OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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January 29, 2018 8:26 pm  #1

Support thread for HW

Hello HW, you posted into the "Our Stories" section of the board but that part works more like a blog that we cannot directly reply to. As it sounds like you are looking for support I hope you don't mind my creating this and pasting your original post into it. If you object please let me know either here or by inbox message. For those who missed it, HW wrote:

"It’s been less than a week since my world started to fall apart. I’ve been married to my DH for almost 9 years now. He’s always been a wonderful husband and father to my 3 children from a previous relationship. Over the past 5 years we have struggled sexually in our marriage. It’s seemed as if he just lost interest in me and struggled to get and maintain an erection. I blamed myself for gaining weight and just wasn’t attractive to him. I felt so unwanted and unloved. The thought of him possibly being gay never entered my mind. One day while using his tablet I saw websites for tranny porn. I was horrified but didn’t want to jump to conclusions. I know my husband watches porn and I figured it could have just been a pop up within the site he uses. I never questioned him about what I saw. Over the next few years I saw he was continuously going on sites to watch tranny porn. I know that should have been a red flag but I think I just didn’t want to accept the truth. The whole situation just began to stress me all together. No sex, passion, communication and his addiction to tranny porn. It wasn’t till less than a week ago I finally decided to confront him. I had found that not only was he watching tranny porn it had moved to full on gay porn and now he was browsing craigslist for sexual encounters with men. My heart dropped when I saw what he had been doing. I felt so disgusted and devastated. How could he do this to me? Is this my fault? Is he gay? I was a mess!!! He tried denying then making up ridiculous lies as to why and finally admitting he was he was excited by the porn and was addicted to watching it but swears he never hooked up with anyone from Craigslist. He says he is not gay but all the evidence says he is definitely gay!! I’m devastated and I feel so deceived. He thinks he can just stop watching it and it will all go away but I don’t believe him. It’s been  going on for 5 years that I know of but who knows really. I hate I didn’t trust my gut when I first saw what was happening right in my face. I love him with all my heart but I don’t know if this is something I can get pass. He wants us to stay together but I’ve explained to him that I don’t know what to do right now. The worst part is feeling like I can’t talk to anyone about this and how embarrassed and ashamed I feel. I’m so alone in all of this and I’m slowly falling apart. I just pray to God that he helps me get through this and get to where I should be. I’m so thankful for finding this site and knowing there’s people that understand what I’m going through"

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

January 29, 2018 8:59 pm  #2

Re: Support thread for HW

HW - it's sad to have to welcome another person here but yes, there are many here who have also experienced something similar to you. The lack of desire, the secret porn, the CL ads, the denials, the promises.

I can answer one of your questions immediately - No, you did not cause this. How could you? Is it possible that he could do something to make you interested in women?

Now for a personal opinion - as a hetero-sexual man, I have no interest in tranny porn. Also no interest in gay porn or in trolling the CL m4m section. I don't think you can consider him as straight.

Question - How much longer would it have taken for him to go from browsing ads to making a contact? History here suggests it's a progression. How come none of the porn or the CL ads include women? If he were bi you would think there would be some cross-representation but there isn't. The truth is he moved from female type forms into gay porn. Why? Probably because it scratched his itch in a way a female doesn't.

After this many years of hiding these activities is it realistic to think you can just turn it off? I think the majority of people here would say it didn't happen that way for them, except perhaps for a small period of time. Then it started again and grew and then the same repeat discovery and future promises.

I don't know what you do next but you shouldn't feel ashamed for trusting someone who should also have been in your corner through hell or high water. You do need to talk about this though. A close friend, counselor, your doctor. It really does help. And don't feel like you owe him an answer ASAP. He's been going behind your back for 5 years, give or take. You are allowed to take the time to think about this and examine all the different options. For most of us it's all about the small steps as we process our situation. Be kind to yourself.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer
     Thread Starter

January 30, 2018 3:09 am  #3

Re: Support thread for HW


Last edited by Duped (August 28, 2019 2:00 pm)


January 30, 2018 10:37 am  #4

Re: Support thread for HW

Hi HW. 

Welcome to our group.  Not that it's much comfort, but your story is very similar to many others here.  We understand how you feel and how hard this is. 

I echo Daryl's advice above.  This is not your fault.  Don't think that for a second.  You gaining a few pounds wouldn't make your husband seek tranny and gay porn.  There is zero connection. Your husband is wired with a same-sex attraction.  His interest is proven by the porn he watches.  His intent is shown in the craigslist ads on this computer.  It's more than enough proof.  Straight guys don't look at gay porn or read hook-up ads or worse..  I bet most guys would actually say that they are revolted by the sight.  

So, you are now faced with a decision.  Do you want to remain married to a gay man or do you want to separate and move in a different direction.  Only you can make that decision.  I admire those who are so committed to their vows and family to want to make it work.  Some people are able to do that.  Most of us go the other direction and we can give you many many reasons why.  But in the end this is your decision to make. 

I'm glad you found us here.  I would encourage you to build a support network.  Find your closest friends or family to be a confidant so that you have help.  Look up the SSN face-to-face groups to see if there is one near you:    http://www.straightspouse.org/test/face2face-support-groups/

We always advise that you go visit your Dr.  Many of us found out that our spouses had in fact already been cheating, despite what they told us, so getting tested for STD's is a wise precaution.  Also, if you are having trouble sleeping or dealing with anxiety or depression you might discuss those things with your Dr and perhaps they can help with some medicine to reduce those symptoms.  

