I think you will find it validating.
Although her focus is much broader, encompassing, for example, the shift from "transsexualism" to "transgenderism," from biology to social construction, from sex to self-professed "gender identity, from the surge of young girls identifying as trans/bi/non-binary to detransitioners/desisters, I was, naturally drawn to the part that addressed my own situation, and found that she does a great job of summarizing and synthesizing the research on autogynephlic men, and her explanation of the mental gymnastics autogynephilic men perform during sex to imagine themselves as women, re-casting anal penetration as vaginal sex, for example, was both illuminating of behaviors and statements my ex made during such sex and disturbing.
You might find something there equally illuminating (and disturbing) about your ex's behaviors.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (July 24, 2021 8:08 am)