Posted by HereInMpls2717 February 20, 2023 3:05 pm | #11 |
When I was at my very lowest, literally intending to end it right then, I texted my LW a number of times. She knew I was suicidal. Her only response was to tell me not to post on social media. She says she was protecting herself. I guess that was what was most important.
I don't know what to tell you. I'm hopefully moving out in 1-1/2 weeks. I feel sick about the idea of trusting a human being ever again. I can't connect with my faith right now. I'm just holding out until I feel like I can breathe again. Weight training helps me still feel alive for some reason. Once I move I'm going to start making artwork again and hopefully that'll help me process things.
I'm only commenting to tell you that I know many here care about you. I wish there was more I could offer.
Last edited by HereInMpls2717 (February 20, 2023 6:42 pm)
Posted by Ellexoh_nz February 20, 2023 4:49 pm | #12 |
Anon2222 wrote:
I'm not sure how I feel right now. He's living "our" dream life apparently. I got all the pain and none of the reward I guess.
What! No reward?
You rid yourself of a fake husband. You get to start again. Yip we know... it's unfair, wrong, stressful. But if he turned around tomorrow and said "come holiday with me"
would you go?
The most difficult thing was to shift my focus from somebody who cared more about his place in our r'ship' than mine. But as soon as I did shift it he stopped featuring in my every thought.
We're allowed to be bitter.....but we can't let the Mindfuck consume us
Posted by Abby February 20, 2023 5:45 pm | #13 |
I find that flowering plants help me feel good. I try to always have something blooming, in the garden or inside my home, Ir is unseasonable warm here and the early crocuses are blooming but Saturday I was impatient and went to a greenhouse and bought a few small pots of primroses which I can set out later.
Colors make me happy. Who says that winter clothes have to be dark and dull? A pink blouse can do wonders for my soul, as do the compliments I get when I wear it.
I am glad that you are seeing a doctor. Having something out of whack makes it hard to feel good.
Posted by Anon2222 February 20, 2023 6:45 pm | #14 |
So. I am not being a doormat anymore, and I can tell he really doesn't like it.
When he texted me that he had the next 2 weeks off and was off for a tropical beach vacation. My reply was "I see. We never did do that vacation. It makes sense that now that you've dumped me you would go on it." I asked him why he had told me this and what did he hope to get out of it. He said he was only letting me know in case I needed something from him while he was gone. To which, I again asked him why he would do that. He was like, what do you mean.
So, I just laid it out. He hasn't been in touch with me (other than the odd text message) for months. He has not told me anything about his life (I have absolutely no idea what he does with his time). And any time I have needed him for anything and asked for help he hasn't bothered to come. So what else was he trying to accomplish with telling me about his vacation other than to rub my face in it and make me feel like shit?
I have yet to receive a response.
At the beginning of this I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I believed him when he said he hadn't meant to hurt me and felt terrible. I believed that he wanted to make sure I was taken care of. I was prepared to make this as smooth as possible.
Now I kinda want to go for blood....I want to see him suffer. Take him for every penny I can. Then he can catch an STD and burn in hell. Which is very unlike me. I don't like this vindictive, hateful, untrusting person I have become. But I'm starting to look at this process and feel like I really don't deserve this shit and why should he just get to walk away from all his obligations and life without having to pay for it....
Posted by Ellexoh_nz February 20, 2023 9:01 pm | #15 |
Anon2222 wrote:
. .... I don't like this vindictive, hateful, untrusting person I have become.....
So don't be her 🤗 push her away and ignore her.
Be you. That dumbarse you got rid of won't expect that
Posted by gwendolyn_C February 20, 2023 9:23 pm | #16 |
I know it sounds great to get the person who has caused you pain back. I struggle with my thoughts and try to make sure I am not acting out of anger. I have chosen to center my heart around getting better for myself. I don't want my husband’s actions to stop me from pursuing my best life. I want my peace back.
I have this posted on my mirror:
“Living well is the best revenge.” In other words, rather than plotting your retaliation, just go on living your life. Trust me, it works better than any retribution you can dream up.
It helped when I had a few unpleasant conversations with my GID husband this weekend. The pain is not as tender because I have accepted that he won’t change, but I have!
Posted by Anon2222 February 20, 2023 10:12 pm | #17 |
I doubt it will change anything, but it was cathartic for me if nothing else. I sent him an email. I spelt out my pain and said that at this point our being in communication with each other is just toxic and not helping either of us. I asked him to please refrain from contacting me again.
If he has a concern regarding the divorce, I told him to send me an email. Otherwise, please just leave me alone and go live the life he wants (and told me I was preventing him from). I don't want to know. I don't want to hear about it. I wish him all the best, just leave me the hell alone.
