OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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September 15, 2016 10:56 pm  #1

Just need to hear someone say this is survivable

Hi, friends,

I'm feeling particularly low tonight.

I'm a year in since my husband left me. 20 years together. Three beautiful kids. He was my best friend. I had no clue he was gay.

The divorce is awful. We struggle with so much. Here's a brief laundry list of the mountain on my shoulders:

13 yr old is depressed and about to start meds. She's taking everything out on me. It's heartbreaking. She clings to her dad. Her dad takes that to mean I'm the cause of her depression, rather than his having blown up our worlds. I'm very worried about her.

He's lying about his income and spending a lot of money. The divorce process keeps getting slowed down bc of games he's playing. He frequently leaves me without enough money. Yes I have a lawyer. It's still a slow, tortuous process.

He's living with his boyfriend, whom he parents with to my exclusion. He's told the kids they're marrying. He met him 6 weeks after he left me. The bf was married to another man and they broke that up. They moved in together in March. He couldn't even give my kids 6 months to get used to us splitting up.

I just went back to work full time for the first time in 10 years. I got fired as a SAHM. He basically threw everything I knew and was and did away.

I believe I have cried (usually out of anger and frustration and sometimes pure exhaustion) every day at some point in the last couple of weeks.

Sometimes I wonder if my life will ever feel stable or happy again. This last year has been so full of pain and betrayal.

While I no longer love my GIDSTBX, I miss the sanity and ease of my old life, which was tsunamied.

I'm going to lose my house and car.

I can't believe someone who loved and cared for me (or at least faked it very well) for 20 years could now care less if I am destitute on the street. And I'm not exaggerating.

I have been blamed for our divorce, gaslighted, and emotionally abused for a year. Sometimes I fight back, sometimes I feel beaten down and want to give up. My self esteem is in the garbage.

I'm working hard to heal. I have a great therapist. I have friends and family (mostly away). But Jesus this is hard. I wouldn't wish this nightmare on anyone. And being married to someone who turns from Jekyll to Hyde makes you lose trust and faith in the world.

Somebody tell me your divorce was awful and nasty. Tell me your ex completely turned on you and blamed you bc s/he didn't have the balls to own his/her sexuality or role in tearing your family to pieces. Tell me there were days you thought ... Where is the way out of this hell? And then tell me it got better. You learned to love yourself again. Your kids were ok. You found someone to love you and whom you could love in return. Someone who truly loves like a heterosexual. That you healed.

Thanks for listening. I'm so worn down.

Last edited by Sue (September 15, 2016 11:00 pm)

"You want a man who messes up your lipstick, not your mascara."

September 15, 2016 11:07 pm  #2

Re: Just need to hear someone say this is survivable

Haven't dealt with divorce (yet), but the fallout has already been happening with my kids (as in daughter same age as yours going through hell because of mom). Sorry to hear about your struggle tonight, it's been a rough one for me too. Your husband sounds cruel, you deserve better, and I'm sure that better is in your future.


September 16, 2016 9:26 am  #3

Re: Just need to hear someone say this is survivable


I can tell yes yes yes to all of your questions in your last paragraph.  My self-esteem was so nonexistent I could barely back the car out of the drive-way when I left with the kids. My divorce took forever and it was awful. Unbeknownst to me my X's family knew the Judge and I was told by the court-appointed therapist he and the Judge got phone calls (unethical I know).  My last parent and sole support died in the midst of all of this and I fell prey to a narcissistic sibling whose passion was to kick me when I was down. I was alone parenting 2 toddlers in an unfamiliar town with no contacts and no job and I was always on the verge of losing the only thing I owned, my car.  It more than sucked.  It was more than one person could handle. Within a blink of an eye I had gone from a former professional with a corner office turned SAHM with a professional community involved husband with a beautiful home, a nice car, and lots of good friends to destitute and alone with a NGIDH who was stalking me. I spent so many nights full out crying in the garage where the kids couldn't hear me. I drained the few friends I had left talking on the phone seeking advice and comfort.  I could not figure out what had happened to my life (I would find out my X was GID 3 years later) and I certainly could not foresee any future.  I used to quip to myself that I must have been a really rotten person in a past lifetime because that was the only explanation I could find for my predicament.

Thank goodness for my children.  They were so young and so full of life that I had no choice but to put on my big girl panties and keep on going.  I would put a smile on my face, be thankful for the little things and try to be present for their sake. Many times though behind my smile and my sunglasses I would be consumed with the mountain of problems I was facing.

