Hi. It’s been a little over a month since the course of my life completely changed. I thought I was in a straight relationship with a man but back in January they came out to me as a trans. I felt devastated and completely broken. Once they were honest it allowed for more genuine conversations about our relationship. Although we both love each other we decided to set each other free. I want them to pursue their authentic self and I need to start healing. Also, about two weeks ago they accepted a job across the country. They are moving at the end of the week. It’s all been so fast but we have had a chance to have some closure and we are both fine but I have a feeling we are both in denial. Since they are moving so soon we have spent some time together trying to enjoy the last moments together. We have been pretending everything is normal but I’m afraid once I say goodbye all the emotions will hit me harder. Not only are they moving away but since they already started hrt, these are actually the last moments I will have with my ex the way I feel I love with them. We have decided to save our friendship and hope the distance will help our relationship transition from lovers to friends. Are we being too naive? Is it possible to save a friendship? How will things be once I see their authentic self? I’m so confused and sad. Any advice would be helpful. I feel so alone as I have become a very antisocial since my now ex came out to me and then only a few hours made a post on social media and all of our mutual friends bombarded my inbox with unsolicited advice and painful questions. Also, some friends don’t understand how I can extend compassion to my ex. I will always love them and also we can be together I will always see them as a very important person in my journey.
Dear Weeping Willow,
Welcome to this site. I'm so sorry to hear about the pain and heartbreak and confusion you've been experiencing. When the day comes when they move, you may feel a sense of relief; or you may feel profound shock. Either way, I want to encourage you to keep posting here. You are going to be ok. What are your next steps? Are you staying in your same place? Sometimes just making those everyday choices can be what gets you through the day. There were many, many days that all I did was keep breathing. And take care of the kids. Then I could do a little more. Keep posting. All the best to you.
Thank you, Tamiam! I’m feeling much better then that first day when I found out about their truth. I have definitely been focusing on my breathing especially when I’m feeling all the sadness and grief. The deep breathing helps me calm down. I have been staying active and I have met with a friend who is a therapist but I’m in the process of getting myself into counseling. I was definitely starting to lose myself in trying to be a supportive friend to my ex . We went makeup shopping and got manicures and because I’m great at pretending I was okay I was able yo help out my ex with their journey. With the move, I will be able to just focus on myself. Fortunately, we didn’t live together so although I’m staying behind I’m trying my best to stay positive. I did just get a promotion at work so at least I have stability in that area. I know it will hurt a little less as each day goes by.
Last edited by Duped (August 28, 2019 1:51 pm)
I'm so sorry for the pain you're experiencing. You're in the right place, however. The shock of the revelation is hard to express to others who have no idea of the devastation it wreaks on our sense of reality, our sense of the relationship, and our sense of self.
Like you and like Duped, I also did that pretending thing when my stbx came out to me as trans. I think it's an understandable form of damage control: we are trying very hard to imagine how to salvage our relationships despite the massive blow, and this seems a way to demonstrate our love and continue to convince ourselves and our partners that we have a future together.
Eventually, however, we face the truth: this new person, the new expectations for how we will live together, and the changes in our partner, physical, emotional and psychological, are not anything we can live with and be healthy ourselves.
I suspect that these changes will accelerate once your ex begins hrt and moves away to begin a new life. You may think that a long distance friendship will help ease your own transition to being a single woman again, but these changes are going to hit you hard. Also, it's entirely possible that your ex will want to maintain contact with you in order to seek support and approval, especially as you have been supportive in the past. This will put you under a lot of pressure to provide the approval and confirmation s/he (I can't use the plural pronoun for a single person; I rebel grammatically) is seeking, and that, too, is going to cause you stress.
I am currently divorcing my stbx, and every time I must meet with him I come away reeling. So like Duped, I believe that a period of no contact, one in which you can process the trauma you've endured, will ultimately be healthiest for you.
