Hi everyone. This is where we all get to dump where we're at right now, what challenges and victories we're experiencing, what our plans and goals are.
Autumn is in the air here!
Last night I thought of all the things I don't do anymore, think of anymore, feel anymore.
I'm holding on to a balloon with a slow leak. But one thing I've realised. Nobody can let the air out, or stop it escaping but me. I'm watching it slowly deflate and part of me wants to just let that balloon go free. I think.....I think I'm using up all the love I had for this man. I can feel it. I'm just not strong enough yet to define what I want to do or where I want to go.....who I want to be.
My hand is closed in a fist and won't let go of the rice.
The link is a passage from a book by Mark Nepo. Whilst the book has many religeous
references.....I can turn these into spiritual ones and I find just about every passage
has meaning I can apply to my situation.
Last edited by Ellexoh (March 7, 2018 4:33 pm)
Maybe even you can't prevent the air from leaking out. But only you get to decide when you're going to decide the balloon isn't worth all your effort trying to keep inflated anymore. Only you get to decide what to do with the deflated balloon, and when to put it down.
I don't know how many times in my life I've thought, "WHY can't I just move from this spot? Why can't I make myself figure this out? Why can't I decide that being on the other side of this is okay?" And I.just.couldn't. And then, unexpectedly, it happened. Like flipping a switch. There is an almost singular moment in every big life choice where suddenly, I let go of the balloon. I could feel myself getting closer, but I never really decided to let go. One moment my hand was holding the balloon, and the next, I watched my hand open and watched the balloon fly away without trying to catch it. It was okay then. I'd come to a crossroads.
I'll happen when it's supposed to. And in that moment, you will be surprised - almost as if you're watching a movie of yourself. You will feel resolve and determination. You will know that this was the time.
Unfortunately I am still in the same place I was several months ago since finding out that there has been not one guy but multiple men he's met for hook-ups. Yea, he deactivated his accounts on those websites, but it was short lived...he's back on them and still searching on Craigslist. I think I've become numb to all of this. I hope some day soon that I can actually say, "enough is enough..I am done!" I just don't know how to get there.
Hello I'm new ...
I'm on year two of my husband coming out as trans ... he's out at work now (something he swore he'd never do), so I've put up the boundary and have asked him to keep it out of your home so as to keep some stability for our 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter who don't understand a thing. Taking things one day at a time.
In general, we're doing better. Divorce is not final yet. (Timing: 1 yr, 4 mo since disclosure) The kids are more steady. Still struggling, but more steady. When they get derailed into very dark depression or anxiety, they're weathering those storms better. Kids ages are 17, 15, 15, 11, and 8.
I'm less mad. Don't get me wrong, I'm still plenty mad, but now I'm trying to figure out how to live. What do I want out of life. After 18 years of always putting my husband first, I have struggled with having my own thoughts, opinions, and acting on them. Therapy has helped with the more sinister parts of how I got that low. Still working. (Understatement of the year!)
I guess I feel in a kind of limbo right now. I'm just doing today to the best I can! I'm ok with that, but I think there is more.
I like these posts. Great to see regular updates. It's a good exercise for people to sit down and think about how they are doing and where they are at. Good to take stock in yourself and do a mental checklist.
I'm doing well. I think I'm through the hard parts of the experience and am probably back to a level of happiness that equals or surpasses where I was when I thought I had a good marriage. I still have short bouts of anger and sadness when something triggers memories of the pain I went through, but those are fewer and I get over them so much more quickly. I have created a new life for myself in terms of social network and activities. The people and things I liked from my old life carry on, but there are so many new things. Example.. I've always been big into cars. I like owning and driving sports cars. Now that I have more free time and can do whatever I wish with my funds I've turned that into a major hobby that takes up a huge amount of my free time. I have 3 project cars in the garage. On top of that I decided to get into photography and videography revolving around those cars. So i've been learning how to make youtube videos and attending lots of cars shows. It's really fun and has opened up a creative side of me that I never really knew existed.
I started attending a new church and joined a singles group with that church. It's been so fantastic. I have so many more friends.. really great people!
I'm hoping to meet a special someone one of these days/weeks/months/years.. But I'm ok working on myself and redefining who I am until that happens.
Keep moving forward my friends!
I am in the stage of separating household and finances. On Friday I looked at an apartment, and said I'd take it. I should move in no later than April 1. And I just got back from opening my own checking account at the bank.
I'm convinced that divorcing him is not only the right thing to do, but the only thing to do, but every day has its ups and downs. One minute I might be feeling glad to be past the indecision stage and feeling optimistic and the next overcome with sadness and regret for the loss. I am finding, however, that every step I take brings me the strength to take the next step.
Those are strong steps .. I cried during most of my steps..all strong, necessary, inevitable steps. If I look back now (not at the time) I realize my GX went through the same steps...and didn't shed one tear. I thank God for getting me away from a person like that. That time in my life serves as both a place to avoid and a reminder of how better I am now.
I thought about you today when I was at the bank, because I remembered that you'd said you'd cried when opening your own individual account. I cried, too, afterwards.