My husband says he is bisexual

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Posted by victoriariv
November 3, 2022 9:39 am

Hi, I came to this forum because my husband came out as bisexual three months ago. At the moment he told me he said that it wasn't a big issue as he wanted to be with me, share all his life with me, having children etc. Three months later he asking me for the divorce because he wants to stay with men. Even he is denying me he is not gay. He keeps telling me he is bisexual. But how is this possible? I'm very confused. I have so many questions and no answers. 

Posted by Abby
November 3, 2022 1:09 pm

Welcome to the club that none of us wanted to join. In all likelihood he has met a man wants to be with. Sean who is gay and who has a section here has explained it very well."Bi" doesn't mean that there is an equal amount of attraction to either sex. "It can be a small percentage in fact to women, enough to date and secure a wife but not enough to keep him from wanting a man. Some will sneak around cheating on their wives for years.

It took my "bi" husband about 30 years after he told me he was bi  (after we were married) to feel comfortable enough to exit the closet and tell me that he was gay, was moving out and wanted a divorce.
If he's asking for a divorce now because he wants to be with men, it doesn't matter what he calls himself, whatever he is he isn't for you.

This sounds harsh but it takes two people fully committed to each other to have a chance of a happy marriage. He's telling you that he's not going to be. Break the news to the family and friends who will be your support system and consult an attorney to protect your interests.

Try Gardening. It'll keep you grounded.

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