All the best to you. You will feel pain, and it will be hard, but you will get through it, and you will be ok, more than ok, again. Use us to verbalize what you are going through when you need to. We really do get it.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (February 27, 2018 9:18 am)
Hi Willow,
I do understand your feelings. At the same time, what I was left with after reading your initial post was that you seem to feel no anger over the fact that he didn't tell you about his identity before he got into an involved relationship. You are likely seeing it as "and then, he revealed his authentic truth to me", while I'm seeing it as "and then, he revealed to me that he'd been lying to me all along". The former would put you in a place of supporting him emotionally. The latter would put you in a place of wanting to distance yourself from him. Just some food for thought.
The other thing that really bugs me is that after telling you that he'd been lying to you all along, he went online and told everyone else what was going on. He did this (I assume) without telling you he was doing so. And he did it before you had even ONE solid day to process it and the ending of your relationship. That tells me that he knew for a long time who he was, and that he wanted to change things, and had a plan to come out to everyone. People don't just do things like that on a whim. They can take YEARS to muster the courage to get there. Which means that he knew all along what he was doing, and he didn't get any thought to how it would all affect YOU? He just went out skipping out into the field of "the new me!" and left you all alone to grieve and be his P.R.manager? I'm sorry hon, but that's deplorable. Truly.
I would have a very hard time having a friendship with someone who did anything like this to me. I would really need to examine whether my need for a friendship is just a way for me to have a "slow release" so the end of the relationship doesn't feel too jarring. I'd be furious that he'd lied to me all along, and then left me to do damage control on TOP of processing and grieving. What kind of friend does THAT and is still considered a friend? The end of the relationship really wasn't your choice. You may see it that way, because you both mutually chose to end the relationship. But what happened is that he finally revealed a deal-breaker to you - looooong after a decent person would have / should have done so. He waited until you were good and hooked on him to do so - the up the chances that you'd walk away. You didn't choose to walk away from HIM - you chose to walk away from a lesbian relationship - because you aren't a lesbian. It was a no-go for you. It would have been no matter who it would have been. And if he'd told you within your first few conversation that he was trans, you likely would have walked away then - because that's not something you can do. It would not have brought you happiness because it would not be meeting your needs. But now, after growing accustomed to being a couple and having someone to rely on, you naturally want to keep him in your life in some way, shape or form - because you cannot imagine just never communicating with him again. That's natural - but not necessarily healthy. He's used you and then hung you out for the vultures to pick at. That is NOT someone I'd want to keep as a friend. He's proved that he was lying to you, and that he'll not take you into consideration when making important decisions. He is not likely to suddenly change that. Hence I'd make the decision to completely cut him out of my life.
I'm sorry you're going through this.
Last edited by Lynne (February 3, 2019 2:07 pm)
Kel says: "At the same time, what I was left with after reading your initial post was that you seem to feel no anger over the fact that he didn't tell you about his identity before he got into an involved relationship. You are likely seeing it as "and then, he revealed his authentic truth to me", while I'm seeing it as "and then, he revealed to me that he'd been lying to me all along".
I'm going to agree with Kel, I picked up on the same thing reading your post. You might feel open to friendship right now, but don't be surprised if your attitude changes the more shock wears off and your true thoughts and feelings surface.
Because of that, take it slow. Allow yourself the time you need to really assimilate the whole situation without shock dimming your thoughts and feelings. I'm not saying you can't be friends, perhaps you can. What I am saying is give yourself some time beforehand to really make sure. If the situation runs standard course, you're going to potentially feel very different down the line, and extracting yourself from a friendship later will merely complicate and drag things out.
I'm so sorry you find yourself here, but it's a wonderful group at the same time.
Best to you.
Oh goodness, I misread that you had posted on social media (in shock and for support) but it was him?!
That was so insensitive, I would be livid if my ex had done that. And as Kel says, after lying to you all through your relationship! Disgraceful behaviour, at hope you find your anger.
F. Him.
Would you allow a friend to treat you this way?