Some of my story so far and rant!

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Posted by Foolme
February 28, 2017 10:12 am

Hi all, I'm new here. I did find this site in the early days post TGT (Oct '15) but didn't engage for whatever reason and then in the mayhem I kinda forgot about it until this past weekend. A lot has happened me since Oct 15 and my awakening to the reality of what our lives really were. Deep down I feel my STBX exposed his true self to our son, maybe it was accidental at first but then it was done enough to know what you're doing (full details in success stories). In hindsight with how he was behaving in the past year or two I feel he had one leg out the door and was hoping I'd push so he'd keep his secret intact and the marriage breakdown would be my fault (oh course it's my fault now anyway).

I'd decided it wasn't a amazing life but he was a good man and as they say the devil you know is better than the one you don't. It wasn't that we were fighting all the time, or even on and off, we'd just learned to coexist I guess but amicably I thought, we did share laughs etc, we watched tv, went for dinners out, the odd show/movie, vacations etc.

The more I reflected on our life post TGT the more I realised he'd retreated long ago, when he did get up and have breakfast he always put the tv on straight away, was distancing himself. He spent a lot of time in the gym (or Jim maybe ). Our son used to tease him about going to see his second family, he spent so long at the gym. But deep down I actually felt he couldn't be bothered getting involved with anyone, didn't realise he was only putting up a front. He'd come home and in the last few years he'd always cooked on Saturdays and Sundays and engaged with whoever was there.

In a nutshell we were over 28 years married, 32 since we'd started dating and I've discovered between child no 2 & 3 he went off and had sex with a random guy on a gay section of a beach, in 1991. He embarked on a life of visiting sex shops for blow jobs (never knew that was a service they provided!), gay saunas, cinemas, perhaps Craigslist, who knows, on to Grindr then when it came on market. He says he went years without engaging at times that he was in denial but decided about 12 years ago now that he wasn't going to fight it anymore. Porn was a huge thing also.

Obviously I'm disgusted with this behaviour but I'd come to terms with the relationship only being platonic at that stage so the sexual side of it doesn't really bother me now, it may have years ago. It's more the deceit and how he portrayed himself to everyone and was a hypocrite behind it all. He fooled EVERYONE, not one person suspected it ever. The shock on people's faces on finding out is amazing, even people who prided themselves on having a finely tuned gaydar, such was his capability of deceit, I guess he had years of practice. He was always very guarded though, you never really got to know him but from engaging with him he came across as a forthright, honourable, trustworthy man, He instilled in his kids to always do the right thing, stand over your actions, have a good work ethic. He turned out to be a hypocrite. He did provide well, I won't say we never had financial concerns but we never wanted for anything and our children have debt free college educations. This of course made him feel like he'd done a great job, he provided well for them, that was his main priority regarding the family!

I did struggle with his mother's attitude for a long time, probably still do on some level. I'd always looked on her fondly and never found her to be the stereotypical MIL but by God once he came out to her the shutters came down. I spoke with her a few times during the first 6 months but she never once took on an apologetic or sympathetic tone to me, it was always justifying, condoning and defending him, telling me things like it's far better for everyone that the children are adults now, much better than finding out as children. We can all move on now and it'll be ok for everyone. But she's one of life's justifiers, he did admit to me that as parents they managed to justify everything done as kids to make it easier to live with. And she told me she's honest about her children! I've taken to calling her Mafia Mama and the insular deluded justifier! (It helps me). I struggled that she didn't come see me face to face after he was outed, my family had all visited to see him and my mother listened to what he had to say with respect. I was told by my MIL that I hadn't gone to see her, she sees this as something she's going through! It was over a year before we did have a meet up but that was brought about because we had our daughter's wedding to attend and she didn't want her day to be our first meet up. As I said in my bio I was told my biggest issue is I think I'm perfect and I came away with more blame on me than anything else. I've discovered since that I was told lies too and was told by her that she hopes I never have to go through what's been brought to her door!! Do you see where I get the insular deluded justifier from now? Words fail me. Oh I was also told well you got your vacations (over the last 6 years or so I went away with my mother for a few days once a year and had another few short trips with a girl friend from time to time). Oh they've also put it out to his extended family that he's only now realising he's gay, he's struggled with it all his life, no mention of the deceit or the activities he's engaged in or that it was our son outed him! But she feels entitled to talk to people about me settling for no intimacy for so long, why did I put up with that! I'm almost typing in CAPS NOW just thinking about her

