jk GOOD GOD WOMAN, is he for real? You come across to me as having a great handle on your life altogether. Ok there are struggles of course, but you're doing it, yes finances are tight but you're working on that. Your kids all sound like they're as well adjusted as they can be given the situation, from what I've read anyway.
Your posts were one of the first I saw when I registered on here and I discovered we're similar age, similar time frame since TGT, similar marriage length, you've a broader range of children (& more of them) than me but given their ages you seem to have a great handle on who's capable of hearing what etc.
Oh he's just feeling sorry for himself I think, it's really he's not coping and may have tried to see if they'd agree with him that you're struggling to maybe make him feel better about himself?! Your kids see you day in day out, they know how well you're doing. But as Lake Breeze suggested it's probably good to keep an ear to the ground to avoid him trying to turn them. It sounds to me like he's not in a position to take them on if they did decide you're unfit to live with anyway!!
It could have something to do with the divorce date too.....we could all come up with possible reasons why he's saying these things but bottom line is none of us know the inside of a narcissist's head and how their brains work, we're just going round in circles beating ourselves up trying.
Not my monkey, not my circus comes to mind again (I think it'll come to mind daily for years to come!!).
It's good that your son is able to say it to you and I applaud you on your phrase, "he's having a rough time right now"!