OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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August 26, 2016 10:54 am  #11

Re: I need to tell my story...

Thanks again. Yes, I do plan on going completely no contact once I have the remainder of my things and she moves away. Not sure where she is moving, as I did not ask. I would not care about my things, except that they are all my old school yearbooks. That is something I do want back.

Question to anyone who has been through this. Did your ex spouse exhibit anti gay behavior or statements before they came out / were found out? My XW always said she hated gays, they were disgusting, God did not create that, etc. Is this a form of self loathing? I was the open one at first, trying to convince her to be accepting of everyone. I never knew it would backfire on me. I think she was brainwashed by her Irish Catholic family to be a "normal" woman with a Husband and tons of kids. She probably oppressed her sexual feelings for a long time. I do feel for her and understand that aspect of it. It doesn't make it easier. She also has told me I should be happy she is with a woman and not another man. She has said "At least it's not like I replaced you with another guy. This is a totally different kind of relationship." Has anyone else heard that?


August 26, 2016 10:55 am  #12

Re: I need to tell my story...

Hi PittGuy, I'm glad you found this forum. It truly helps to understand that the patterns our partners have are very similar, and it answers a lot of unanswered questions left by them.

I don't have much to add bc I echo what everyone else has said. No contact is the way to go. They often keep the lines of communication open to either string you along or make themselves feel better for what they did and lessen their guilt. This does you no good and only hurts. You have the power to cease contact, and don't have to justify why. I suggest you use that power.

I completely get being angry at the LGBT community, I was the same way and felt embarrassed for it. For me, it was misdirected anger. I was still in denial and it was easier to be angry at some intangible group than the actual person who caused me pain. I didn't want to believe someone I loved so much, and who "loved" me could ever hurt me this deeply. But they did. Once I began to understand and accept that, it became easier to direct my anger towards him, and not the LGBT. In truth, the LGBT and our deceptive spouses are completely separate and can't be equated.

It sounds similar to your situation. You don't seem to be angry at your spouse, just hurt. It might do you some good to see her for what she really is - an unfaithful spouse who strung you along. Maybe placing blame on her and getting angry will help you see clearly.

I was also a big user of "tossing me to the street like garbage" until someone said "he didn't toss you, you took the trash out." That helped me frame my situation in a more self-positive way.

Keep posting and reading! We've all been where you are and it truly helps. Hugs.


August 26, 2016 11:11 am  #13

Re: I need to tell my story...

If contact causes you pain avoid contact: she wants to be friends to make her feel better.

If there is stuff to be exchanged see if you can find a person who is willing to be an exchange point. You take her stuff there and she takes your stuff there and then that person will let the other know when its there and can set separate pickup times so you don't run into each other. I took stuff of my ex's to his sibling's house because we got along and then it was up to my ex to get it. He had moved out so he didn't have stuff of mine.

If you have low self-esteem try to raise it. Do little things for yourself that make you feel confident. Different hair style and clothes perhaps?  You will feel better and the better you feel about yourself the less of a magnet for troubled souls.

I found information written for widows and widowers helpful in getting on with my life. He was gone so I needed to plan how I wanted to live the rest of my life, taking one day at a time. It's a death without casseroles or insurance.


August 26, 2016 11:17 am  #14

Re: I need to tell my story...

My partner sometimes said derogatory things. And I def think it's a form of self-loathing.

I think you're still trying to figure her out, but it's been 3 years. Sadly, you'll just have to accept that you'll never know what went on in her brain or soul. And the best you can do is take all thay energy and refocus it towards yourself. Do the best you can to be the best version of yourself.

You are lovable and valuable. I can tell by the way you wrote your story. It hurts like hell, but this isn't the end of your story.


August 26, 2016 11:21 am  #15

Re: I need to tell my story...

Dee wrote:

On of my biggest struggles in the beginning was trying to figure out whether any of my marriage was "real" or not., how long he actually knew, despite him claiming he "just found out" on and on. I was driving myself nuts. I think in the beginning that's a normal reaction to such a traumatic betrayal. But then I realized that I was never, ever going to have any answers that made sense, and it was keeping me from moving forward. But the number 1 , best thing ever, I did to help myself heal and move forward is to go 100& NO CONTACT! Our kids are older, so I was fortunate to be able to do that. That's when I felt like I was the person in control, not him,

I agree !!