I know I'll never change how she feels but his whole family have decided without talking to me or my children that it's my bitterness has turned two of our children against their father. They have a strained relationship at present even though I tried to warn him 9 months ago that he was likely going to lose them if he didn't address their concerns and feelings but he's too caught up in playing the victim at present. And it's easier for them all to blame me. None of his family have contacted any of our children to see how they are with what he's done, they've shown no consideration for our son and what he was subjected to. One daughter and our son visited their grandmother once since TGT and she told our son he did his father a favour, didn't ask either how they were coping with it or how I was. It was all about her and their father, how he's struggled with this his whole life and how she didn't know it, imagine he was living with that & as his mother she was unaware of it!!!!!!! Insular deluded justifier!!!!! I know I have to put her behind me but it's so hard and frustrating knowing that they're believing his lies and vitriol.He's told our son he hopes some day we'll be able to be friends but I need to accept I had some responsibility for it, it's not all his fault! He really does see himself as the victim (as does Mafia Mama) in all this. He's been decent financially (the only decent thing about him). I decided it was time to sell the family home as I found somewhere more suitable for my needs now so it was actually beneficial to him that the family home sold. But I'm being snapped at now for having a bigger house than he has (he's in an apartment), basically I don't know how lucky I have it! I was left with the family dog (that I never wanted initially) but everyone else pleaded for. I'm not an animal hater or anything but she's extremely high maintenance (I'm sure some of it is down to the major change for her too) but it was agreed he'd take her two weekends in a month. This hasn't been happening and when I pushed it last weekend first he said he'd take her next weekend but then said that Mafia Mama (he didn't use that term of course!!) is coming to town for the weekend so he relented and took her last weekend instead. On leaving her back to me I suggested we do up a rota so I know when I'll have some free time to plan for myself, his reply was he'll let me know when he's available to take her! I informed him I'd be away from 16th - 21st and she'd need to go to him, what I got was "I'll let you know when I'm available to take her". Then I got lectured on how great I had it, I had the bigger house, with a yard, far easier for her, I wasn't going to get the best of both lives, he wasn't going to take her 50/50, I wasn't asking for that at all. It really is like banging my head against a brick wall. I get it's all his self loathing or his own struggles that has him where he can't be honest with me, doesn't make it any easier to bear though.From my experience I think the people who were outed as opposed to come out themselves are the more narcissistic, would people agree? It's probably because the people who come out voluntarily have more of a conscience about what they're doing and need to come clean. Thanks for reading if you got this far and sorry for the rant!

Last edited by Foolme (February 28, 2017 10:14 am)

Sometimes we are just the collateral damage in someone else's war against themselves
Posted by Rob
February 28, 2017 3:20 pm


First I liked your old named missymoo.   I think it was Kel here told me in the beginning to not change my name to some screen name  ..think I had picked forsaken  as I felt discarded and forsaken by my then wife.

A sad welcome.. but ..we get it here .. you have to write out the crazy making that these gay narcissists inflict on us.. and yes...your MIL and cheating spouse sound like narcissists.   They say you can tell they are a narcissist because you can get in fight with them and you end up apologizing for getting in the way of their fist   (figuratively speaking).    Nothing is ever their fault..even when they are clearly morally wrong  and  blatantly wrong .   And yes  they turn out not to have a conscience or morals.. its scary if you think about it too much.

So it's not you.   You did everything you were supposed to as a wife and mother.   These gay spouses of ours went and "rewrote" reality to say we did something wrong...when in fact they are the ones who did.
In your case the MIL seems to do the same thing.

All we can do is get away from them.   We cannot change them.. all they will do is hurt us more with crazy lies and hiding of the real truth.

