No, I think you did nothing wrong by voicing a very large obstacle to the success of a relationship. I believe this is a form of gas-lighting. Making you think this is your problem, that you are imagining things or blowing them out of proportion. The truth here is that he pursues transgender stuff and ignores you. That is not the sign of a normal straight man. He is seeking encounters outside your relationship. It really doesn't matter if it's other men, women or transsexuals. It is cheating. He is speaking to prostitutes, including the 'male massage therapist'. Ask yourself if you can trust this person to make you as his priority? It is admirable that you want to offer him an option to talk about this but you also have to be ready to accept a rejection of that offer. He has to genuinely want to change himself. You cannot be his parole officer. Regular addictions such as drugs, alcohol, and even porn, can be fixed if the person with the addiction works hard to break it and stay off it. Core sexuality isn't something you can fix. You can only hide it and I think that is what you are seeing here. You are not alone. Be kind to yourself and look out for your long term happiness.
Last edited by Daryl (November 5, 2017 11:27 am)