This is a difficult road you are on.  We all know it well.  Let us know how we can help you get through it.  

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


January 30, 2018 12:07 pm  #5

Re: Support thread for HW


I'm terribly sorry you find yourself here.

Daryl is spot on with everything he says. No amount of aging, weight gain, or whatever turns a straight man gay. Vice versa applies. No amount of anything turns a gay man straight.

Porn consumption is a factor in creating sexual dysfunction (mental/emotional), does have negative physical sexual impact (pied/ed), and does desensitize the habitual viewer. What it doesn't do is change someone's orientation. Logically, if that was the case, you'd have to consider chronic porn use a form of successful orientation conversion therapy.

Duped is correct about STD testing. You would be wise to accept nothing he says as the truth right now. The line "nothing has ever happened in real life" is so typical it's laughable. It's a cookie cutter response. Please watch out for yourself and your health.

Lastly, the shame is not yours. The shame is his, and he knows it. If the shame were not his, and he 100% aware of it - why all the years of secrecy, hiding, and lies? It belongs to him, HW. Don't take that on, it doesn't reside with you.

Go easy on yourself. This is a hard enough thing to deal with without heaping wrongful blame upon yourself. Try and rest, eat well, and vent in a safe manner. Here, to a trusted friend, to a counselor, whatever feels safe. It helps to speak out and not let this fester within you.

Best to you.


January 30, 2018 4:42 pm  #6

Re: Support thread for HW

Hi HW! I too am sorry that you found yourself here. This is a wonderful group of people and so so supportive. I too do not have anyone to talk to. I'm still married to my GIDH as I just found out last year. I am taking baby steps to work my way out of this. 
Take care of yourself. There is nothing you have done to bring this on. It's all on him.


“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain, when you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” ~ Haruki Murakami ~

January 31, 2018 1:06 pm  #7

Re: Support thread for HW

Hi HW,

Welcome to the place no one wants to have to be.  We're here for you.

I would say that you have NO reason to believe the whole "I've never met up with anyone from all the ads I'm looking at on CL".  What reason does he have for telling you if he had?  He's already scared that you found out that much.  Telling you more would not serve any purpose for him.  What IS the purpose of looking through said ads if not for the purpose of "shopping"?  And what man goes window shopping?  They go shopping with the singular purpose to find what they're shopping for, obtain it, and leave.

Unlike straight encounters, in gay sex there is no one to put the brakes on.  It's typically the man pursuing, and the female withholding.  With two pursuers, it's all business, very quickly.  And unless they're interested in meeting up again, there doesn't need to be any contact after an encounter.  They both want nothing more than to get their rocks off and move on.  There's no "wining and dining" phase to men looking for gay sex hookups - it's all "you wanna?", and then straight to planning phase of meeting up, and then straight onto the end product.

I found my ex looking online once for other gay males in the area.  It was on Yahoo Personals, so it didn't say it was purely for hookups.  But he was looking for other gay men.  He claimed he hadn't even seen the match before I did.  But...... even if that WERE true,..... what's the deal, man?  I was in a position where I was begging, crying and carrying on about how little physical/sexual intimacy we were sharing, and here he was, shopping around for someone else to give it to?  It's SO distasteful.  I am literally begging you for something that you're telling me you'll try harder on, WHILE you're looking to give it to someone else?  What the actual f*ck, ya know?  It was as bad to me as if he'd gone out and cheated with a female.  It wasn't even an "accidental" affair - where you fall in love with someone at work.  It was INTENTIONAL - he was SEEKING to betray me.  All while he fed me lies about how much he DID want me, but that he just "wasn't a high drive sex person". That's complete horseshit.

This isn't your fault.  He's been lying to you about who he is, what he desires, and what it will take to fulfill him.  He lied because he wants other aspects of the relationship with you (maybe home stability, maybe companionship, maybe he just wants a beard), and so he'll keep secret the things that might take that away from him.  YOU are not his main concern - he doesn't respect your needs if he's taking from you to give to himself.  He is literally using you for whatever he wants, and doing what he wants on the side, too.  He's having his cake and eating it, too.

It doesn't matter if he admits he's gay, or even if he IS gay.  He's in a straight relationship, and he's not giving you the intimacy required of a healthy, happy relationship, and he's out there seeking it from someone else.  That's.atrocious.  It's deceitful, it's unfaithful, it's disrespectful.  You don't have to figure out if he's gay.  You need to figure out if this is the life you want, and how to proceed from this point.  Please know that them abstaining from gay activity does not make them straight.  If they desire gay interaction, and you're not a person of their same sex, then you are not the object of their desire.  Can you live with that?  He can stop cheating altogether (if possible), and it won't mean that his feelings toward you (and consequently, your relationship) are what they should be in order to be fulfilling for both of you.  It's like removing one branch that obscures your view from the tree outside your window, when the roots are uprooting the house.  You can improve the view, but the issue is still there, constantly, slowly destroying the foundation.  The view becomes immaterial.

I wish you the best.


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