OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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February 20, 2018 4:37 pm  #1

In need of support

I'm looking for some support.  I don't know all the correct acronyms so apologies ahead of time.  My husband (I guess soon to be ex) married in 1999.  We have 4 children.   I found out about his same sex attraction in 2006 in between child # 3 and #4 (because you know how having more kids might fix things, she says sarcastically).  I really had no idea until finding stuff on the computer at that point.   In 2007 all 4 kids were under the age of 7 and we both agreed to stay in the marriage.  I was naive at that time, I think.   We were best friends, we loved each other, we had 4 kids and he asked me to stay married and promised me several things.   He said he had not acted on his desires physically during the marriage, but he promised no more gay porn and he promised to get counseling.  Fast-forward to 2010 - we move to a new state to 'start over'.   I think things are going ok until 2012-13 when I find out he is looking at porn again and find it on the computer and his phone (acutally he tells me he never stopped).   I’m in shock as I thought (naively again) that this was all behind us. In addition, he decides to start using pot because it is legal in our state now, when I have always had a no drugs (legal or not) policy in the relationship.   I get a counselor for myself who points out that the porn is a potential safety issue for the children (as well as the pot) and encourages me to get either marriage counseling or end things.  I am a stay at home mom who is homeschooling at this point as I gave up may career years ago as a joint decision.   I’m scared, I feel isolated, have no living family to lean on and now live an entire country away from close friends.  It’s scary to tell new people.   I can’t find much support.   I’m overwhelmed with kids.  He refused to let me use terms like gay or homosexual and I can only call it same-sex attraction.     He goes to counseling (at my pleading) but he doesn’t stick with it – a million excuses.  I beg him to let me go (because I’m too scared to do it on my own, I guess) but he swears he loves me and wants to be married to me.  He swears that he can get over this and love me the way a man loves a woman.   I read more and more and learn more and more and start to doubt this.   I start to understand more.   Much has to do with his religious convictions – but he said at the time that he wants to be with me emotionally, just has no physical desire for me.   I try and try everything – lose weight, get lingerie – nothing works.   He rejects every gesture I make.   So fast-forward again to 2016 – more stuff happens on the phone and computer (and it’s getting worse) and I finally find the strength to ask him to move out, at least temporarily, for the safety of the children. (In addition, my counselor reminds me that we are are not teaching the kids how to have a healthy relationship).  We live apart and he says he will get counseling but doesn’t follow through with anything, yet again.  He still asks to stay married and hopes “I’ll let him come back one day.”   He does nothing to earn my trust and if anything keeps breaking it.   My counselor and pastor all agree that I need to end the marriage.   Finally, I file for divorce in 2017.  I’m scared – perhaps it’s the death of the dream that is causing the greatest grief and pain.    I have a job now and we are amicable about everything and have come to good agreement about the kids in a way that is healthy for them and have finances worked out.   He is at the house every evening after work (I even still cook him dinner, I know, uggg) and weekends.    We get along just fine.    So the divorce is 7 days away and I’m a mess.   To completely confuse the situation, he brings me roses for Valentine’s Day (there’s a first) and says he wants to stay married and hopes I will change my mind and stop the divorce.   The kids know nothing – they have no idea we are going to be divorced in 7 days.  For the longest time they have been blaming me for “kicking” daddy out and I have tried to explain some things to them without putting them in a position to take sides or make him look bad.   I tell them these are mommy and daddy issues.   But he does nothing to not make me seem like the bad one since I asked him to leave.  
So 7 days from now we are going for our final orders and I’m a mess and I don’t even know why I'm a mess or what to do.   I wish this whole nightmare had never happened.   I tried to love and respect him with all my heart, I really did.   I wanted to be loved and respected in return in the way I needed it.   For the longest time I thought I just didn’t deserve it.      I almost wish he would have either said “I can’t love you the way you deserve’ or say he wanted to be with a man – as that would have been easier.   I understand that he probably doesn’t understand everything himself and never wanted to hurt me – I have empathy for his confusion.   I almost called my attorney to call it off and thought maybe this is how it is meant to be for me – that this is my life.  It would have been easier if I had the choice from the beginning, but he took that away from me by not telling me.   He says he doesn't want to be with a man or another woman.  And he tells me that another man wouldn’t make me any happier (though my gut seems to think so) – that I’ll just be unhappy with someone else as well.   And I get scared that there is no future for me.  I try to just take care of the kids, but I'm overwhelmed in trying to work to pay things as we agreed and overwhelmed with depression.  
I’m so confused and lost.  It took all my strength to write this and could use any advice, understanding, validation, anything that will help me have strength to get through today and figure out what I need to do.  Do I stay the course with the divorce proceeding - will I be glad I did once I'm on the other side and just can't see it right now???? Sorry so long....


February 20, 2018 4:49 pm  #2

Re: In need of support

Welcome PA,
I’m so sorry for everything you are dealing with, but you are in the right place. What a strong woman you are! He’s gaslighting you, and love bombing you, all trying to make you doubt yourself. Don’t fall for it, and yes, stay the course. He hasn’t changed, and trust me, it just gets worse. I also gave a second chance, only to waste more years on some one who had no respect for me, our kids, honesty or integrity. Don’t look too far into the future right now. One suggestion, stop having him hang out, once the divorce is final, the only communication you owe him is about the kids. It’s the only way you will heal.


