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January 2, 2019 11:20 am  #1

Kids, and what to do?


Can some of you with kids who have lived through this tell me your story?

The hardest thing is the kids, 

and my lack of control over what they are feeling. 

They are 10&11. They grew up with a mother who has become increasingly distant when she is living her life, and still tells them she wants to be with them when she is with them. It's a lot of promises and no follow up.    

When we were married, she would take multiple vacations a year with her work-mentor. She would tell the kids the family would go on vacation next, and her trips were for work or needed breaks so she could refresh. She would say things like you have fun with your friends, I just want to spend time with mine. When the family never took vacations, never got to the time she promised later she would point to something we did do, and tell them it was it, we did it, or mom had to work, but wanted to. 

UGGGG, I always explain it with context, because it's crazy 

to the point, 

my gay in-the-closet ex doesn't tell my kids she is going to be gone and distant before she leaves and becomes distant, she tells them the opposite, she acts like a mother. When she comes back she tells them she misses them very much and wishes she could have been there, that it's been hard on her too, and it's the divorces' fault.  

I tell them she must be doing exactly what she wants to do. She lives 1 block away and tells them they will be able to see her whenever they want. and she doesn't tell them she wont be there. 

I've asked for a simple, to the kids, hey, I'm going out out town for awhile. You can call me.

She leaves with on warning, doesn't call unprovoked, might text, and blames others for not calling her if no one talks.    

How do I make this easier on my kids. how do they get a semblance of a normal life. 

I get that my ex wife was abused by family and society, and has to move on.

I get that I was abused by my ex wife, and has to move on

What about them. My kids, should they just be thankful they were born? and have a depth of understanding about it? They have their everyday kid life to process, and that is hard enough. 

My ex is a child too.

I was a stay at home parent in this mess for 8 years, 
In that time My ex's salary grew to 300k + and I was supposed to return to work with $ support and parental support. I get 5000k a month, enough to cover most of the monthly expenses. and on days that she has the kids, I can work, but she sends them back with piled up homework. (her response is to ask the teacher to assign less)

so big picture, abused gay closet ex wife who isn't ready to do anything about it besides take off 

abused straight spouse, who doesn't care if he is abused, as long as it doesn't affect his job and ability to raise his kids (but it does)

And kids that deserve not simply a life without abuse, but a life with support from people that can put the kids  needs first in honest thoughtful ways. 

Can anyone tell me if they pulled this off and how?

Did you out the gay ex and go full nuclear

Did you double down on being the only adult, and did you burn out?

Did you take care of yourself, and did the kids figure out their lives on their own?

$ isn't a problem for anyone but me. and I can fake it for their childhood, but would be a flat broke 48 year-old if I did     


January 2, 2019 11:32 am  #2

Re: Kids, and what to do?

I've tried everything and I've always failed,

To the point where I question myself and my intentions, 

My intentions are for my children, 

When it gets like this, I am an under-productive employee, a burned out father and go-to parent, and i'm not living my life. 

This time I want to let it all collapse or explode, 

or talk me out of it, 

     Thread Starter

January 2, 2019 11:50 am  #3

Re: Kids, and what to do?

   You are shouldering the entire burden of everyone's life, so no wonder you are down, especially at a season when everyone is talking about resolutions and improvements, and before that celebrating family togetherness for the entire month from Thanksgiving through to the New Year!  You are to be commended on being the sane parent through all of this upheaval, and to want to continue to put your children first.  It's hard.  Hard to bear the entire burden of both parenting and living like an adult in a sane life, while your wife la-di-da's her way around and tramples your kids' feelings while blaming you and everyone else.  
  I'm glad you wrote in, to let off a little of that steam from the pressure cooker of a life you're in.  I'm wondering what other support or safety releases you have: a counselor/therapist, a doctor, friend/s, the gym or other exercise, a hobby you can lose yourself in?  
   I don't know what your legal arrangements are, but if you can, I'd get yourself down to as little un-agreed on contact as possible, and start using something like "Our Family Wizard" to schedule and manage minimal contact.  It will help both you and your kids, and provide some needed stability and consistency.


January 2, 2019 3:24 pm  #4

Re: Kids, and what to do?

It sucks being the only adult!  I’m in the same position just no set agreement on support and custody yet.  I have been a stay at home mom for 17 years and never got a college degree (dropped out after 3 years when I got pregnant).  I have always been the go to parent when the kids had appointments or activities, which was fine since I didn’t work ouside the home.  While now that my STBX has decided he’s trans and lives in a 1 bedroom, I’m the one with the kids 24/7 with very little me time (I have 4 kids 17,15,13,10).  I also need to figure out college and work starting sometime this year.

As far as outing your ex, I was selective in who I told and still kind of am.  At the same time, I get wanting to blow up their world since they blew up yours.  I’m not sure it would help since they’re so good at denying everything.  I think your kids not being with her much may turn out to be a good thing.  It’s hard right now, but your kids see her for who she is and all she’s going to do is lose out on a relationship with them.  I personally would rather my kids not be exposed to too much of the pity party my STBX seems to have going! 

Take small moments for yourself when you can.  Therapy has been a must for me and talking to my sister almost daily.  Hopefully the new year will bring new adventures for you and your kids and lots of peace and happiness.


January 3, 2019 8:21 am  #5

Re: Kids, and what to do?

< deleted >

Last edited by Estella Oculus (May 1, 2019 10:19 am)


January 3, 2019 1:32 pm  #6

Re: Kids, and what to do?

If you end up being the only adult in the room by default ... maybe you can find a way to embrace that role (it's yours, whether you want it or not, so you might as well).  

I don't have younger children -- so I know these things are always easier said than done, but as The Only Adult In The Room myself, I've taken to simply announcing to my husband what he will and will not do -- no more asking him what he thinks, or anything like that.  I simply tell him the rules and refuse to engage any further.  

i don't know if that would work for you, but looking at your situation ... is there a way you can just tell your wife "You may not see the kids at all unless you commit to seeing them consistently, whether it strikes your mood or not, because that's what mothers do.  It's not optional.  If you don't want to be a mother, that's okay, too, you don't need to be a mother, but part of being a parent is being reliable."

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

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