Sue, in a nut shell I eventually began to follow the steps so offered here: Lawyer, therapist, and reading.  I used baby steps to try to make progress every day.  I made many mistakes and took many steps backwards. I often had huge doubts about whether things would get better, even when things were getting better.  I worried about the impact of all of this on the kids the most and sometimes still do.  But fast forward 10+ years and they are happy successful and thoughtful teens who have happy memories of their childhood!  That always blows my mind because there was so much turmoil circling much of their lives but they don't see it through the same lens I do. I dated again and had fun with it and found love for now.  I am not sure I have healed 100%, but I am better. I will never be that idealistic 20-something who married her college sweetheart again. It has been a hell of a journey and I have learned that I am stronger than I ever thought possible. My life is not perfect now, but it is mine. Life with TGT was filled with drama, emergencies and juggling.  I move at my own speed now.  I delight in the mundane and I have found joy in the journey.

Sue, when you are having those rough days and nights, know that you are not alone at all and know that it will get better and that you will get through this. Find healthy ways to cope with the stress such as exercise or walking and try to eat right and get some sleep.  It sounds trite but treating yourself right can help you get through tough days. Don't beat yourself up and be kind to yourself and reach out for help when you need it.

Last edited by WendiT (September 16, 2016 9:28 am)

"No matter how hard the journey may be, remember to be kind to yourself..."

September 16, 2016 8:05 pm  #4

Re: Just need to hear someone say this is survivable


So sorry. My divorce was nasty but I did make it through. I'm still alive.

Unfortunately she is still being nasty to me ..blaming me for everything still..we're divorced and I thought she would leave me alone but no.. so I haven't healed. A bad day here too.

A big e hug. Kind prayers for you.

Last edited by Rob (September 16, 2016 9:17 pm)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

September 16, 2016 8:24 pm  #5

Re: Just need to hear someone say this is survivable

Rob... You should consider cutting off all communication with your ex other than communication relating to the children. That's what I did. We didn't discuss our marriage, we didn't discuss my life, we didn't discuss her life.

If the divorce is done advise her that from now on you will ONLY discuss the children. If you get ANY communication that is not about the children ignore it or reply by saying "This communication is not about our children."

Just a suggestion. It worked for me... BIG TIME.

PS I think it was Patti who used to say something like "Don't rent her any more space in your head"

Last edited by Steve (September 16, 2016 8:29 pm)

You have a future. A good one. It begins as a flicker of hope. Nurture it until it becomes a dream and when you are strong enough you will make it a reality. NEVER give up. 

September 16, 2016 9:24 pm  #6

Re: Just need to hear someone say this is survivable

Believe me I don't reply..but I have to read the stuff in case its about the kids.  Just horrible stuff...designed to hurt me..  so much anger and hate.   There is really is no way I can reply even if I wanted to...any reply will validate what she said as true.  Then my reply will be followed with more hurtful stuff.    No,   I practice no contact and was doing so well..


"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

September 16, 2016 9:41 pm  #7

Re: Just need to hear someone say this is survivable


If you must read them and they are not about the kids, regardless of what it is about  reply with: "This communication is not about our children. Please speak to your psychiatrist about this"

I'm not sure if I'm being serious or if this is good advice... but at least she'll know a) that you don't care what she has to say and b) that you think she's batshit crazy.

Last edited by Steve (September 16, 2016 9:53 pm)

You have a future. A good one. It begins as a flicker of hope. Nurture it until it becomes a dream and when you are strong enough you will make it a reality. NEVER give up. 

September 17, 2016 1:22 am  #8

Re: Just need to hear someone say this is survivable

Yes, I've been through the divorce, yes I've been through him not supporting the kids (3 of them) or me financially.  I've wondered where the kids and I would be able to afford to live, and how bad of a neighborhood that'd be for me to afford it. I've been through a depressed teenage daughter who came home crying from school every day (although I think it had more to do with general depression/anxiety than anything related to the divorce, and from bitchy Jr. High girls). Even went through a behaviorally disturbed teen that we had to take out a restraining order against (he no longer lives with us). And.... I'm happily in love now - remarried and thrilled every day with my life. The only thing that could make it better is if we won the damned lotto, and my son got well.

Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, Sue. It'll all be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. Lol.


