First, I want to thank whoever created this forum for it's been invaluable and the people here, their stories, have totally made me feel like I am not the only person in the world dealing with a CD/Autogynephilic trans partner because I have felt alone in dealing with this and it's been rough. I've been lurking for a while, but today I felt like it was time to share my story.
My current boyfriend was actually transitioning, on hormones and trying to live as a pretend 'woman' before we got together. I had no interest in him in that way until he proclaimed his undying love to me and wanted to take our friendship (we were bestfriends) to the next level. Because I loved him (and still do), I said ok if he straight up understood that I am a heterosexual female who likes to be with men. Not women. Not men pretending to be women in frilly dresses, lace underpants, pantyhose and high heels. Men. I like MEN!! He claimed he could be that man and so I said ok. He moved in and life with him was amazing...Until it wasn't.
Now I was ok with his crossdressing in the beginning. I thought it was fun and figured it was 'just clothes', no big deal. Sadly, I had no idea what I was saying yes to. First time we went out together and he was in drag, I used the wrong pronoun and he threw a temper fit. I remember wondering why this was such a big deal since 1. He is male and 2. he is my boyfriend and 3. He told me to use whatever pronoun I was comfortable with (LIE number 1). Now at the time, he was my boyfriend, not girlfriend so I couldn't very well say 'boyfriend' and she, right? things progressed, he started to talk about desiring boobs and how he gave up his hormones 'for me'. He has an obsession with having boobs like they are some magical thing which make a woman a woman!! Now, I remember getting angry with him because I never asked him to give up the hormones. He gave up his hormones willingly because he couldn't maintain an erection and he wanted to be able to function in bed. Why was this my fault? (I now know why: It's NEVER their fault)
So most of last year, he kept telling me he wanted to be 'my man', but that his 'female side', this woman who is trapped inside of him, is so strong that he has to let her out or else. He says that he isn't and can't and won't be the man he's promised to be for me (and every other relationship he's ever been in) because he is essentially a woman (typical tranny 'feminine/woman essence narrative' bullshit). Mind you, there is nothing feminine about him at all. He has serious anger issues which come out when he doesn't get his way. He doesn't walk, talk, act like a woman ever...even when he's dressed up like one.
Now for months, according to him, he didn't cross dress because according to him, I don't like it. It's true, I don't like it because I don't believe it's a healthy behavior and does nothing but reinforce his made-up 'female gender identity' and strengthen his fantasy that he's a woman. He doesn't pass and he knows it, yet still, his desire persists and he continues to do it anyway. We've had huge fights about this which is why we are where we are now.
One time I caught him with eyeliner on and he said he was just playing around with make up because he was bored, but that he hasn't been cross dressing at all for months now. Now, I don't believe a word he says. He's told me that he used to lie and sneak around on his ex-wife, cross dressing and going out to meet men who will validate his 'woman-ness'. Another time, he went to therapy to 'get help for our relationship' and he came home after ONE session and claimed that the therapist totally agreed that he's transgender and deserves hormones and that *I* needed to accept that and support it (WTF: ONE session!!!! She should have her license revoked as far as I am concerned.)
Now, after reading this forum, "Men trapped in Men's Bodies", and other stuff, I came to the great realization that he has autogynephilia and it's so strong that nothing else matters. He's also a narcissist. The only thing matters is what he wants: being a made-up fake woman and being pretty and everything that goes along with that. I actually talked to him about autogynephilia and in typical trans-fashion, he denies it ...EVEN though he fits the description to the t! Yesterday he told me if we break up, he's looking forward to learning more about haircare and skin care because it's something women do. He's obsessed with 'being pretty'. (I was like REALLY? Jeez!!) I just roll my eyes. Putting on make up or high heels won't make you a woman any more than putting on a pair of rubber boots and living in a garage will make you a car!!
