Rest Assured Everyone....I Got The Cat

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Posted by Anon2222
September 25, 2022 8:25 am

Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life. I went to work to not be present while he moved...and struggled all day with randomly wanting to break down and cry. It was horrible. 

I went after work to pick up my new resident, who I have dubbed Pumpkin Spice. I love pumpkin spice and the fall season....and she looks like a Pumpkin. Right now she's in the basement in her own room with all her stuff so she has some time to settle in. It's actually going scarily smooth....I was expecting complete chaos...but the dogs so far have hardly noticed she's there, and my other cat was sitting outside the door purring. Trying not to jinx it!

I need to put something in the one room as the house echoes now...being half empty. I feel empty myself. 
I'm actually not sure how I feel. Just a weird mixed up bottle of emotions. I looked at the single toothbrush when I got home and burst into tears. And yet, I'm more relaxed than I've been in awhile. On one hand I feel anxious, jittery and unsettled, on the other hand I feel this deep sense of relief down to the cellular level. More than anything, I'm just flat out exhausted. I also have the desire to do absolutely nothing. Just sit like a blob on the couch and never move again.

So I guess this is the first day of the new rest of my life?

Posted by Daryl
September 25, 2022 9:48 am

It's just a temporary vacuum. I think many of us have that initial feeling. It's OK to take a break, although I think I'd suggest leashing up the dogs and taking that sit down somewhere in the great outdoors. Good luck with introducing the new fur baby.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer
Posted by Blackie563
September 25, 2022 12:04 pm

Anon2222 wrote:

I'm actually not sure how I feel. Just a weird mixed up bottle of emotions. So I guess this is the first day of the new rest of my life?

Yes, and you will be ok....but not only ok, you will be great. I am not there myself, but I have and hold the vision. You're in the storm and its rough, believe me I know. What do we know about every storm that has ever existed??? They always pass.....always. You've got this, 1 minute, 1 hour and 1 day at a time, you ARE healing. I am too. Whatever good vibes I have I am sending them out for you as well. WE will make it to the other side and on the other side is fulfillment, respect and love that we deserve. 

Posted by Anon2222
September 25, 2022 4:22 pm

I've been motoring along quite nicely today actually. I I went and took the dogs for a long walk. I've been working on a paper for my latest course (only 3 more to go and I'm done my Masters!)

I knew it was going too smoothly little brat of a Pumpkin darted out the door from the room in the basement and ran into the furnace room. She is now somewhere in narnia in the boxes under the stairs. Thankfully there's nothing under there she can get into trouble with, but I also can't find her in the box narnia as of yet. I have been going down and shaking treat bags, calling, and trying to persuade her to come out with no luck yet.

So, I guess I'm stuck on cat time now waiting for her to come out. She was a bit stressed, so I'm not surprised she's hiding, but I wish I could find her. I'm debating how much I want to try to crawl through the boxes after a tiny cat lol

I'm glad I got her though, I wish I had done this ages ago. It's just one of those things I've always wanted to do and never did because he didn't want to. It feels like the first decision I've made in a long time. It's quite liberating.

I don't know what is going to happen in the next little while. So I'm just trying to take it one moment at a time. This is not what I expected out of life, but maybe the Universe has better plans for me? I'm working on being positive. We're all working out the journey to healing one step at a time! 

Posted by Victo
September 25, 2022 5:18 pm

Congratulations, Anon.

Or might I say ConCATulations!

You can do it!!

Posted by wonder woman b
October 9, 2022 4:34 pm

Anon2222 wrote:

I understand and feel the exact same way. We can get through this and we will survive. There’s no more deception, lies, heaviness on our shoulders.

I’m exhausted and just want to sit and do nothing but I also want to clean, decluttering and purge.

You cannot save someone who does not want to be saved.

Believe that we will meet our person and it will get better!!
Posted by Anon2222
October 17, 2022 4:47 pm

You ever feel like the universe is out to get you....

The cat I so excitedly adopted just for me. The crazy, out there, I'm gonna do what I want now that my husband dumped me and moved out. Well...there's a good chance she's gonna die.

So. Thanks universe.

They have sent her bloodwork off for expensive testing (just what I need right now) but the initial signs all point to it. And if the bloodwork comes back positive, it voids her pet insurance and they won't cover any of the vet bills. 

I am really struggling right now. I feel like I can't do anything right.

Posted by lily
October 17, 2022 5:37 pm

sorry to hear that Anon - doesn't the cat shelter bear any responsibility?  it doesn't seem right that your insurance won't pay and neither with they.

It's a hard slog so just for a while park all self criticism at the door - you need all the hugs and support you can get right now. yours most of all.  here's one from me.

Posted by Anon2222
October 17, 2022 8:52 pm

Thanks Lily, much appreciated.

I am trying to remain practical until the bloodwork comes back. If it does come back positive for FIV/FeLV then the rescue and I are going to really be butting heads.

All weekend I've been abysmally low. I don't know if it's just finally hitting me or what? 

I sit here and all I can think in my head is "I'm alone. Alone. Alone. Alone." My previously completely unknown to me gay husband of 18 years just announced he was gay and walked out. How does one cope with this? Like, my brain just shorts out when I try to compute everything that has happened in the past few weeks.

My brain contorts and has come up with a long list of reasons to leave me. I keep feeling like there is something more to this. Like...there's just something so wrong with this picture. I legit can't wrap my brain around what is going on in my life.

And I'm depressed AF. Like. I've lost all joy in anything. I just can't bring myself to cook or eat. I buy food and it just sits in the fridge and goes bad. Because I just can't cook for myself. And when I do make something I'm lucky if I manage to eat a quarter of it. I'm miserable. I hate my "new" life. I'm exhausted all the time from working a zillion hours and taking care of the entire house and pets.

Sometimes I just want to lay on the ground and die because it would just be easier. I just don't want to live my life anymore. I feel like a miserable shell of the person I was. And I cry a lot.

Right now.....the dogs went bat crap crazy at the fence at someone walking their dog past and I couldn't catch them. They're screaming and my one is pounding against the fence and I can hear the other person trying to calm their dog down. And I just couldn't catch the one dog (the instigator) and she wouldn't listen.....and I just sat down on the grass. In the dark. And bawled my eyes out.

I feel like I'm being punked. What the hell did I do in life to deserve this?

Posted by Abby
October 17, 2022 9:49 pm

My ex also did the big reveal and exited the home and the relationship. I started going to an early service at a nearby church to be around other people and meditate. There was a pamphlet there that I picked up aimed at widows but I found it helpful for my situation. No casseroles, no funeral, no insurance and I was on my own. He was gone.The marriage was over and for the first time in my life I was going to be living alone.

I drew strength from thinking of my female ancestors who had been left widows with young children at a time when there were no jobs for women. Entering another marriage was usually how they survived, unless they could take in boarders. I wasn't going to have to do either because I had options. For starters I could get an attorney and make sure I received a what I was entitled to. 

Getting through the property and divorce stuff is hard and you don't have a concrete base to build your future on. Emotionally days I kept busy and at nights I would remember things that seemed strange at the time but that I didn't understand. There was anger. - at him and also at myself for not connecting the dots. That's when somehow I found the Straight Spouse Network and had some long conversations with woman
who told me that it was nothing I did that caused him to come out of the closet and that I could get through this and come out better...

Be patient with yourself and love and yourself when you don't make a home cooked meal. Try to develop  a wicked sense of humor to help your through the rough patches. As Dorothy Parker said, "Time wounds all heels."

Try Gardening. It'll keep you grounded.

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