Posted by LePigeon December 30, 2020 2:35 pm | #1 |
My husband of two and a half years, partner for 14 came out to me as bi early this month. Actually, I called him out through a pointed question about his sex toys. "If it's just pegging, why are they penises?" God, I was so committed to thinking it was a kink a straight man could have. Even though it was a shock, a part of me knew. It's one thing to be attracted to men, but it's another to actually sleep with them, I thought. The day after he came out we felt so close and he was so happy and free. But the next day he told me that he started sleeping with men from Craig'sList about three years ago, and stopped right about when the pandemic hit.
My auto responds to trauma is to make sure that everyone else is ok. So I spent the next week making sure that he was ok and that his coming out experience wasn't traumatic and that he felt accepted and loved. All I could feel was his shame and I needed to make it go away. I consider myself an ally to the LGBTQ2S+ community. Among other things, I study sexual ethics and the history of sexuality. I thought, "Wow, I am exactly the person who can deal with this." But every time I had a moments space to my own I felt like I was being torn apart. With the help of a therapist, I told him that I needed to be alone to feel my own feelings. That was the middle of this month.
Since, then I think I have felt every feeling known to mankind. I am confused about what I want and confused about what is practically possible. For a week I was sure that it was over with us. Now, I think maybe we can make it work. But I can't decide if it is brave or weak to stay. I don't know if I can trust that he won't cheat again. I don't know that I can handle seeing a collection of dildos and kinky underwear that aren't for me for the rest of my life. I don't know if I will ever be ok with an open marriage and I don't know that he will ever be satisfied with a monogamous one. I thought we might have a baby in a couple years. I don't know if I want that any more. When does all the uncertainty stop?
Posted by SusanneH December 30, 2020 4:32 pm | #2 |
Sorry you’re having to go through this. You’ve found the right place for some support and maybe some answers. First, the feelings you have are normal for all you’ve found out- no matter how open-minded you are. You’re still a wife who’s husband has just told you he’s cheated. And, being bisexual is not a license to cheat! My husband didn’t tell me either. I spent 16 months searching for proof after he accidentally showed me a nude photo of a man on a CL ad. I had never looked through his computer or anything until then.....I found SO much- porn, dating sites (including gay ones; one with a nude avatar of him! Aghhh!), and emails to men. He kept lying to me, saying he never had sex with any of them. Finally I found something he couldn’t wiggle out of, and he admitted to one man at first; then, after he realized I was serious about a polygraph, he admitted to having sex with men our entire relationship. It rocked my world. Not that he was bisexual, but that he had cheated all that time & lied, looking straight to my face for so long. At first, I didn’t know if I was going to be able to stay with him after all that, but realized making a big decision like that when my brain was all over the place just wasn’t a good time. So, I decided we’d stay together & work things out. He had stopped seeing the men, or I wouldn’t have done it. Also, we’re monogamous. I can’t do it any other way.
I’ve seen both monogamous and open MOMs (mixed orientation marriages). They both take constant open & honest communication. If you decide to open your marriage , it must be BOTH of you that really want it. I’ve seen too many wives open the marriage to fulfill the husband’s urges and make him happy, but if she’s not TOTALLY on board, she ends up completely miserable. I know I couldn’t do it. I’m strictly monogamous, for both religious and other reasons. That’s what I signed on for, and he; on his own, decided not to be monogamous for the first 15+ Years, now if he wants to remain in our marriage , it HAS to be. I won’t share him any more. He’d rather have it open (of course!), but would also rather have a full life, being married than to have 20-30 minutes of ‘whoopie’ every week or so, and the rest of his life would be bleh.
So, we’ve had a hard road. The first disclosure was 6/1/1 & the second was 11/24/19. We’ve both had individual therapy and are about to start marriage counseling. We never used to argue, and seem to all the time now. We were best friends.
You ask if anyone gets over the feeling.......I do know it gets better. If you both love each other; have a lot of open, honest discussions; and hang in there, you can do it 😊. Give it’ll take time!
Best of luck to you and your husband.
Posted by ThisTooShallPass December 30, 2020 5:54 pm | #3 |
I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I'm nine months in, different circumstances, but the uncertainty hasn't stopped. I fear it will never go away, if I stay, and that is my motivation to prepare for a different life than this. I don't know what my life will look like a year from now, but that doesn't mean I can't mentally (and financially) prepare for what it could look like.
Is it brave or weak to stay? I struggled with that in the beginning. I had that "supportive wife syndrome" where I thought I needed to hold his hand and tell him everything was going to be ok. His therapist told him early on, I was a strong woman for staying and helping him figure out his feelings. But the longer I stayed, the weaker I felt. There are just so many highs and lows, and I don't know if I can continue with the low points.
And the crazy thing is, I always said, if my husband ever had an affair, I'd be out the door. I always thought my sister would be the same way. The day I told my sister that I was looking at getting divorced because my husband said he's attracted to men, she admitted her husband had an affair a few years ago. She's still there.
I believe my husband has never physically cheated, but I also know he wanted to sleep with a woman a few years ago, and I know he's emotionally attached to a man right now. I know he wants to experience being with a man. And despite how betrayed I feel over this, I'm still here.
It's not so black and white when we're in the middle of it. No matter how big of a supporter/ally you are to the LGBTQ community, you shouldn't feel that it's your responsibility to help him deal with his feelings when HE is the one who betrayed you. It doesn't matter what "community" someone belongs to when they hurt us. NOTHING gives them a free pass to lie, cheat and manipulate.
It's up to you, how much you can take. Like Susanne said, making a big decision when your emotions are all over the place may not be in your best interest. My husband's therapist told him that neither of us should make any decisions when we're emotional, because it never ends well. My therapist also said there was no rush to make any life-altering decisions. We have kids though, and they are the biggest factor in me staying put as I make sure I have all my ducks in a row.
