The Purpose of Sex

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Posted by Rick
August 1, 2016 10:34 am

I don't see much mention of this so I thought I would bring it up. 

What is the value of having sex with a partner?  When dealing with the issue of how to react to the coming-out of a spouse it is easy to get lost in the details.  it took a long time for me to wrap my head around the notion that my wife was gay.  "Wait, let me get this straight, you don't like men yet you say that you love me?" "You say you enjoyed sex with me AND you say that you don't like men? "You always knew?  "So why did you marry me?" The questions go on and on when reality is challenged in such a profound way.  It was then and it still is easy for me to miss the forrest for the trees.

So what about sex?  What about the act of love making?  What is the importance of this most primal representation of a sexual relationship.  They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.  That may be true for some but at least for me there is a much more direct route.  The express lane to my heart is not my stomach.  Making love makes me fall in love.  There is biological, chemical, emotional stuff that happends which is designed to bring partners closer together through this fundamental act.  This is part of God's plan for the act of sex.  It is a natural and good thing

Sometimes I think we get too academic about our love relationships.  I get caught up thinking about how much I love my LezEx.  I miss her.  I miss her friendship.  I miss my children.  I miss family.  I miss the house and I miss the dog.   I have read the stories of those who choose to stay together in spite of the sexual incompatabilty that comes with a gay spouse.  While I would not presume to prescribe what is best for others pedantically lecturing them on how they should live their lives I would cry out for me to say "what about sex?"  For me, sex is an important thing. 

I do not take sex lightly.  Like alcohol and other drugs, I know what it can do to me.  In like manner, I know what sex can do FOR me too.  I love love.  I love sex.  I appreciate the power that love making will have over my body and over my mind and sprit too.

So should I have stuck with my gay wife?  No, and for reasons beyond our sexual incompatability.  But the act of having sex is important and it was at least one impediment to us being able stay together.  Sexual, primal, instinctual attraction is important for me.  As much as I strive to be spiritual, I am also flesh.  Not only is there nothing wrong with that, there is something right with that.  I believe that my physical nature is a part of God's plan for me.     

In the end, I don't know if I need a woman to be attracted to my body.  I do know that I need to be attracted to her's.  I want that.  I am that.  My ego may not need a woman to be attracted to me physically, it does want it though.   I would make the case that while I might be able to endure a life without the fulfillment of sexual attraction, it would not be right for me to do so.

There was a time when I would have strived to put away my physical desires in a naive attempt to take a more spiritually enlightened approach.  I would like to think that it is this spiritual journey which has lead me to better understand the importance of my carnal self.  I am at my best when I pay attention to both.

Again, this is just me talking about me.

Posted by Leah
August 1, 2016 2:50 pm

I'm struggling with this one as I had lots of sex with my now GIDXH.  And it was good.  It was the one way we connected fully.   It was the way to his heart and it eased the tensions between us.  In fact, it was when I said I wouldn't sleep with him anymore that he totally felt rejected and everything really fell apart.   When I said that in a fit of anger and spite as I thought that I needed to see if sex was all there was for him.  And it seems that it was!! Truly a key, and this after the revelations of his SSA or simple getting his cock sucked for thrills (no sex he insists....still)!! 

He told me that he hated that I would never lust after him in the same way knowing what I knew.  I was devastated by the deceit, the long history of betrayals large and small.  The lack of sharing with me, his wife and 'best friend' this fundamental struggle in his life that impacted me directly whether he thinks so or not...He coldly says he was surprised how little it affected him.... Heartless creep.  But we seemed sexually so compatible and that makes it all the more easy to believe him when he says it was just for kicks.... I feel so confused and sad as sex is important to me too.  But that was the real betrayal - a spiritual one.  

He was cheating, and lying and making me out as the problem.  Sex was good.  Plentiful.  But he injured my view of him and our past.  Destroyed the spirit of marriage which requires that you have a union in body and soul.  I thought he was a decent and honest man, incapable of such deceit.  I was trying to make our marriage work under false pretences.  It seems to me now that he was trying to get me to leave....behaving so badly that I couldn't possibly not divorce him.  He tested me to the limit and I broke.  He was never going to stop behaving badly and making me out as a harridan.  Something I wasn't.  It was a spiritual attack because I valued myself as a good and supportive partner that has proven herself as loyal!!

 That was the excuse really, I was just needy and demanding and a harridan...but really I was just a woman asking fairly normal things of my partner.  Now he gets to start over with someone else who doesn't have the trauma and history of lies. Or hassle and work of raising three children...that is done.  Of course that is better...  These people want NEW lives, NEW adventures....and especially for the closeted ones, a clean slate. 