Build your support system of therapist, lawyer, priest/pastor, doctor, friends, family.   Do not go crazy believing what they say ..  God knows the real truth.   We all lived in their reality too long and its hard.
Even now , months divorced, I am trying to get my ex's reality out of my head and life.   Her telling me I was garbage and I treated her horribly, screaming and swearing at me in rage, anything she could do to hurt me.

That he does not want the kids 50/50....  horrible,  but maybe better for you and the kids.   You need a parenting schedule and he needs to keep up his part.  If you have the kids 60%, 70% of the time you're entitled to more alimony/spousal support and child support.   I'm not bitter person and I'm physically afraid of my ex but I would take her back to court in a second if she even tries to change the parenting percentages.

Keep moving forward.  Write back here for support or just to vent.   Don't go it alone.

A warm e-hug.


"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by phoenix
February 28, 2017 4:04 pm

Hi Foolme. 

I'm so glad you are here and that your shared your story.  Thank you!

It's great to see the clarity of thought from someone who's a little further removed from the struggle.  I think people tend to vanish from our ranks after a while because they have moved on and likely want to forget about this episode as much as possible.  So it's great to have new people sign up who are able to see and share from different perspectives.  

It's clear that the struggle never actually goes away.  We will always be left with some sort of scarring. Those of us with kids will always have the challenge of navigating through those shark infested waters because we still have to deal with the other parent.  

Sorry to hear about the MIL.  I was fortunate to have a very good relationship with ex's family.  It's one of the things I will miss most I think.  They reached out kindly to me when they heard we were separating, but I haven't heard from them since.  I don't think they know anything about why it happened yet.. lol. 

Thanks for sharing your story and joining our group.  Please continue to take part..  share and vent as much as you like.. it's so helpful. 

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

Posted by Foolme
February 28, 2017 6:33 pm

To Rob & Lostdad, thanks for your replies. I'm sorry if I confused you Rob but my STBX isn't battling over kids, it's actually a DOG......... LOL Sorry for any confusion caused. My kids are all grown (29, 28 & 24) and all in different time zones to each other. He waited until they were "done for", that was his sign on success I guess, wouldn't leave me with dependants! 

It's the dog he's challenging me on, that's how trivial stuff gets! I have her all the time, just looking for two weekends free a month and to take her when I go on vacation, I honestly didn't think that's too much to expect but he says he'll let me know when he's available to take other words I'll have no say in when he'll "oblige" me.

Lostdad - clarity of thought - thanks for that, I'm so muddled sometimes it's unreal. 16mths post TGT and I'm still not sleeping a full night (I did when I took sleeping pills but didn't want to get dependant) so now I wake at 4:15ish most nights, stare at the ceiling for the rest of the night. I guess I do have some clarity, I've never fallen for the blame me he tried to put on me, I was blindsided by the full narcissistic display seen since TGT though, took me over a year to actually label it and a sense of serene calm came over me once I had a label, maybe that seems weird but that's the only way I can describe it, kinda like a light bulb moment, NARCISSIST - THAT'S what it is!!!! It was a second therapist showed me that, I'd gone about 8 months between first and second therapists.

Sometimes we are just the collateral damage in someone else's war against themselves
Posted by maresyd
March 1, 2017 6:21 am