SO what do I do now? I fucked up and got myself financially dependent on him. I've had to quit having sex with him because he told me that he can only have sex with me when he imagines he IS me (eg the woman) and has a vagina and everything. Mind you, he was never interested in my body or vagina or boobs. He claims he's never been into sex because he doesn't like sex. (Thanks for telling me that now, asshole). He actually had the audacity to ask me if I would be willing to let him bring 'her' into our bedroom so we can have a functional sex life again!! (WTF? Hell no!!!) He also accused me of not being supportive and not accepting this part of him because it's 'who he is' and 'what he is'. I told him I did accept him but that I don't believe in the whole 'woman trapped in a man's body' bullshit and that I believe he has a deviant abnormal sexuality (autogynephilia) complete with erotic targeting errors and cannot be or function as a normal hetero male. (He of course, got angry)
So that's my story. I've been pulling away from him as much as I can. He doesn't like it. I don't care. He says that if we break up, he'll be losing something so precious to him and he knows he's fucking it up. I think these statements are just more lies he tells. I've been trying to focus on my business, but have been struggling because of him. His bullshit has been my only focus and I'm sick of it. Utterly sick of it. I'm almost to the point of kicking him out because I simply can't deal with it (It = him/her) anymore, but I am terrified of the financial consequences of doing that.
The one thing I have today though is I know I will figure this out and come out smiling on the other side. Whenever that is....I want to write a book about this experience because there's so many of 'their' stories out there (too many if you ask me) and it's not right. OUR stories matter too!!!
Thanks so much for letting me share here. I appreciate every single one of you and this forum more than I can express here in this forum.
Last edited by Nomorelies (March 16, 2018 8:56 am)
Hi, NoMoreLies!
Welcome aboard! I'm glad you found us and proud of you for posting your story.
You sound strong, lady! You know you're being lied to and bullshitted, which is really half the battle. It seems as though you'd leave if you had the financial ability to do so, which means that when you can figure that part of it out, you'll be free again.
Don't waste another moment trying to make your relationship work with this man. He's lied to you all along - just as he'd done to every other woman before you. He's not a smart man - if he wanted a woman to be in a relationship with for the long haul, he'd choose one who was okay with his identity up-front. I will NEVER understand why people choose individuals to be in relationships with when that individual doesn't match what they want and need anyway. Never makes sense to me. I was with a man for a while (not my gay ex) who every time I had an opinion on something, would ask me why I just couldn't be submissive. Now, if you knew me personally, you'd know that's the FURTHEST thing from the way I come across. I'm not TRYING to be anything but who I am, and that person is not submissive. If he wanted a submissive person, WHY would he choose ME? It's like asking a sasquatch why they can't just be hairless. Go find a naked mole rat if that's what you want! I'm convinced that people like him (and your bf) choose the individual that will be a challenge to them - so they can overcome the challenge and feel they've conquered. F*ck that noise.
You're going to be fine. And we're here for you.
Can you tell us a bit more about your financial challenges - what your job situation is and such - so we can help you brainstorm? You have every right to keep that to yourself too, of course.
Last edited by Kel (March 16, 2018 10:03 am)
Thanks, Kel. I've read so many of your posts and others and we all have experienced so much of the same stuff thanks to these types of men. Men who have no business trying to be with and 'love' women like us. I think they do it out of an attempt to be 'normal' (which they aren't and they know it).
Funny thing about this is I was ok with him being trans when we were friends. I fully accepted it and was at one point very supportive of his transition. Granted, I didn't know how crazy transpeople are especially the MtTG Autogynephilic ones. Once I became intimate with him, I discovered that I am really hetero and desire a man, just a man. No kinky weird odd abnormal fetishes and shit. If nothing else, this experience has made me so clear about what I want from a relationship.
So I'm a writer (blogs, books, screen), but I haven't been able to make enough money to support myself YET. I stress the yet cause I've only been doing this full time for a little while. I went on the road with my stbx last year and put ALL of my business plans on hold (bad decision) For the past 6 months, I've been writing and preparing for my product launch. Of course, it's been challenging to stay focused and work towards that goal because I have been having to deal with him and his tg shit. (and it's been A LOT OF SHIT!!)
I have been kicking the idea of getting a regular job just to pay the bills for now until my business is sustainable. One thing I know for sure is I have to get my finances in order so I can let him go and move on. There is no future for me in his life and I've accepted that. It hurts, but that's what it is.
Yeah, it sounds like you might need to go the job route until your other endeavors can sustain you. The good news is that you'll likely have the time and focus for both if you don't have to deal with all the drama of him too!