August 26, 2016 11:56 am  #16

Re: I need to tell my story...

RE: Derogatory Things - It could be one or more reasons:
(1)  Self-loathing
(2)  Deflection
(3)  Gas-lightening
(4)  Thou dost protest too much
(5)  Throwing you off the scent of the track or the trail

"No matter how hard the journey may be, remember to be kind to yourself..."

August 26, 2016 7:54 pm  #17

Re: I need to tell my story...

Two years is not a long time to be regrouping your life. As others have said, you have little or no reason for contact. Find things to keep you occupied in your spare time that have a social aspect. You never know who you might meet via a shared interest or friend. You were being purposely deceived and you called it out. You took a stand on fidelity and that is commendable. I suspect there are many women out there who want that in a partner as it speaks to what you feel is important. I don't know why someone would say something like 'at least I didn't replace you with another man'. Perhaps it's her way to trivialize, in her mind, what happened the same way some of our spouses insist they're not really gay or it's just sex. Sorry to welcome another new member to the club but you are welcome and feel free to speak what's on your mind. Sometimes that is the best way we can help others dealing with this.

Last edited by Daryl (August 26, 2016 7:55 pm)

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

August 26, 2016 8:35 pm  #18

Re: I need to tell my story...

Thank you all again. I feel so much better than I did a couple days ago. I feel for all of you also. I hate to see this has happened to so many people. And there are, no doubt, countless others who are silent about it. I have read through a lot of stories here and I know my situation is far from unique now.

I was 100% faithful and honest to her from the day I met her. I seriously didn't look at or think about other women. The problem was, she did. I feel stupid for telling everyone how I was lucky to have a woman who never talked about or looked at other men. I told everyone how I could trust her. She told me repeatedly how cheating was against everything she believed in. She literally begged me to promise I would never leave her. She was the one who pushed for engagement and marriage. She insisted on a traditional church wedding. I went through marriage classes and the whole nine for her. I still have my ring because it still means something to me. She hocked hers. I am not saying I was a perfect Husband by any means, but I did everything I could to make her happy.

I need to work past feeling bad about being angry or not liking her. I have made myself feel guilty for having anger or even hatred toward her. When this first happened, she criticized me for making it all about me. She tried to tell me it was harder for her. In a way, I understand it was hard for her to admit everything and accept who she was. She says she knew it would hurt me so that is why she tried to keep it a secret as long as she could. I'm sure she was scared to tell me. That, I understand, but I wish she would have instead of me having to find it the hard way.

Daryl, I think you are right about her trivializing the situation. She kept saying "But it's not like it's another guy. You are still the only man I would ever be with if I wanted to be with a man again." How am I supposed to feel about that? She honestly didn't understand why I was so upset. I think that falls into the completely separate category of her mental problems. I have found out some things from a mutual friend recently that shed some new light on her past. Apparently she left a lot of details out about things that happened back then.

A couple other things that stand out in my memory. When I told her she lied to my face she said "No I didn't. I always looked away when I lied." Like that makes it better? And when I told her she said she would never cheat on me, she said "I said I would never cheat on you with another MAN." So I guess that technicality justifies it in her warped mind.

Last edited by PittGuy76 (August 26, 2016 8:45 pm)

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August 27, 2016 1:20 am  #19

Re: I need to tell my story...

PittGuy: I know some of what you're experiencing. My STBXW is selfish and dishonest with me. Our divorce isn't final yet. But today I'm looking at a house for me and that feels good!

AARP has a program called "Life Reimagined." It is quite good. They teach classes across the country and have nice materials. If you're of that age, it may be a help to look into that. I went to one session and met a fine lady right away.

All the answers and help shared with you here have been so helpful; thanks, folks!


August 27, 2016 2:27 am  #20

Re: I need to tell my story...

Thanks. I guess I should say my age. I just turned 40 and the XW just turned 34. Our B-days are 7 days apart. Not Sure AARP would want me yet

Last edited by PittGuy76 (August 27, 2016 2:29 am)

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