Posted by kathyinNE July 18, 2022 2:58 pm | #1 |
I did not know that grief and betrayal felt like fear.
Fear of what’s next
Fear of what now
Fear of who am I
Fear of the unknown
Fear of who will be left
Fear of not surviving
Fear of getting stuck
Fear of opening up
Fear of trusting
Fear of sex
Fear of never having sex
Fear of going on
Fear of meeting another best friend.
Fear of not knowing how to do ______.
Fear of change
Fear of being the bad guy here
Fear of always having to explain
Fear of always having to defend
Fear of being alone.
I did not know.
Posted by Daryl July 18, 2022 7:05 pm | #2 |
If there was a like button here, I'd be pushing it.
Getting past these fears is a big part of the journey here.
Last edited by Daryl (July 18, 2022 7:07 pm)
Posted by Ellexoh_nz July 18, 2022 9:43 pm | #3 |
Kathy... It's a tough road we walk. Many a straightspouse has walked it before you, many will walk it after you,
We're here to listen, give you advice, make you calm, help you become strong and see your way to a better life
For every question there's an answer
Posted by Gloria July 19, 2022 9:07 am | #4 |
We are here for you. Please do not fear posting about anything. I will never verbally abuse you for any decision that you make.
Posted by kathyinNE July 19, 2022 1:37 pm | #5 |
Thank you. My journey is just beginning (2 months). I am lost at the moment.
Posted by Daryl July 19, 2022 6:26 pm | #6 |
Small steps daily. Knowing your fears are the first steps to overcoming them.
Posted by Toward the Light July 19, 2022 7:51 pm | #7 |
We do this TOGETHER, helping each other. Inch by inch, step by step. You can too.
Posted by Rob July 19, 2022 7:58 pm | #8 |
Yes you are in shock for sure. I started in complete fear. A basket case. I was also in constant fight or flight mode.
It's completely normal to feel this way when the person who was supposed to love us and support us the most is the one that is hurting us.
In the end many of my fears were simply not true but were words spoken over me..subtly and directly..
Small baby steps is key. It may be you simply get out of bed. Little steps at time. In time the steps build on each other... Building a support system also is can help allay your fears and give comfort and strength. We should not have live in fear..fear is the opposite of love.
Wishing you strength and courage.
Posted by Agl03 July 20, 2022 1:05 am | #9 |
"The steps you take don't have to be big, they just need to take you in the right direction,"
FEAR is normal
FEAR is okay
FEAR is absolutely valid.
I am scared as hell too. I never ever thought I would be in this position. Never dreamed that I'd be looking at being a disabled single parent going into this stage of my life. I never imagined that I would have to start over. That my Happily Ever After I though I had was all a lie and had been for years.
How I cope with being scared is I do what I can to take control of the situation. I'm at the 4 month mark and I realized very quickly that his and my priorities were completely different. I can't control the lies and the choices he's made or is making now. What I can control is what impacts me and my children and I'm learning what I will need to do to make sure myself and them are taken care of. I am doing research, seeing counselors, talking to financial advisors, and getting things set up for when the rest of the dominos need to fall.
I recently reached out to an old friend who specializes in betrayal counseling for additonal help and support. Because we have been betrayed by the person who we trusted most in this world. and yes, that hurts each and every minute of every day. It will take time to recover and trust again. But I know from my friend...there is a light at the end. While the scars run deep you will eventually be at a place where its not consuming everything.
For now my Happily Ever After looks different than it did 4 months ago. And in another 4 months it could look different again.
Tackle those fears and take out their teeth, knowing some need more work than others. I have been going through many of these as well and just jotted down a few things that I've done with them.
Fear of what’s next: Take it one day at a time. And ask yourself what do YOU want for yourself next.
Fear of not surviving: This could just be me being a stubborn as hell person here but I haven't survived what I have survived to let this be the thing that does me in.
Fear of getting stuck: This is a fear I face daily. Because the process is going to take so long. I don't want to get stuck in waiting for him to do something or as I am now waiting for other pieces to fall into place. I'm driving this bus as much as I can but have to tell myself there will be detors and pit stops along the way that will take time to get through.
Fear of sex: I have been in a sexless marriage for over a decade. While he was hiding his secret and had no interest in having sex with me he didn't say that, worse he said nothing. I tried to talk and have him go to the doctor but he would never follow through. So I blamed myself for him not wanting me anymore. I thought I gained too much weight after kids/medical trauma, was too ugly, broken, sick, undesirable. Completely ruined my self esteem and heavily contributed to my body dysmorphia and eating disorder, because the harder I tried to spark an interest the more it hurt when there was no response. I eventually gave up. Even knowing what I know now about him being gay I often vocalize "who would want me?" because of so many years of rejection. Should this ever be something I have an option for in my life again I know I'll need to work through it in therapy first.
Fear of not knowing how to do ______: This one is huge for me too. he had his jobs I had mine in the house and because of my medical stuff there are things that I just didn't do. Now, I'm going to have to do it because he won't be here. Me and YouTube/Google have become very good friends the last few months since I don't dare ask him to do a dang thing. I'm learning how to caulk a tub right now. And if I can't figure it out I'll call someone who knows how to do it.
Fear of being the bad guy here: You are not the bad guy. You are the one who was lied too. You are not the one who has made this sudden change to your relationship. Never, ever, will be taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and finacially be the "bad guy". And I know they will try to gaslight but again, it was their choices and actions that led to this, not yours. He has tried it with me a few times. FIrst in me not emotionally and phycially supporting him with his hobby I hate. Then in me not you know doing things like taking care of gifts for his family. Finally, the "how am I going to afford a place of my own" messed me up real good for a bit. I was obsessing with how are we going to afford two places. But the thing is WE don't have to afford two places. I will have what I am allotted for child support and in the divorce and he will have his. It is not my responsiblity to find him a place that works with his new budget. His likely lower budget is not me being the bad guy either. That is a consequence of his actions..
Fear of always having to explain: You don't have to explain You can tell who you want what you want. People who are truly your friends will understand and be content with what you are willing to share.
Fear of being alone: You are never alone. You have a community here who is ready to support you in anyway they can. Be it to vent, ask questions, or to give your own advice for those who will follow us down this bumpy road. Find your local network too. find your friends, your family, and those who have your back. And a good counselor has helped me more than words can ever describe.
We are all here for you.
Posted by kathyinNE July 30, 2022 11:36 am | #10 |
Thank You ALL so much. Just found many of these responses and really appreciate the time taken to respond. Ag103 your breakdown is amazing.
I have found a counselor, we meet for the first time this week. Also, I was put in touch with a group for straight spouses of gay men. That also started this week.
One of my passions has always been photography. I had been unable or unwilling to pick up my camera for weeks, actually months. Just no desire.
I picked it up this week. Nothing spectacular or anything, but I did take a self portrait. It is raw and real and when I look at it I see a shell. I hate that that is
what I see. What I feel. What I am.
BUT, I won't stay here. Not sure how this is going to happen, but IT IS going to happen. The saying of a picture being worth a
thousand words--Well it is. And I don't like what it said. G**dammit not anymore! He is not taking this away from me too.