February 20, 2018 4:55 pm  #3

Re: In need of support

Hi bumpkins,

You're going to be okay - I swear it.  He doesn't have your best interest in mind when he tells you another man won't make you any happier.  He has NO IDEA what the future holds for you, and yet he doesn't just wish you happiness?  HE doesn't want you the way a man should want a woman, but another man who will won't improve things at all?  I'm here to tell you that he's oh-so-wrong.  I had almost your exact same situation.  To a T.  Three kids, young, 16 years of marriage, proof on the internet, lack of sexual desire on his part, etc.  And still, he wanted to stay married.  Something inside me knew that things were never going to change, and that choosing to stay meant choosing to stay unhappy.  And I just..... couldn't.  Parting ways scared me. Looking forward 10 years and still being together in the same situation scared me even worse, though.  So I moved on.  Until very close to the end, he still wanted to stay married.

I found love again.  And it's NIGHT.AND.DAY different from my last marriage.  It's not a perfect marriage either, because neither of us are perfect.  But I'm amazingly happy.  I still have all the other issues that I had before - huge thighs, a hot temper, kids that lie occasionally, lack of lotto winnings.  Lol.  And you know what?  I'm freaking happy.  In a way I never was before with someone who I didn't feel desired and cherished by.

Get the divorce.  You can't stay tied to someone who can never love you the way you need a man to love you in order for a marriage to work.  I looked at it this way: if I leave, there's a chance I might not find happiness agagin.  But if I stay, I'm GUARANTEED to not find happiness here.  You need to be free in order to find love again - you need to be free to pursue it.  You can't get a new car with the old jalopy parked in the one spot you have.  And you're right - it's not a good model for your own kids' future relationships, either.  I am now able to tell my daughters, "You see this man? You see how he treats me?  How I'm no supermodel, and he treats me like I'm the most amazing person in the world?  You see how he protects me, never lies to me, and treats me like a fine diamond?  THIS.  If your man doesn't treat you this way, you haven't met the right man yet.  Your mother got this from a man, and you are so much more beautiful than she is.  There is literally NO.EXCUSE to settle for less when you know it exists and see what I feel like every day.  If you don't have this, keep looking.  You want THIS.  Nothing short of this, you hear?"

You'll figure out how to tell the kids.  But you will need to stop having him over every afternoon.  If he's there to watch the kids until you get home, then fine.  But then he needs to leave when you get home.  He's not doing you a favor that you need to repay him for; he's watching his own children.

Don't count on him ever coming forward to tell the kids anything other than they already think.  He'd like you to be painted as the bad guy - because you might just hate that role so badly that you'd stay with him in order to get out of that role.  Don't.  You're not worried about the label as much as you are about what you need as a woman, and what your kids need to see for a blueprint.  It's okay to tell them the truth - that you and Dad couldn't stay married because Dad is actually gay and couldn't love Mom the way a man needs to love a woman in order for them to be married.  Give him the choice to tell them himself (in front of you).  If he doesn't, then you can tell them yourself.  It's the truth.  It's your truth, it's his truth, and it's their truth, too.  Live out in the sunlight now.


Last edited by Kel (February 20, 2018 4:58 pm)

You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

February 20, 2018 4:58 pm  #4

Re: In need of support

Welcome pabumpkins.  You are in the right place for support.  We are here for you.   

Don't ever worry about knowing the right acronyms or posting too much or too little.. none of that matters.  Pour out your heart and we will listen and offer kind words, affirmations, support and love. 

As for whether or not to divorce.. that's a hard question to answer because none of us are in your shoes.  However, many of the situations you described are things that we have experienced in our own lives.  The majority of the group here has opted for divorce, but some remain married.  It seems to me that honesty and fidelity are the keys.  Those of us who's spouses lied to us chronically and then cheated on us are generally divorced.  Those who remain married seem to have maintained fidelity and trust.   You didn't mention any cheating, but you did talk about trust, and that's a big deal.  You don't seem to trust your soon-to-be ex.. and if this is the case it seems to me that divorce is the correct path forward.  Remaining married to a spouse with a same-sex-attraction can be possible, but I think all those who are doing it would agree that trust is key.  I think you would drive yourself insane worrying for the rest of your life if you weren't able to trust. 

His gift of roses is something we see frequently.  It's referred to as "love-bombing" and is a tactic of trying to win a person back through gifts and words.  It's motivated out of fear and desire to control and not out of genuine love.  

Good for you for signing up and sharing your story.  I hope you find some peace and support in doing so.  I am sure you will get a number of responses and support from our group in the next few hours and days. 

If you'd like more support I would strongly recommend reaching out to the Straight Spouse Network to see if there is a face-to-face group in your area.  We have groups that meet regularly and share stories and talk with each other.  Having someone real in your life to give you a hug and know that they understand and care about you is huge..    

