My wife of 10 1/2 years

Posted by jrteeter
November 12, 2021 8:50 pm

I met my wife 15 years ago.  She was in a relationship with another woman.  That relationship soured and we began dating.  At first it was long distance dating and then she moved in.  We were partners for 5 years and married for 10.

She always identified as a lesbian even in our relationship together which was fine by me.  We were experimental with sex and were outgoing activists within the community.  I felt that I had found the love of my life who shared the same values that I did.

We had been distant for the last 3 months.  The pandemic had finally eased up and she could go back to school full time and I could go back to work.  Our two kids got to go back to in person classes as well so there was a lot going on.

She told me a week ago that she was gay.  She wants to only be with women and I am no longer the exception to the rule.  It's devastating for me.  I never thought she put her sexuality to the side for me, but I thought she carved out a little place in her heart for me.  I was wrong.

I am still trying to make the relationship work.  I want to see counselors and do any other work that is needed to save our relationship, but every moment of the day fills me with more and more dread.



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