Hi OoHC. I think more patience with myself and the process is in order.
Thanks so much for your suggestions about how to respond to friends who think I should be past it.
Coincidently today, I was talking with a friend on the phone and mentioned I was bouncing back from a low after seeing him with a woman. When I mentioned how distressing it was to know that he could be doing the same thing to her, the friend said, regarding the woman, "Well, people make choices...." I said, You can't choose something you aren't aware of.
I saw the friend later, and apologized for being abrupt in my response to her, but explained that the statement "people make choices" suggests that I chose to marry my CD GIDXH. She immediately saw the point. I think she was trying to convince me not to stress about the woman's welfare, and never thought the comment through.
This is a hard, lonely path. I'm so thankful for everyone here.