OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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April 4, 2017 6:44 am  #11

Re: Cancun

Just like it was hard or impossible to get your ex to admit, it might be difficult to convince your daughter.  You don't need to.  I'm sure it hurts that she is blaming you, and I am sure your ex has lots to do with it.  They are masters at manipulative behavior, and unfortunately your ex's Cancun show and parade is a massive attempt to prove you wrong and show that he is "normal".  He's not. He's gay.  There's no need to justify what you did.  You didn't get what you needed, and you left.  You are not responsible for why.  Even if he marries or dates 10 other straight women, the truth will be the same.  If it feels better to tell your daughter that you had your reasons for leaving that she knows nothing about, do it.  But it may open up a conversation as to what those reasons were.  
Go on your date.  It doesn't need to be your next relationship.  Let yourself be appreciated and dated by someone straight.  It will feel strange at first, but you deserve it!  

The truth will eventually come out for your daughter, and the new girlfriend/wife.  

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places.”

April 4, 2017 6:44 am  #12

Re: Cancun

My daughter is 23 and was out of the house when "the confession" came.  Now she is at the point where she doesn't care about who wronged who. She wants me to get on with my life which is true.  She is right.  GX has moved right along.  It is my turn.  Of course daughter has no idea of the pain, yet no longer wants to be in the middle of any of it.  She really wasn't involved as she is out and on her own.  She spends a lot of time with her dad and he has been a good father. He still takes both daughters out on the town and even shopping (at Victoria secret) and wherever they want to go. Clubs where they go to see their favorite band, he is 56 and most of the kids are in their 20's and 30's.  He dances and has a good time.  I don't think he notices that many see him as gay even though he looks and acts the part.  I do not see this daughter much.  We but heads sometimes.  Other daughter who is 21 was at home still when this was going on and she has a different take on it.  She is close to me and is concerned for me.  She got to see and hear things (much of it unintended), that made her understand the situation way better than daughter #1. Still getting past the past is the desire for all of us here.  Even if I need to distance myself from daughter #1 for a while as I continue to heal it is what I will do.  It does hurt however when GX, girlfriend, and my daughters hang together.  I have felt sorry for myself for too long now.  I am climbing out of this valley even if I need to claw my way out.

     Thread Starter

April 4, 2017 7:02 am  #13

Re: Cancun

Yeah...the kids no matter how old just want a mom and a dad.  No need to burden them with how we were treated etc.

My ex is like a teenager now also...I think, sadly, this is prime time when the kids become teens, that the spouse cheat and want to be 17 to 20 again...they are..jealous.. and no longer want to be a mom or dad..a spouse.
Unfortunately for us they decide they want to be gay
.what they wanted all along and lied to us about it seems.

We're left in the parent role with another child instead of a spouse.
Reality is now..I am not a spouse..im a father yes..but my kids do not hang with me per se...  I am not a teenager. I'm really the only thing the kids have left that will put them before a stranger.  I am the only real adult they have left.

And that , whether they see it or not, is loving them as a parent should.  Time to get on with our lives as kids are getting on with theirs.  Out  lives are an empty slate now.    My kids will always see me as I am..I remain consistently their dad..honest, known, loyal, the same.

Last edited by Rob (April 5, 2017 5:06 am)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

April 5, 2017 4:05 am  #14

Re: Cancun


I too have two daughters (and a son) and they see things so differently. My oldest daughter had only just left home (only weeks), the second one has been gone out of the house over 7 years and they're the same as yours. The one who was out of the house longer doesn't want to look at the "bad" done, the years of lies, deceit, hasn't witnessed the disrespect, his vitriol and venom, just wants to see this as it's over now, in the past, move on, it doesn't matter who did what it's just what it is and don't say anything bad about dad. My other two kids have stayed in the family home since TGT and have witnessed the toxic atmosphere that was there when we were together, have experienced how he's been so dismissive of me, the disrespect.

I don't see my daughters often, we're thousands of miles apart, they're thousands of miles apart also (physically and in terms of how they're dealing with this), it's only my son I see every few weeks. I did distance myself from one daughter for a while as I couldn't cope with the "positivity" she wanted to provide (this was in the immediate 3-6 mths after TGT), I couldn't listen to it so texting was the only form of communication and I ignored what I couldn't handle, didn't react to it. It's only now (17mths post TGT) that I've heard her say it must have been so hard on me. I tell myself time, it'll take time, but this daughter is much closer to his side of the family so I doubt she'll ever be fully open to seeing it from my side. She'll always have his and their perspective in the forefront of her thinking.

Sometimes we are just the collateral damage in someone else's war against themselves

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