Posted by Clif November 23, 2021 1:11 pm | #1 |
Hi all. Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone the best Thanksgiving you can have.
Almost 12 years now since my divorce from the gay ex-wife.
Honestly, I almost never think about it anymore. Although, I did have to see her and her wife at the ex-mother-in-laws funeral. My only emotion was sympathy for the family. She was, after all, a 2nd mother to my for over 27 years.
Be strong. One of these days it should be all behind you!
Posted by LostAtSea November 23, 2021 1:32 pm | #2 |
Hi All,
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
I want to thank each and everyone one of you for your support and guidance and feedback.
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, but I still check and read posting. It’s disheartening that new posters are here almost daily and in the same situation. I don’t understand how people can be so cruel to let you live a lie and carry on for years without any compassion or remorse for what they do to our lives.
This Thanksgiving weekend will be 1 year since my transbomb ambushed phone call that changed my world. I know it will be extremely hard and sad, but I plan to make the most of it without the lies and deceit even if it means heartbreak.
Through therapy and supportive individuals like yourself, I’m in a much better place. At times it’s very difficult.
I wish you all nothing but happiness to live your life free from deception and manipulation.
May you all be blessed to live a life that YOU deserve.
Happy Holidays and be blessed!
Last edited by LostAtSea (November 23, 2021 1:39 pm)
Posted by walkbymyself November 24, 2021 11:03 am | #3 |
Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for starting this thread! What happens to me during the holidays is that my emotional state can go either way -- because holidays are linked in my mind to certain milestones. These are mine:
D-day for me was between Thanksgiving and Christmas, 2017. I had many shocking discoveries ahead of me at the time, but I was cleaning up in anticipation of my daughter coming home for Christmas when I found the first proof: my husband's viagra, fallen out of his pocket while he was getting ready to go out with "friends". There was a lot worse to come, but I knew this viagra wasn't for my benefit -- my husband had cut me off for over two decades by then.
By the time the next Thanksgiving had come around in 2018, I'd learned how to see his texts, which had led me to file for divorce ... although I hadn't moved out of the house yet. I'd learned, for example, that he had an "open relationship" with a guy, Mark, who was twenty years younger (my husband was then in his 60's). This guy had a not-particularly-open relationship with a live-in boyfriend, Cesar, who was ... get this ... over twenty years younger than him! This poor kid wasn't even old enough to drink -- in fact, I'd met him and can attest he wasn't even old enough to shave.
I'd intercepted enough texts to see that STBX and his fuckbuddy had agreed, between them, that their primary relationships took precedence ... they were apparently very proud of this: that they'd drawn boundaries to prove that there was some chivalry in what they were doing. It reminded me of the movie "Pretty Woman" where two prostitutes agreed never to kiss their clients on the mouth. THAT would be dirty and shameful! It reminded me of an alcoholic boss I had who disciplined himself never to drink before 6 p.m. THAT would be alcoholism! And another boss who wouldn't do cocaine before 4:00 pm every afternoon. THAT would be addiction! Random boundaries people set, to prove only to themselves that they're in control of whatever monster is actually laughing at them!
So my husband and Mark had this agreement between them, that their primary relationships would ALWAYS come first. I feel so honored ... but wait, there's more!
I'm back in 2018 having filed for divorce, and preparing to go to my sister's for Thanksgiving. Checking on my husband's texts, I can see he's planning a weekend getaway with Mark, to Palm Springs (gay mecca). In a separate text chain, he's contacted a different fuckbuddy in Palm Springs, trying to arrange a tryst. Other fuckbuddy responds "are you with someone who would be upset if you were with me?" and my philandering gasbag husband responds "yes, my BF."
That was my Thanksgiving gift: my husband is cheating on me with Mark, Mark is cheating on Cesar with my husband, and my husband is trying to also cheat on Mark with this other guy.
As an aside, I feel for Cesar. I have no idea what a vulnerable teenager is doing caught up in this meat-grinder with these two predators, both of whom have the advantage of age and money.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
Last edited by walkbymyself (November 24, 2021 11:26 am)
Posted by Rob November 24, 2021 12:20 pm | #4 |
Walk, never heard your full story but just wow. (wait there's more..)
My GX was cheating with a woman who was also married..their front was just two girlfriends consoling themselves about their horrible husbands. I used to wonder how any of their words or promises meant anything. If they could both lie and cheat on their husbands...
I believe the last Thanksgiving or Christmas was spent with her at the dinner table texting her girlfriend with my parents and kids all watching. Could not put the phone down even to say grace.
Happy Thanksgiving to all. My holidays are so much worries about what my GX is doing. No made up drama.
I am forever thankful for getting away from her.
Peace and good will to all.
Last edited by Rob (November 24, 2021 12:25 pm)
Posted by mtnester November 25, 2021 2:05 pm | #5 |
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm 13 years out from discovery, 12 years out from moving out and into an apartment and 11 years out from the divorce being final. I'm by myself this year; one son lives in another state (will see them after Christmas but we FaceTimed this morning) and the other lives here but is with his dad today. I'm fixing a small feast for me and plan to just relax and read or watch movies. I'm getting a free week of some HBOMax and Starz movies. Woohoo!
It gets better. Time has healed a lot, and I was fortunate enough to get an apology from the ex. I know that's not common, but I wish you could all have that because it was life-changing for me.
Take care of you! You are worth it. <3
Posted by Gloria November 26, 2021 8:33 am | #6 |
Happy Thanksgiving
Posted by Charting My Path November 27, 2021 5:43 pm | #7 |
Thanksgiving time 3 years ago was when my wife told me she was bi after spending 8 months talking with a lesbian therapist. In January, just two months later she was full blown gay and wanted a divorce. Roll time forward time forward to the Wednesday before this Thanksgiving and we signed our divorce agreement and sent it to our attorney to forward to probate court. It's horrible that a family holiday will always be associated with the destruction of a family. However signing the divorce agreement gave me the sense of the end of the old and if not beginning of the new but at least the anticipation.
Posted by Gloria November 28, 2021 8:57 am | #8 |
Please know that you did the right thing by divorcing her.