So the holidays are almost over, thankfully. We spent Christmas Eve at his parents. As I sat there enjoying our time together I couldn't help but think this may be our last time together and it made me incredibly sad.
I feel like my soul has left my body, I will never be the same, sweet person I once was. I don't know how to move forward. I am just so scared right now. Between our business faltering, my new side business not taking off like I would like it to and his mom going in for major surgery tomorrow, I'm not handling things well at all. No sleep, constant anxiety and stress.
This is not fun!
I can't imagine havimg all those things going on at once..the holidays dont help other than to bring to light what is important- family, giving etc - things he has tainted now. You should commend yourself for making the holiday good for his mom and the kids despite the anxiety and sadness it gave you. You did what was right and moral.
The only words of comfort I,can offer is these troubles are a season, of unknown length, but a season. They cannot last forever.. You cant see the end now and you fear certain ends but their is an end. And while the end is not what we envisioned the real end is not as scary as we imagined.
Steady on..we walk forward and do what is right and moral. That may mean helping his mom (I miss my in-laws) despite what he has done...for now. Stay true to who you are and remain a consistent, stoic rock for your kids. Your businesses may be do poorly..for now. Do whatever you need to do to move forward...and know it is not forever.
A kind e-hug.
No kids involved (none of our own anyway, just nieces and nephews). I guess that is the one good thing out of all of this.