Right now, just take care of yourself. Accept your emotions and deal with them appropriately. Use your time alone to think about your marriage. Hindsight is 20/20 after all. How was it before this disclosure? Did you feel loved? Safe? Intimate? Was something always off? What happens if you uncover more lies? What happens five years down the road if you stay, have children, and find out he's cheated again? What do you want out of a marriage? Do you think he can provide this for you? Figuring out what you need and want, will help you make the actual decisions later. You don't have to act on the decisions yet, but knowing what direction to walk makes it easier to take the next step. Even if it's just one small step at a time.
Posted by inkundermyskin December 30, 2020 7:52 pm | #4 |
sometimes i think that at times when we don't know what to do, that's our brain trying to protect the heart.
Posted by Stronger December 30, 2020 8:48 pm | #5 |
I could have written your post (except that my husband hasn’t actually been with a man, just lots of toys) and every response so far is so amazing!
I’m 9 months in and taking it day by day. Some days are good and I see glimmers of hope for myself and our relationship but some days I wake up and feel like the reality of everything just slaps me in the face. I’m still waiting for another shoe to drop and my daughter is going through her own journey in the LGBTQ path... she wants to talk about it and I want to support and listen to her but She doesn’t know about her dad so sometimes her questions and explorations touch on very raw spots for me.
I absolutely agree that you must take care of yourself first. Get yourself back to being confident, learn to trust again and then go forward when you are stronger (hence my name).
As I follow other straight spouses I have noticed one thing, all of them want to hold on and support their spouses. In a world where so many divorce, this is a group that fights divorce so hard. What a strong and amazing group we are and how interesting that our LGBTQ+ spouses choose such strong figures to marry.
Posted by lily December 31, 2020 6:55 am | #6 |
well, while we're all being strong may I suggest a little exercise - curl up on the bed and close your eyes and let your imagination do the walking - 20 years down the road, what would your future self like to say to you now.
and family - hope you have some family to talk about this with.
Posted by Rob December 31, 2020 7:52 am | #7 |
Lepigeon, all,
"...But I can't decide if it is brave or weak to stay. I don't know if I can trust that he won't cheat again.."
That is a lot of anxiety.
I once took a yoga class when going through this.. for people with trauma called "brave"...would it make me brave? Discussion was at the end where we could find discuss what brought us there. For me it was the title Brave.
Basically told them I was not brave..that I was scared of my cheating gay ex, i was scared of my unknown future. I was tired of living scared.
I only worked on staying briefly and the anxiety and mistrust were unbearable. There was just no way God intended for me to live forever with such abuse...anxious, fearful, unconfident.
If I look back now years away from it..I can see how strong and brave I was to put up with everything my GX did. But I also see how she sapped any strength and confidence i had...nothing was ever good enough. The word insatiable comes to mind.
That feeling does go away..but I can't say ones spouse can do that...they need to do that through actions, core morals, and character.. for me that was never going to gx showed was she was capable of. Showed me her character and morals. I could not change her anymore than I could change the the tides or the sun from rising.
Best wishes on your journey in the new year.
Last edited by Rob (December 31, 2020 7:54 am)
Posted by Gloria December 31, 2020 10:39 am | #8 |
I am so sorry. It is a roller coaster of emotions. I wish that my partner would just tell me the truth. I am curious though. How do you go through a computer? I have already found many, many, red flags. I want to know all that I can no matter how painful.
Posted by LePigeon December 31, 2020 11:52 am | #9 |
Wow. Thank you all so much for sharing your stories and offering your advice and support. I have been feeling so alone in this. There is so much great advice here that makes so much sense and no one else has mentioned to me. I am so grateful for the advice to wait on things. I felt like I had to make a decision now in order to get out of this cycle of garbage feelings.
The cheating piece is so confusing for me, often I feel like I am over it. I know that if we try to make it work I have to get over it. But then I also feel like I need to be madder about it now so that I can actually understand how I feel. When I thought that it was over with us, I felt like I could let go of the cheating because I thought, "Well, he'll never do that to me again." I think there is also a part of me that just can't square the idea I have of him with what he has actually done. I feel like I am waiting for storm of rage to come. I have been angry, but mostly because he was in the closet and with me for 14 years. More than anything, that made me feel like I was used as a beard and all the things that I thought were good now feel questionable. He assures me that he I shouldn't feel that way, but its hard not to.
I have talked with my sister and a girlfriend about what is going on in my marriage, but they are also overwhelmed with emotions about it. People always used to tell us that we had the kind of relationship that they wanted. My friend especially felt that way; she lived with my husband and I after her divorce. Both my sister and friend have also told other people about it, for their own support, but both my husband and I feel violated by that. Him more so than me. How do you all navigate telling people and dealing with the fact that they are also going to tell people?
Posted by Stronger December 31, 2020 1:15 pm | #10 |
I totally understand what you mean about questioning everything from the last X years... so much that I felt okay with but now question if my perception was real or not. I’m still working on that but I have to realize that time has passed, I cannot change it, look at what is now.
As for telling friends or anyone really... I have only told two close friends and one well before the other. Both have kept my confidence, to the extent of separating their text messages from family devices so my privacy is kept. The first friend I told, I knew she could keep her feelings to herself. The other has deep religious beliefs so I only waited because I knew she would not agree with what’s going on. Both have been tremendous support to me (although one admits to “hexing” my husband while the other will personally, physically defend me if he ever hurts me.) Their prayers, counsel, kind ears are of so much value to me. I am sorry that the people you shared with could not keep your confidence.