Do yourself a favor....put on your best moving on/moving forward song, and blast it.   What an incredibly painful rant to read.  
Let. It. Go.   It feels so much better.  You won't change Mafia Mama, or him.  You are banging your head against the wall. 
On a different side of the fence, I was very close to my ex's family.  He told all of them, including my MIL who loved me dearly, that I left him.  Technically true, but he didn't share the reason....for almost 10 years.  He and I had a deal that we would let the other know when our parents were close to death.  His homophobic Dad passed without me knowing, and although he had golden boy issues with his Dad, he loved him, as did I.  He never let me know.  I never got to say goodbye.  When his Mom was dying of cancer, he called me for support.  I asked if we could go see her together, as I  had a sense it might make her happy.  He denied it.  She died and I was never able to say goodbye or to show her I was happy and ok.  He said I couldn't come to the funeral.  I didn't listen.  I walked in and his family of 28 literally came over running and hugging.  His sister took me aside and asked me to chat after.  She shared with me that my MIL's greatest fear was that I thought she didn't have empathy for me, that she didn't love me.  She just didn't know what had happened.  When she found out, she begged him to bring me to see her, and he said I was not available and that it wasn't a good idea.  All because he wouldn't have been able to deal with it.  Soon after her funeral, I received in the mail a long letter from her and a piece of jewelry she wanted me to have.  My ex's sister sent it with a note that said, "you are always our family, and we love you. I found this in Mom's drawer."  I never opened the letter.  It was over 14 years since I  had left and she passed away.  The pain and sadness were still there, but I  moved on.   My point here is that what we see as protective and lying might also be their pain and inability to deal.  So it is about her.  She may be experiencing feelings that she did something, she failed her son (and you), she is a bad mother--the nigh self-esteem/narcissistic behavior is a cover for that.   
This does NOT make it ok that you are tossed aside as if something is wrong with you.  
As for the dog, look into for a pet sitter.  It's just another way for you to tangle with him.  Not worth the power struggle. 

I'm glad things are calmer in your soul now.  

Hugs to you

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places.”
Posted by Rob
March 1, 2017 6:38 am


You need to find a dog sitter and go no contact with him completely.

Your older kids should really step up to the plate there but I know how busy kids are these days. Its sad because my kids offer me only purpose and child/father love..they can give me no direct support for TGT or my issues.  I try to remain a stable cheerful dad for them.  Yours sound like their away from all this should have more time for your own life and support.

But I still miss my inlaws and her family..  it's a real shame..they may never know what I went through and what she ok with thinking its part of my "non people pleaser", "what do I care what other people think" lesson that I need.  I know deep in my bones I was a good husband and I'm a good ex causing this and separating me from her family does not make what she thinks true.  Next time I see my inlaws I will tell them I miss them and love them.

Keep posting and letting us know how your doing..

Warm ehug.

Last edited by Rob (March 1, 2017 6:54 am)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by Foolme
March 1, 2017 8:10 am

Hey maresyd - thanks for your kind words, that's a very sad story to read, I can understand why you didn't open the letter. It was lovely that you were received so well by his family. Yes, I guess deep down Mafia Mama has to feel some shame (not sure if that's the right word I'm looking for) at what he's done and I've written my issues with her down, the mind has calmed somewhat since doing that. I'm not quick face to face with comebacks, especially to the most ludicrous comments imaginable so writing for me gets me to get it out of my head space!

Hey Rob, yes I'm thinking on the dog front. Two of my adult children are in different countries to me, the third is away at college. I will keep posting as I'm progressing along. Already in the few days since rediscovering this site I'm overwhelmed with what I'm reading - not only towards me but to others also, I regret forgetting about it for over a year! I'm actually a very strong person, I've amazed lots of people, people who knew I was strong but didn't realise just how strong I was. The fan seems to keep getting hit by the proverbial sh*t though.

I just listened to Emily Reese's podcast with Rick Clemon and I've watched TedX, Emily Resse & the Nightingale's talks. I'm doing lots of reading on SSN and SameSides - what was I thinking not looking up more the last year! (I guess clearing house, selling same and sorting new house, have had a few amazing trips also and a daughter's wedding........I guess that answers my own question 

Warm e-hugs to all xxx

Sometimes we are just the collateral damage in someone else's war against themselves
Posted by Clif
March 5, 2017 5:42 pm

Hi Foolme,
 Welcome. Even though I am sure you would prefer not to be here.
My XGW fooled everyone for years. We had 27 years married and more if you include dating. Her parents and I were very close. I had spent quite a bit of time with her father and he taught me a lot of things as a young man. But it is funny how all of that changes with TGT. I found out via my grown children that they miss me but are very uncomfortable around me. Knowing them the way I do (did), I am sure, they feel guilty. My XGW had a brother that came out not long after high school. Being a very catholic family, I believe it was extremely hard on them to have the son come out and then their (they thought) very stable daughter.
 Families stick together. Even when it goes against their most basic principles.

