Posted by EuroGuy23 ![]() May 11, 2023 4:25 am | #1 |
Hi everyone,
I can't tell you how happy and relieved I am to find this SSN community. I've felt so lost and lonely for the past 3 weeks, and just knowing there is this universe of you all who are experiencing the same things gives me hope.
My story -
Straight M, 50. Married to 2nd wife 15 years, truly love her, we have two young boys 10, 6. Three weeks ago, she came home from a yoga retreat and disclosed to me that she's Bi, perhaps L, and realized on the trip that she is in love with L woman she has been "close friends" with for the past 8 months. She said she loves me and our family, I am (her words) an amazing man, husband and father, but she just can't get from me what she gets from her girlfriend. They are fully involved in the relationship now after this trip, both emotionally and physically.
She's said she very much wants to stay married to me, and to try and have a MOM / Open relationship, and I for the most part think this is possible. I'm learning to develop coping tools for the jealousy, for the pain and sadness I feel. I have no idea what the future holds, but I will say that since this revelation, our communication, and emotional and physical intimacy has been much improved. We both are living in a difficult mix of feelings - for her the joy and elation of NRE with her GF and the freedom of I think finally accepting who she really is, and the grief, sadness and guilt around how thats impacting and has impacted me. And for me, I feel relief now being able to explain that it wasn't in fact "all my fault" that our sex relationship was disappointing to me, that it wasn't me who needed to ednlessly do more and be more all this time, I feel sadness and loss for the marriage I thought I had, and at the same time I feel deeply happy for her and grateful for her.
Its so confusing!
Anyway, there is obviously so much more to the story, but thats where I am today and how I got here.
I'm eager to connect with other Het men whose wives have come out, and especially any men who have embraced their bi-wives and found a path to success in MOM.
Thank you all for being here and being strong!
Posted by Gloria ![]() May 11, 2023 6:47 am | #2 |
Welcome, thank you for sharing your story. I found out that my ex boyfriend was gay in June of 2020. I did not break up with him for a year because of Covid. I remember the shock and the pain that I felt. I am so sorry. At least she told you. If you have a therapist, that will help too. Take your time to decide what to do. Post here as much as you need to. I will hold a good thought for you.
Posted by Rob ![]() May 11, 2023 6:49 am | #3 |
Mine also went away for a "girls weekend" with her friend but unlike your wife came back and lied..said they went shopping all weekend... I could feel in my bones the lie.
Never touched me again after that weekend and I thank God now (but not at the time) she didn't so I don't have to worry about any STDs
We love them but they hurt us. Read the first aid thread here and start to think what you want in this life you want to be for your kids. How you think a spouse should treat someone they took vows before God to love till the end.
Posted by EuroGuy23 ![]() May 11, 2023 7:05 am | #4 |
Thank you, can you point me towards the first aid thread?
Posted by Daryl ![]() May 11, 2023 7:47 am | #5 |
It's pinned here -
Posted by Blackie563 ![]() May 11, 2023 9:49 am | #6 |
Welcome to the club no one wanted to be a part of EuroGuy. I hope that this turns out in your best and highest good, whatever that ends up being. This site was a key source of strength for me early on and I come back to try to help others. It's all confusing, painful, pretty awful and I was 23 years in.....hang in there. Take it a day at a time. Ensure you have trusted people to talk to, cant keep this bottled up. That is dangerous. Allow yourself to feel it all, good or bad, and trust what your body tries to tell you.
Be well!
Posted by EuroGuy23 ![]() May 11, 2023 10:06 am | #7 |
Thank you so much Blackie563 - I'm trying to do just that, its so much work trying to balance out the pain and despair I feel with the hope that it could be for the best. I'm on here learning everything I can and reading a ton.
Any tips on sorting through posts to focus in on SM navigating LW /BiW situations are greatly appreciated! Any particular users you could suggest I connect with?
Appreciate you!
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() May 11, 2023 2:03 pm | #8 |
EuroGuy23 wrote:
#Welcome to our Forum Euro I'm a woman with a bisexual partner who I'm separating from after 38 years. I was in an open r'ship...coerced, sweet-talked, gaslit. Looking was the beginning of the end of our r'ship.
When your wife said she loves you and your family, and that you are an amazing man, husband and father, but she just can't get from you what she gets from her girlfriend ...that is also why she said... she very much wants to stay married to me, and to try and have a MOM / Open relationship. Because you're her reliability and safety.
Once you agree to an open r'ship it'll be like you give the keys of freedom to her and it will change your life forever. There will be no going back. She wants you to say that you are okay with her being with another person so when you find the reality of it unbearable she can say "ahh but you said you were okay with it"
Why should you have to learn to develop coping tools for the jealousy, for the pain and sadness you feel. That is just unfair.
Of course your communication, and emotional and physical intimacy has been much improved. She wants your agreement. The relief you feel at being able to explain that it wasn't in fact "all my fault" will mask all the other emotions. The loss of the intimacy you thought was yours alone, the concern that if she can change the dynamics of your life once....will she do it again?
Sadness and loss, happy and grateful....yes this is the confusing time when you have to look deep inside yourself and make decisions about what you want your life to look like in, say, 10 years when your boys are 20 & 16, and you are maybe realising your life is emptier than you thought it would be
Posted by Blackie563 ![]() May 11, 2023 7:03 pm | #9 |
EuroGuy23 wrote:
Any tips on sorting through posts to focus in on SM navigating LW /BiW situations are greatly appreciated! Any particular users you could suggest I connect with?
I can only offer the site and if you choose to research this, I would urge peer reviewed articles, as the internet has a ton of opinion pieces that pretend to be scientific.
As for my situation, my ex said in the beginning "I want to want us and our family, but I just dont know, I just want her...she is the only person I can see myself being with". She was talking about her affair partner. fast forward 30-45 days later, she was already with another woman, had lied more times even in the face of records, videos with audio tape etc, and was spiraling to everyone who truly knew her. Then I found her online dating profile exclusively looking for men....and then I found condoms, something lesbians don't need.
I am not telling you this to discourage you. What I am saying is, based on what I've read, people who can do this usually have a very high (and hidden capacity to lie and do so with ease) I am telling you this because in my experience, I actually think she believed (maybe still does) that she was gay, because deep inside, she doesn't know what she wants and is a miserable person. I kept her afloat for 23 years, but I am also assuming she wasn't doing this the whole time. So She told my kids she was gay, has this online profile, and despite us being in different houses and me not engaging with her for months, she insists "I am the one who can not let go". She is delusional in every sense of the word. If you would have asked me if any of this was possible 14 months ago, I would have laughed and asked for whatever you were smoking. It is a shock to the system, just be open to all possibilities. Maybe an open relationship can work for you, but I would tend to agree, doing so is all about HER and not about you. That's how we lose ourselves with these people.
Posted by Blue Bear ![]() May 12, 2023 3:34 pm | #10 |
I'm sorry you are here, but glad you found us.
I sense that very few guys have successfully evolved into a MOM. If you are going to go that way, you have to accept a lot of things that are likely unacceptable to you. For myself, there's no way that I wanted to be married to an adulterous lesbian who wasn't interested in guys and really only had use for me in maintaining a heterosexual facade. And if you decide to remain in the marriage but have a heterosexual side chick, your pool of women who are willing to accept your situation is quite shallow. And more importantly, I wanted to be in a real, mutually respectful, monogamous, heterosexual relationship rather than the shitshow my ex-wife unilaterally imposed upon me.
Can a MOM be done? Sure. But do you really want to given the baggage that comes with it?