Ellexoh_nz wrote:
Anon2222 wrote:
Ok. Let's take gender identity and sexuality out of this to start......
Take it out? LOL...gender identity and sexuality elbowed its way into the lgb room, took up any spare space and sucked all the oxygen up so nobody could say a word and if you do get a word in edgewise you're called a bigot, then cancelled and labelled.
The trans community and its allies have alienated so many people, even lgb.
As for mental health. I realise this is simplistic but if you were once bubbly & happy....then not....ask yourself what happened in between. Ask the people who love you. Stop asking the internet/social media.
Elle, this is actually very fair. Trans narrative has been by far the loudest. Very unnecessarily. I am strongly against medicating children or putting kids into a transgender box prematurely. I am also against trans women in elite female sports - not the other way around, however. I agree that many people, who transition today, should not transition and should rather address other mental health issues. The gender transition industry is much larger than the coming-out industry (think of all the medical interventions that are required). While don't believe in conspiracy (medical or otherwise), I do believe that the larger the industry, the more powerful the lobby. So, it's no brainer really that we are seeing what we are seeing. This, however, doesn't diminish the individual experience of the transitioning person or their spouse and I believe we need to support the spouses the best we can.