I hope you get through this well and the kids settle into it.
As someone has on here for their tag line "Horribly the only way through it, is through it"

Best wishes to you.

Posted by Leah
March 6, 2017 8:08 am

Thanks Foolme for the references to the podcast and the Ted Talk with Emily Reese.  I hadn't seen these. 

And thanks for sharing your story.  Rant away!!  I feel so amazed at the similarities with so many of our stories.  My GIDX also waited until our youngest was off to college, but never really 'came out'.  I was struck listening to the podcast at what she said about feeling closest to her gay husband after he came out.  There was a brief time when he was so happy, so ebullient even, to be free from his terrible secret.  He was bisexual and preferred women ultimately.   He had moved away for a new job, new gym, free from me and the marital home and old small town. He came back home so detached from me and obviously moving on from our marriage.  And the fact is they have so much longer to deal with their path, and then we are the crazy ones told to move on, get over it, when it is such a shock, such a betrayal.  And then all the details of life, kids, bills, pets.  (I kept the family cat and home and like your spouse, he is bitter saying I am the lucky one with the better life situation.)

So many things I am left confused about!  This person I loved.  I trusted.  I feel so bad that I am not 'moving on' or 'getting over it' and it has been nearly 18mos since he 'came out' as bisexual.  He says I was cruel and unkind in my reactions....!  Of course.  God I was and am still so shocked.....

Sex was good, so it was so confusing for me.  Yet the betrayal, the fact that I didn't merit the truth ever despite so many small, slow reveals where I asked him to tell me the truth.  Was there anything else I needed to know?  At that point there was a shed load of stuff and of course he said nothing.  I remember feeling so close to him at that point of asking thinking I could take anything he said with grace, but he answered and I knew he was not telling the truth.  There was always such a guarded wariness about him.  He said he was a much more private person than me..... we were different..... blah blah blah lies lies lies. 

When he finally told me about the affair with a woman and the cottaging, I was like a stepford wife, numb, disbelieving, but he was finally happy and I was crushed.  All my past opening up like an accordion of memories and instances where I felt something was wrong, but I didn't see it clearly, because it was hidden.  And the cruelty of all the times he told me I was crazy, demanding and plain bitchy because so so often I felt the emotional distance and distaste and then it would subside and he would be Mr wonderful for a time... a rollercoaster that probably in hindsight that followed his hidden lifestyle activists and the self-loathing and guilt and shame he was dealing with in their aftermath. 

My exMIL goes into chemo today.  I think you amazing Maresyd to not read the letter!! 

I'm struggling so much lately.  And rollercoastering a lot.  Thanks for ranting Foolme!!   And thanks for all that read my ranting and rave here along side.... it is just so painful.  But I guess it is just sad that it is so common.

Posted by OutofHisCloset
March 6, 2017 9:37 am

So much in our stories is shared.  
 My husband, Foolme, also begins his morning routine by retreating behind his Ipad, and once told me he did it to wall me out (given that he is closeted I think it's as accurate to say he does it to wall himself in--or wall himself off from himself).  
   And, Leah, as you say, there was a brief period after he came out to me in which he was ebullient, especially after he'd appealed to me for emotional support and to the detriment of my own interests I gave it to him.  (And how stupid was that--a man to whom I'd been married over 30 years decides he's going to be a woman and be my lesbian wife, but I still act out of the feelings of being his wife!)  
   What you say about their "having so much longer to deal with their path" rings true to me, too.  He had been exploring himself for two years before he revealed anything to me--he'd been visiting websites run by the trans-activist community, trying on my underwear, talking to someone we both knew (how humiliating that still feels to me).  And then he dropped it all in my lap and actually said to me, during one conversation, "I don't know why you can't help me with this!"  
   Well, now I've had that same two years. I've had an equal amount of time to read, to experience what I feel when he dresses, to think, to analyze, and make some decisions.  I have had time to get over the initial shock, to realize that the initial closeness I hoped stemmed from a recommitment to me and our marriage was not that at all, to regret my participation in his exploration, to decide that spending the rest of my life with him is not in my best interest.  

Last edited by OutofHisCloset (March 6, 2017 9:39 am)


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