You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

September 17, 2016 12:05 pm  #9

Re: Just need to hear someone say this is survivable

Thank you all.

Wendi, your post was very, very helpful. It gave me hope. Your life sounds much like mine. Went from wonderful (except for not knowing his secret) straight to the depths of hell. Hearing that you are now in a different place is so, so good. 

Steve, I love your quote. 

Kel and Rob, I always look forward to hearing from you. 

I just want the healing to feel measurable and I'm impatient. I've always been Type A, with a plan, dreams of the future, etc. This entire process, this utter loss of control over my life, the way in which he's treating me. Feeling flawed and unlovable and like I am failing my kids because I can't seem happy every day. This damn LIMBO life where you don't have the "d" on the end of divorce and you have someone doing things like draining the bank account just to punish you. Jesus, It's hard. 

And then losing the guy I was dating ... I felt wanted, sexy, fun. He felt safe. And he wasn't unkind, he just wasn't into me in the end. Which hurt my self-esteem again, even if it was about him. And my therapist says all I need is another emotionally unavailable guy. And that I myself am really not emotionally available yet. I have been connecting online with some new guys with the object being fun and not a relationship this time round. It just eases the loneliness bc I don't have any divorced girlfriends in town and all my friends are very busy with spouses, kids, jobs, lives. But the pickings are slim and I get a lot of two word "hey babe" introductions. Barf. 

My job has actually been wonderful. It keeps my head out of all the shit and I really enjoy what I do. But I'm exhausted and trying to balance this life with my kids is very hard. 

I'm not giving up. I refuse. I just wish I could fake happiness better. I know my kids feel my sorrow and that eased up so much when I was dating. That was also a period that coincided with a lot less drama in the divorce where we are now heavily involved in weekly meetings to try to co-parent and starting on what i have heard is often the most stressful part of a divorce -- the financial settlement. 

I want to move past anger to acceptance. I want to live in the day and know somehow this will get better. But I feel insecure, screwed with, and afraid. And that's just me being honest. 

I do feel better learning from my therapist and my close friend who is also a therapist that it takes more than 12 months to get over a mess like this. There's actually an unscientific saying that it takes as many months to get over a loss as years that you were together. That means I've got another 8 months to go and probably a lifetime of working on trust issues after that. And I can't always see my progress, but it's there. 

I just wish my kids were smaller. I think I could fake it for them better that way. It's very hard knowing that my kids know I am sad (sometimes sadder than others, of course), worn down, and having trouble handling all this. I don't tell them that, but they are very intuitive, gifted kids, who can feel it. And I'm not up to dragging the three of them around (while they all fight like cats and dogs because they are all traumatized themselves) and pretending like life is grand. 

I hope someday to be reconciled to only seeing them half the time. Having that taken from me ... my life as their primary caretaker, burns worse than TGT. Dating helped that, because it kept me busy and reminded me I really like adult company. 

Anyway, I am rambling. Thanks to you all for reaching out. I so, so appreciate it. 


"You want a man who messes up your lipstick, not your mascara."
     Thread Starter

September 17, 2016 3:57 pm  #10

Re: Just need to hear someone say this is survivable


My divorce was awful and nasty. My ex completely turned on me, blamed me, and when he knew I wouldn't come back, claimed to want me back. He blames the divorce totally on me even though he divorced me too. He claims he's not into homosexuality cause he calls it SSA, the sanitized version in his head,. The divorce process was torturous as I watched all I had worked to build crumble. The kids faltered, were harsh towards me, and one older child of 5 still blames me.

Four years later it's much better, my kids are doing better, and I no longer feel like such a failure, but I'm still working on that. I never dreamed my family would be broken, and that's the part I can never change. I need to accept it.  I can't say I ever hated myself for this (nor my X), but life was so painful that I had moments of not wanting to wake up alive the next day...except for my kids.

This GT is a faith shaker, but it's cause the experience is so painful and confusing. I know God loves me despite the fact that He didn't halt me from marrying a closeted man. Life happens. TGT  happens. Oh ugh - what a horrible experience to recall. But, yes it does get better, and I say this having been married longer than you are.

I've met a great guy who thinks I'm awesome and who shows me the physical attraction (the difference) that I never experienced with my X.  I've healed tremendously, I'm happy, I'm making it! Every once in awhile I'll pause in disbelief or get momentary PTSD about my life, but then I realize how much better things are and how much I have to look forwards to - more than ever,

Hang in there!


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