Sorry I'm late to this party. I had a full day, signing a lease on my new apartment and meeting with my stbx yet again over splitting resources. (Phoenix, my new apartment is on Phoenix Street! So you and I have "rising from the ashes" in common!). I will never have to cohabit with him again, and am so very very glad!
NoMoreLies, it seems you have his number right enough, and know what you have to do. Like Kel, I'd say you have to bite the bullet and take a regular job so you can be financially independent and therefore able to jump ship to a safe shore. Only once your finances are sorted out will you be able to leave him and his disordered sexuality behind you. Staying in the situation will only sap your energy and f*ck with your mind. (Ask me how I know. Three years of it!)
I laughed loudly and long over your "rubber boots and a garage" analogy. So so true! Perhaps because today I signed that lease and started moving into my own place I was able to find it genuinely funny. It's so empowering to be putting it behind me.
You go, real girl!
You ladies rock!
You are all probably right and will most likely have to find a real job so I can pay all the bills. One kicker is that he in some ways doesn't want to leave because this is MY house and if he leaves, he has no where to go. He has shit for credit and can't get an apartment or rental house on his own. (Btw: His shitty credit and bankruptcy wasn't his fault either).
Kel: I loved your description of what they expect from us. The sasquatch and naked mole rat made me laugh. Laughter is good! It's also a very good description of typical male behavior which is interesting since these kinds of men who claim to be so ladylike are actually very masculine and male. They can't see it, but we can.
MtTG (transwomen as they liked to be called. I hate that word so I call them Male to trans) are as far as I am concerned are just a bunch of men behaving dresses. Reminds me of that old Monty Python skit with the grannies in a gang. Anyone remember that one?
Duped and OOHC, I'm glad I could make you laugh a little bit with the rubber boot analogy. Humor is one of my coping mechanisms. Here's one I've been kicking around lately.
"Female side" Ladies, what exactly IS your female side? I was standing in the mirror trying to find mine because I have no idea what a female side IS exactly and I've yet to find it. I've even gone so far and asked other women what their female side is and they all laugh at me and think I've lost my mind. Now the boyfriend, oh, he has a female side. Oh yes. It's all important. The Female side. I now wonder if it is something akin to the Dark Side. Maybe they have high heels and lipstick on the 'female side'. I have no idea. The whole concept makes me laugh.
OOHC: CONGRATS! OMG you are going to have your OWN space and it's all yours with no bullshit allowed! And on Phoenix street too! You make that apartment into your palace because that's what it is. Sanctuary and palace. You are the queen. You should get one of those shabby chic signs that says that "No bullshit allowed" or something.
OT: When I bought my house many years ago, it was after a bad relationship (hmm, do we have a pattern here?) so I turned it into my palace and sanctuary with everything that I love. Artwork, colors, you name it cause it's my house and no one gets to disrupt the tranquility here. No one. I'm sometimes a bit angry with myself for letting 'it' in, but ok...I digress. I do love him and I had hope for an amazing future with him, but you can't have a future with someone who doesn't live in reality and doesn't love themselves.
Today I will work on today. I will stay strong and not get sucked into any more discussions about his issues. They are not mine. They are his. I will look for a job and work on my business and be as happy as I can be until he is gone cause at this point, it's not a matter of if he leaves. It's a matter of when he leaves.
Last edited by Nomorelies (March 17, 2018 8:41 am)
Nomorelies wrote:
MtTG (transwomen as they liked to be called. I hate that word so I call them Male to trans) are as far as I am concerned are just a bunch of men behaving dresses. Reminds me of that old Monty Python skit with the grannies in a gang. Anyone remember that one?
"Hell's Grannies" you can find it on youtube.
Nomorelies wrote:
"Female side" Ladies, what exactly IS your female side? I was standing in the mirror trying to find mine because I have no idea what a female side IS exactly and I've yet to find it. I've even gone so far and asked other women what their female side is and they all laugh at me and think I've lost my mind. Now the boyfriend, oh, he has a female side. Oh yes. It's all important. The Female side. I now wonder if it is something akin to the Dark Side. Maybe they have high heels and lipstick on the 'female side'. I have no idea. The whole concept makes me laugh.
Someone else here called it their spouse's "pink fog". And you're not the first to bring up the heels and makeup aspect. Seems these sorts of props are necessary to their "female side".
Another apropos Monty Python sketch: "I want to be a woman" from "Life of Brian":