He is dating a woman who he "has told everything to" and she understands him.  I said, well why don't you sleep with someone else and see just to check how understanding she is....  He breaks my heart every time we interact.  I thought I was doing so well.  Moving on, forgiving.  And he just kicks me back down....he told me I made him a better man.  He's sorry I didn't meet him as a grown up.  I take three steps forward (last week) and then two steps back (this week)   I want a sexual and a spiritual connection...that is key to a good relationship and it is a huge blow to me to find that even though we had a great sexual connection, he was pretty evil at the level of soul.  You need both.  The deceit of TGT is huge on all levels which is what makes it so traumatic....anyway I'm just talking about me too...

Last edited by Leah (August 1, 2016 2:56 pm)

Posted by BryonM
August 2, 2016 12:19 am

Leah -
"The lack of sharing with me, his wife and 'best friend' this fundamental struggle in his life that impacted me directly whether he thinks so or not...He coldly says he was surprised how little it affected him...."

What is the "it" that he says he was surprised how little it affected him? Does he mean the sex? Does he mean the 'fundamental struggle?'  I'm not clear on what you mean by "it" - but my ex said something similar, she was trying to convince me that sex wasn't such a big deal to her. I thought at the time she was saying she had a low sex drive.  Now I am pretty sure that really she was trying to convince herself that sex wasn't that important to her, and this was one way of repressing her true sexual attraction to other women. Curious if you think that is what your ex was doing too.

"I have given you my soul, leave me my name!"  - John Proctor, The Crucible
"Question everything you've been told; hold fast to what is true and good." - I Thessalonians 5:21
Posted by Leah
August 2, 2016 12:26 pm

Hi Byron, 

By 'it' he meant the cheating, the cruising in public toilets getting his cock sucked, the affair with another woman.  He felt that our relationship problems were not affected by this behaviour!!  Only once I knew did it affect US?  But I think the fundamental struggle around his confusion and SSA took so much energy from him, and made him a difficult person to live with.  He would blow up and be very harsh and say very nasty things to me if I was not coping or needing emotional support.  I was quite isolated with young children in a foreign country, so depended on him a lot, which he didn't handle well.

According to him, we were having normal disagreements which any married couple have.  Our sex life was not a problem.  The problem was my expectations of him.(according to him)  He thought of me as a harridan always demanding more than he wanted to give.  More intimacy and honesty.  He treated me harshly and criticised me roundly for being 'difficult' before and after all of the revelations of his betrayals.  

I think he doesn't like women, or at least he doesn't like any emotional demands that most women will make of him. I was quite amused when he told me that in his first post me relationship, she felt she was doing all the 'work' but he broke it off because 'he could do better' - she was too old and not attractive enough.  Now he has moved on to someone else who he has told everything and he says it makes him angry with me because she is so accepting of him....  Who knows what is really going on besides him trying to make me feel bad.  He will repress his SSA forever I think.  As he gets older perhaps it is easier....he insists it is behind him and he doesn't feel it anymore.....He just wants to be free of me and all I know about him.  As one friend said "I'm just collateral damage in his life" 

Posted by Sue
August 2, 2016 10:38 pm

Beautifully expressed, Rick. Be excited for that straight sex that brings you closer to the person you fall in love with and who falls in love with you. You deserve it. 

Last edited by Sue (August 2, 2016 10:39 pm)

"You want a man who messes up your lipstick, not your mascara."
Posted by Rob
August 3, 2016 7:15 pm

Rick your too kind to your ex.

When we were married promises were made..vows were taken.  Why say it if you don't mean it..
My lezex will say every excuse in the book why she wanted a divorce...the true reason is she was having a gay affair and discarded me in favor of her girlfriend. 

Its crazy and immoral. .she could make the case that I changed or our case she changed..  but we had vowed to be loyal to each other..both physically and emotionally.  We could have worked through any silly problem...but she chose a gay lover over me. 
She then chose to be cruel to me.
Its scary...what part of in sickness and in health didn't she if I were to get sick she would leave me?  Her excuse was I didn't take out the trash... it's just damn scary how shallow her love was.  Are all people so shallow?