Let us know what we can do to help!


-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


February 20, 2018 6:21 pm  #5

Re: In need of support

Well I just laughed and cried harder than I have in a long time!   Why didn't I reach out to this group earlier?   Thank you all so much!!!  I needed to hear all of these words!

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February 20, 2018 7:22 pm  #6

Re: In need of support

pabumpkins, you've done the hardest part -- you've got a lot more courage than I have right now.  You've got the divorce in order.

I wouldn't focus too much on whether or not another man will make you happy, and I suspect there's a very manipulative reason why your STBX (soon-to-be Ex) is telling you that another man won't make you happier.  That's a distraction -- I wouldn't even debate it.  Seriously.  Don't even open that door.  The problem right now, is THIS man is making you absolutely heartsick.  That's the only problem you need to deal with.  It doesn't matter whether another man will (or won't) come along.  The issue is this man, who has been given enough second chances, and third chances, and so on.  He's made you unhappy.  

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

February 20, 2018 7:45 pm  #7

Re: In need of support

More support coming your way!  It takes two people working together to make any marriage work and your husband has been missing in action for years from your description. Nothing has changed. Nothing is going to change until you step off the merry-go-round and walk away..

You know what you need to do for the well-being of yourself and your children. Think of the divorce like childbirth: one more push and its over. You can do this.

Try Gardening. It'll keep you grounded.

February 20, 2018 11:50 pm  #8

Re: In need of support


A kind and compassionate welcome.
I assume you have a settlement agreement as the the divorce  is final  7 days... he's living elsewhere ...you will have a court approved parenting arrangement in the settlement?
The divorce is merely a somewhat final step....he's had plenty of time to earn your trust or change ...  this is not you leaving him...it is a consequence of his actions.      It is sad.. but to heal you need to detach.   Fear is there sure... but you've shown so much courage thus far.     Living apart as you are you need to be no contact to really heal...means not making him dinner..  You both may have some dependencies on each other and I really admire the friendship..but to really heal you may need to limit contact and things you do together.  As you stated...the distrust eats away at you...I used to physically shake.

And as for the kids... they just want a mom and a dad...assure them you'll be there and he will be there.....show them consistency and as much stability as you can.     But don't fear ...do this for yourself.   again these spouses long ago decided how they would treat us..  Again the problem with gay is you cannot take it back/undo it.    

Strength, courage,  faith..

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

February 21, 2018 7:42 am  #9

Re: In need of support


   First: You didn't deserve this and it's not your fault.

   Second: Your husband is continuing to use you.  He needs a beard (a straight wife for cover, so he can continue the charade he isn't gay--what is "same sex attraction if not gay?) and he will do almost anything to preserve his closeted life.  Please don't mistake his coming home for dinner every night and on the weekends as a commitment to anything but himself and his desire to keep his closeted life intact.  If you are separated and your divorce is to be final in seven days it's time to separate your lives.  The first step is to get him out of your house.  I assume you have a custody agreement hammered out; enforce that.  

Third: Are you safe?  Your saying you're "not allowed" to call his homosexuality anything other than "same sex attraction" made me wonder if he's at all volatile or violent.  His imposing himself into the house even though you are separated and the divorce is imminent makes me worry.  


February 21, 2018 10:02 am  #10

Re: In need of support

Thank you all again for you kind replies.  I'm overwhlemed with feeling like finally - people who understand!!   I'm not used to having anyone to talk to about this and should have reached out a long time ago.   There have been a few questions so to respond: yes, he lives separate (though only about 5 minutes away) and we have a court approved separation and parenting agreement in place (for 2 years).   However he does behave like he still lives here and just sleeps elsewhere (walks into the house, doesn't knock, hangs out and watches tv, eats whatever he wants).  He's a great boundary breaker.  And I feel very weak most of the time (I guess I pick my battles).  No he doesn't seem to care about my future happiness unless it is taking care of him.  Trust - he broke trust over and over and while he said he never had physical relations with anyone, its hard to know or believe because of all the lies I did catch him in related to porn and pot - over an over again.  (He kept saying it was the last time, that he changed....then all over again).   It wouldn't be a stretch to imagine there is more, but I don't go there in my mind anymore.  (I got tested for everything - humiliating as it was - and just ended all physical contact several years back, which wasn't difficult to do at all - actually he seemed relieved).   Trust has been broken and nothing has been done to rebuild it. ( Bottom line, I'm not the object of his desire at all.) Violent?  He can be controlling and was violent with me many years back twice but heseemed to work through these issues in our (brief) marriage counseling.     I had (have) a safety plan in place from those incidents and at the moment I don't feel that he is a threat.  He does lecture me that I am not 'allowed' to divorce him, etc - but I have somehow found the strength to get this far.  
The words of encouragement from you all have rung so true in my soul - thank you, thank you!
The children have asked over and over if things can go back to the way they were, but what they didn't know was that I had created a fairytale that wasn't real, held everything together and everything looked perfect to them, when it was a disaster.  Everyone wants the fairytale back, including him.   But the fairytale was never real.  Thank you again.  

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