How is everyone? What are your current challenges? What about what you've made some progress in? What's your general outlook like right now? What do you need support in the most right now? What are you doing to address that?
Also open to general gripe sessions. Lol.
Where I am: in the process of moving out. I've been living apart from my stbx in my own apartment for three months, but with only the very basics (I moved in with a bed, a dining table, and a loveseat). Yesterday the movers brought over the heavy furniture I can't move on my own. Of furniture I still have bookcases to go. There's still LOTS of STUFF to go through--35 years of a marriage, 27 in the same house, and things from my mother and father and my own long ago life. A few days ago, in clearing out my files, I came across our wedding invitations and announcements that we'd had a calligrapher letter for us, along with two copies of the vows we wrote (as in most marriages, I, the woman, am the caretaker of family memories). I left one of each on the bed (now "his bed), no comment.
I am making efforts to be social, to put all the caretaking and sociality I used to spend on the black hole of my husband's needs on myself and my colleagues and friends. I'm making sure to schedule at least one social event almost every day (some days there are two, or even three!). Just this week alone I helped one friend mulch her garden, had coffee with another, lunch with still another, and a late afternoon drink with two others. (And packed and moved.)
I would say my general outlook is good, although a week straight of going back to "our house" and clearing it out has brought back what I've lately done a mostly good job of leaving behind. At least putting my new place to rights, figuring out the optimal places for furniture (and then hanging pictures) will keep me occupied and be concrete moves toward my own life and place. I also find that I have been more willing to tell people the reason I'm moving out, because it seems wrong to let them assume that a 35 year marriage could be left behind on a flimsy excuse like "we grew apart." I told the men moving my furniture, for example, that after 32 years of marriage my husband decided he wanted to be a woman and they were understanding, sympathetic, and kind. (They were also careful and quick, but that's because they were professionals.)
However, tonight, after my colleague went home to get ready for dinner guests, a couple he and his partner are having over tonight, I did feel, as I ate another dinner alone...well, alone. Funny, because for the past dozen years I have spent 4-6 weeks alone every summer, and never felt lonely while eating alone--because it was a respite from the obligation of nightly cooking a meal, because, I guess, I knew it wouldn't last forever and I had someone to go home to and who would then be coming home to the meal I cooked. So dinner time is the hardest for me. I am used to ending my work day by cooking a meal for "us," and waiting for him to come home so we could eat together. Eating dinner together was the most contact and interaction we shared, and, let's be clear, we often ate while watching tv, often with me watching him shovel in unthinkingly the meal I'd cooked, wondering why I was making the effort, but it was my daily after work routine and provided me company of a minimal sort. Now each night it's just me. I do cook for myself, and make an effort at presentation, but sometimes the effort falls flat, and it fell flat tonight. So tonight there was a little weeping after I finished my meal (which I ate outside at the little table on my porch).
I'm sure my low moment was caused by the last week's efforts and the last week's emotional onslaught. I'm having fewer of these low moments, so I know it will pass. In general I'm doing ok. Often more than ok. Getting better. Doing better. Feeling lighter and free of stress.
Life is (mostly) good.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (June 20, 2018 7:22 pm)
I tell EVERYONE why my husband left. I figure, what I am suppose to say? Then, oh, the truth, that is the appropriate answer. If I had known the truth I would be in a much different place. So, yeah, I tell them all! I do wonder if its sometime not appropriate, but then I say to myself, what is not appropriate is lying to your wife for 30 years!
My stbx went to my atty office today to sign the petition so that I didn't have to have him served. That seems like a milestone. I am also looking into a therapy prgm for myself to deal with this stuff, another "something."
I did some EMDR yesterday with my therapist and re-framed the situation to something like, my husband has not met my needs for many years. His husband qualities stink and honestly, what am I gonna miss? The familiarity, yes. But he showed no real love, no real concern, but was all about what was best and comfortable for him. So, if I re-frame the situation that way, it sure feels better.
Have a good night all.
Kel, All,
I have not been on here much as it tends to make me re-live the past over and over sometimes.