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by Patti
August 3, 2016 11:02 pm

I an old str8 spouse. (been here for 18 years). So, I've pretty much seen about every permutation of this nightmare that is "out" there.
About sex: well, I was a virgin bride at almost 20. My former husband used to joke that I had "the libido of a man". I sort of thought it was funny. It was funny right up until the day that he told me, after nearly 30 years of marriage, that he was gay. Shortly thereafter he "suddenly" found himself in love with a man. I wanted to die. I couldn't breathe. We hadn't had sex for three years, and only had sex once the two years before. I was willing to live the the hope that sooner or later we would; after all, we were Best Friends, because he told me we were. I was the only woman he loved, because he told me so. We were Soul Mates, because he told me so...for three decades. Why wouldn't I believe him? Well I did. I even believed him after he told me he was gay. He kept telling me "it's different with a man". Well, I bought that line of crap on a cracker until I realized, with the help of a brilliant and gay psychotherapist, that a cheat, is a cheat, is a cheat....and a lying liar is someone who lies! It was infidelity. Period. The Ghosts of what I imagined he was doing with and to his lover d'jour nearly destroyed me. Nearly; because I had my friends from SSN ... long before Facebook and Voy forums....

It ALL changed the first time I was kissed by a str8 man. I learned that I WAS desirable to someone, even at 48. When a str8 man made love to me for the first time, it changed my life completely. There IS a DIFFERENCE. For two people to make love, it requires vulnerability at the most basic, intimate level. A gay/lesbian spouse can't risk that. Most have to be on guard constantly; gay husbands, for certain. What can happen between two people has no rules, no "ick faces", no cracks about libido or prohibitions on where or when to touch each other. It is mutually and reciprocally intimate on a level that (in my experience and the experiences of other str8s who learned this same lesson) doesn't come close to what might have passed for "good sex" with the non-str8 spouse.

Can a couple "survive" with no sex? Of course they can. Sex isn't the issue, not really. It's intimacy.
It was intimacy that was missing. The actions have to match or surpass the rhetoric; for a non-str8 spouse that is usually not realistic.

The other thing I learned when I fell in love with a str8 man was that there was nothing I ever could have done to give what I had found to my spouse, nor would he have been willing or able to receive it. In the same way that he could never do for me, give me, what my str8 my str8 husband gave to me.

Best of luck on your journey, all of you. The Difference is stunning in its simplicity and its complexity. It is worth the potential heartbreak; whether for right-now, for-as-long-as-it-lasts, or forever-after; in my experience, it was worth it do discover that it wasn't about me, it was never about me. It was always about him; his need to hide, his need to perform, his need to be something he wasn't...and could never be.

I wish for him the happiness I've found.
I wish that for all of you.
Patti in Oceanside

Posted by BryonM
August 4, 2016 12:45 am


I am fascinated to read that it was a gay therapist who helped you cut through the B.S.  I was seeing a straight, female therapist for a while, and she brought me a long ways, and I got a lot out of it. But there is a piece of me that wants to talk to a lesbian therapist now; I think I want to test myself and see where I'm at, but I want to have those talks and ask questions and hear answers "from the horse's mouth;" does that make sense from your experience? Part of my self-talk is that would be like going over to the enemy, and I want to get rid of that lingering anger and betrayal. I am trying to convince myself that it wouldn't be going over to the enemy, it would be more like getting information directly from the source. You're the first person I've heard say you did it, but it's been on my mind the last couple of months. Did you deliberately search for a gay psychotherapist, or did it just turn out that way by happenstance?

"I have given you my soul, leave me my name!"  - John Proctor, The Crucible
"Question everything you've been told; hold fast to what is true and good." - I Thessalonians 5:21
Posted by Patti
August 4, 2016 1:26 am

Byron, I discovered he was gay more than a year after I began seeing him. He came highly recommended by a very heterosexual LDS/Mormon therapist (I used to be one; Mormon, not a therapist). I needed someone to prescribe meds and that requires and MD. He was very no-nonsense. He in no way excused the behaviors masquerading as excuses from my former husband. The man kept me alive in the early months; of that there is no doubt. He made me sign a suicide contract after the second visit.

I worry about the "going over to the enemy" phrase in your post. The key is the right therapist. It sounds as though you had one. While I understand the curiosity about the thoughts of a lesbian therapist, it may be quite unrealistic for you to imagine that you might have the same experience I had. Many folks report lousy experiences with therapists of all kinds of orientations (or unknown orientation).

I guess I'm curious, just what more "information directly from the source" do you feel you need?
Often as str8 spouses we put tremendous pressure on ourselves to "understand". It is unrealistic and impossible. There is no way any str8 person can ever fathom what goes on in the mind of a glbt person who chose deception over honesty and integrity. (DIsclaimer: that does not apply to all .... just too many, here)
One of the things this same therapist continued to advise (as did my therapist more than ten years later), lower your expectations of the other person and stop trying to "understand" the behavior of anyone else.

Best of luck to case you (and anyone else) are not aware of it, the str8s voy forum is back up and running.

Patti in Oceanside

Posted by Sue
August 4, 2016 11:11 am


So GLAD to see you here! Please come back often. Your input is always so helpful.


"You want a man who messes up your lipstick, not your mascara."

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