Hello all -
I've posted here a couple times in the last few years, but wanted to give an update. I knew he was gay when we got married, knew my life/marriage would be different, but we were both committed. Were. Ha. Anyway, he had issues that would come and go depending on how regular day-to-day stress was affecting him. In 10/2022 he either physically cheated on my the first time, or was sloppy enough about it all that I figured it out without needing to investigate the situation myself. I knew at that point that our marriage was over. I finally told him this in 03/2023, and he moved out two weeks ago. I have felt peace, happiness, and hope that I haven't felt in such a long time!! This whole process (marriage + divorce) has been such a long and lonely road. I'm looking forward to finding myself again as I have some space and peace in my mind (and house!).
Good luck to everyone who is in the thick of it, wavering between options and trying to make it work or figuring out how/when to call it quits. YOU ARE ALL SO STRONG!!! We have been dealt a rough hand and we will come out the other side seasoned in ways that most will never understand, but we will be all the better for the hard work and growth we are forced through. One day at a time...