I've been doing really good. A little over 2 years divorced..but so much longer since TGT. I have minimal contact with my GX and only get the occasional put down out of the blue now (i guess on bad days she still feels entitled to take it out on me..rather crazy after so long). Kids are doing great. I've made many new friends.
I would like tell everyone there is life after TGT and it is so much better than living with someone that lies , abuses and demeans because of their internal sexual issues and morals. Do not fear getting away from these hurtful people.
Big e-hugs to everyone.
Hi Kel,
I wish I could say things are going well and I'm finally moving forward, but they are not. I don't know why I can't take this first step. It's been since 1/2017 since disclosure. We get along great 90% of the time, which makes it harder I think. I think I'm afraid of losing everything. I am trying to be financially independent first with my new travel biz, but it is slow going. I do have times where I just don't care what happens to me anymore. Still, no one knows except for all of you...I am so thankful for this site. I may not post regularly, but I know how supportive everyone is.
The dilemma of my r'ship, all it is, all it may be....has taken a back seat. My mother passed a month ago (on my 60th birthday no less) so once again the turmoil I feel sits in the back of my mind while I wade through emotions, the clearing out of her house, sifting through, hundreds of them!....etc etc.
Plus! my grandson is in the country on his summer break (hah! and it's winter in NZ!) so I try not to dwell on *my situation*
All I can say is, I'm aware 33 yr r'ship....may not last. But if there's a light at the end
of this tunnel...I can't see it yet
HI Kel - It's the 6 month marker for me since discovery. I've been alone the whole 6 months. I can say I had 6 cry free weeks (May-June) since I started no contact and dating someone else. However, my lack of self-worth & trust issues blew the relationship to pieces. So here I am, alone again and not so happy. I'm having a very hard time making the necessary steps to build a life for myself. I'm very stuck. Once in a while I'll have an anxiety attack and feel like I'm the only one in the world. That's when I come here and just read. The one thing I'm really happy about is that I no longer am in love with him. When I do cry, it's not because I miss him anymore, it's because I'm alone and lonely.'
Ellexoh - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. It's a very sad and trying time when you lose her. I wish you peace and strength. Good luck keeping up with your grandson! Hopefully he'll be a great distraction for you.
Last edited by Kathyd (June 21, 2018 10:14 pm)
What a horrible process this is. I am still on the roller coaster of emotions. But the sadness is overwhelming.
The major progress I have made is I realize w/o a doubt that my GIDH is gay. I no longer doubt it, I no longer believe his lies. He is gay. I still love him, but he is gay. I want truth and honesty in my marriage and he can’t give me that. Another positive step is I have separated rented an apartment for 6 months. Being separated has enlightened me, I see very clearly now.
But the negative is I have no clue what I am going to do now. I hit the pause button. I want to be happy, just give me my happiness back, is that happy with or without my GIDH?
And I am so very very tired, I just want a break from all this shit. Thanks for letting me vent.
Kathy wrote..
"... However, my lack of self-worth & trust issues blew the relationship to pieces. So here I am, alone.."
First off alone is ok ..especially from someone that is hurting you over and over..
Second...yes they destroyed our self worth and self esteem...our masculinity and femininity.. They gave us trust issues... But I'm seeing now it was a lie...that destruction was part of their abuse.. We have so much worth and can still be a strong guy or was all them drilling that into our heads subtly over years. Its not our fault... I recognize this now and try to negate it as much as I can...its just not true.. And nothing delights me and motivates me more than knowing I am defying the lies drilled into me by my GX.
Last edited by Rob (June 22, 2018 6:16 am)
I am 9 months post disclosure and nearly 3 months on my own. Its been a real up and down time. its better when we have no contact and I've realised that he doesn't really care for me. He's just too wrapped up in his new life. You know that box they keep TGT in? I think that now that he's out, he has a new box where he has put me and our marriage in.
I have days where I feel overwhelmed and so tired but I would never have him back. So thats what I hold on to.
Ellexoh- so sorry about your Mum xx