorce paperwork and an eviction notice. Whee!!!
Last edited by Kel (March 20, 2018 12:47 pm)
Phoenix: Thank you!
Kel: OMG! Wow! Thank you too!
Yeah, the truck driver thing is funny. He was crossdressing on the road for a while and I was like, WHY? Are you insane? Popping into the women's restroom because you're wearing make up, complete with a 5 o'clock shadow? He was delivering or picking up at customers dressed in some low cut top with a HUGE pushup bra, tight pants and tons of makeup complete with fuck me red lipstick on. He's lost at least 3 jobs because he was crossdressing on the road and had many complaints filed against him from customers about it. He had a complaint from a co-worker too..but in his defense, it's not his problem. No one accepts him...poor tranny trans!!
Anyway...this is MY house and we're not married so when it's time to go, it'll be HIS time to go. Time to write up the exit strategy and plan. I might call one of my old cop buddies and have him on the ready when I kick him out because I *am* physically afraid of him right now. I am walking on eggshells just hoping I do not say or do the wrong thing because ...boom. And I'm beaten up or worse, dead. Sadly, I've had to deal with physical violence before so I know what to do.
UPDATE: So whilst I here in my office writing this response, he went into my guest bedroom and started to pack up all his feminine clothes in bins. I think the phrase of the day is WTF? Seriously....I guess this is just another crazy day on the crazy (trans) train! Bwhahahah...
Last edited by Nomorelies (March 20, 2018 1:39 pm)
Last edited by Duped (August 28, 2019 1:41 pm)
Last edited by Duped (August 28, 2019 1:40 pm)
Thanks, Duped! Oh you better believe I got tested and will continue to for a while. I don't believe he's been unfaithful, but you just never know with their lot. Lies are their stock and trade! I'm a former microbiologist and used to do all of the STD testing for the state.
Funny about the truck driver thing. We once had a breakout of a reportable STD along one of the interstates here and guess where it originated from? A TRUCK DRIVER!! Bwhahah...Had fun writing the report for the CDC on that one.
and omg..yeah, the sanitary wear of the 80s was abysmal. Man, the bras for puberty back then were nasty too. Puberty was such a drag. I remember trying to be in denial about it. I would wear loose shirts to avoid wearing a bra. It didn't work and I was ridiculed for being one of the first girls in my class who started developing boobs. God, it was embarrassing. And the hair. The hair freaked me out. First my underarms, then my groin. It used to gross me out so I wouldn't shower or bath much. Yes, for a time I was a smelly girl! hahah...And HE thinks it was all fun and glitter bras and lipstick. SOOO far from reality!