And I have to sit back and figure out how to make the pain stop. And how to put a stop to the power over me that he still has. Ironically, he is a really nice everyone but me apparently. So, I said my peace and now I have to work on letting it go. I suck at letting things this is going to be really hard.
Posted by lily February 21, 2023 5:31 am | #18 |
a really nice person???
the one who wants to rub your nose in his vacation plans?
really really really - go for the jugular, get as much money as you can in the divorce, don't hesitate for one moment.
Posted by gwendolyn_C February 21, 2023 10:47 am | #19 |
Anon2222 - I agree these spouses are great at painting a good image! Everyone believes I have a caring and noble husband! Please get what is rightfully yours in the divorce. My therapist has helped me to exercise the "It's not ok" muscles. I am the primary financial source and my confessed bi-sexual husband (but GID) is living the life! But now he's starting to feel for every action there's a reaction. He will not take advantage of me. I am fully ready to protect my future and my children's best interest. I have made decisions on my terms without his consideration. He has not considered me and my feelings for years. I hope to have a signed Marital Settlement Agreement by the end of the week! Fingers crossed!
Posted by Anon2222 February 21, 2023 12:33 pm | #20 |
MJM017 wrote:
. I feel there was a void with him. I have no idea who my late ex really was emotionally.
I feel this. I feel like he is a stranger. I feel like I don't even know the man I was married to.
I also honestly feel like I have gone insane. Like, in a legit medical way. I have several mental illnesses, and I have never in my life felt like this before. I have never gone off the rails, so to speak. I am suffering such an extreme level of mental distress and anguish that I am no longer functioning normally.
And, I am struggling, hard. I can see that he has done nothing but cause me pain. He is well aware of my medical history....and he has chosen to fuck with me.
One night he lost it and went around screaming in anger. He broke a door. I told him that night I was afraid of him, that I was afraid he could turn around and hit me. His response....I hurt his feelings that I would even think he was capable of that because he would never hit me. Like, he was actually hurt and offended by how I could feel that way. And...I remember thinking....well, I have no idea what you are capable of how should I know...
The day/night that I laid on the floor, in agonizing mental and emotional distress. Where I thought about taking a bottle of sleeping pills just so I could escape the pain....I asked him to please come home from work. That, everything aside, I needed help. He told me he couldn't leave work. Then he went out for supper with his sister.
When he finally came home, 9 hours after I asked for help, he blamed me for not communicating how serious it actually was. That I should have been more clear and better articulated that I needed help because how was he supposed to know if I didn't tell him. I told him that I needed him to leave. That I could not have him in the house with me that night. I was so very fragile....and he laughed at me and said no.
When I stared at him in shock, he then back pedaled and said oh he could, but it was late, and where was he supposed to go and how could I do this to him. He had to work tomorrow. At that point I was just numb so told him to do what he wanted to do.
I have struggled with feeling worthless and broken because of my mental health. And why I couldn't just "suck it up" or deal with things better. Constantly blamed myself for being too sensitive, and that somehow it was my fault. I have spent so much time telling myself that if only I reacted better, provided more support, didn't have this stupid broken brain, could just be normal....
Last night I thought about it. If I had cancer, would people fuck around with me? Would people tell me to just deal with the chemo side effects better? Or recover from surgery faster? Would people find it ok for him to mock a cancer patient? Or call him brave for dumping his cancer riddled wife in the shittiest way possible?
I told him at the beginning of this whole thing (when he made his announcement of being "bi" and frying panned me in the face with it).....that I could not handle it if he one day sat me down and said I'm gay and I'm leaving you. I was completely honest, vulnerable, and I laid it out on the line. I told him, that he would destroy me as a person if he did that. He promised to never do that to me. He promised to discuss the issues with me. That if any doubts arose, he would discuss it with me. We would work together. There would be no surprises.
And then he chose to lie. To my face. And fuck around with my mind. And I thought about it. This is as cruel as withholding insulin from a diabetic child. He actively chose to destroy me. He didn't have to go that route. He could have treated me with respect and kindness. He could have discussed his doubts, told me in a much nicer/safer way, been there for me as I broke down, had a financial plan in place (and not drained our accounts for his new lifestyle and leave me with nothing). He could have called to check in on how I was doing on occasion. He could have done so very many things to treat me like a human being. Instead....he claims complete innocence in all of this. That he didn't mean for this to happen. That he regrets it and lives in guilt. Well...that's all fine and dandy there, but you chose to do it. Feeling bad after the fact does what exactly? So, you've apologized via text....but then abandon me and just continue to be a selfish prick.
I would not be able to ever do this to anyone.
I told him to leave me alone and not contact me. I don't care if my email sounded crazy. Maybe I am crazy. But I can't have him in my life at this point because he won't stop fucking with me....