Mine too proclaimed years of porn desensitized him to...dicks I guess? My discovery was not porn, I only heard about it after finding emails to CL trannies soliciting sex with pics of his booty hole attached. He says he would use the dialogue from the emails and watch porn at the same time to get off. Men were more verbal, that's why he reached out to trannies. He was never attracted to men however, HIS dialogue in his email suggested touching, sucking, etc.he never met anyone despite the online dialogue since 2003. Never intended to. I never knew the casual encounters section of CL was for chit chat and funny how the emails were sent to the trannies specific to his locations at that time. But yeah, a supposed porn fest. He's so frustrated that I don't believe his story of being a straight man with this super specific issue: enjoying sharing erotic selfies, dirty talk and pretending to meet up with trannies while getting off on porn. It's totally normal...along with the preference of living in separate households while married and no sex drive. I'm the irrational one for doubting his sexual orientation.
But! I love what Kel said about what makes them able to do whatever the hell they want and we have to wait for them to admit their orientation before we decide it's okay to leave... and by them keeping this secret from us they've decided what we're okay with. I didn't get to decide for the six years we were together. And what pisses me off is, he's been well aware of this LONG before we were together. He picked ME online, the single mom with 2 kids and put me through this bullshit. NO MORE