Posted by inkundermyskin December 21, 2020 9:23 pm | #1 |
ok im new to this forum, may seem bitter and jaded. i am both of those and much more.
i don't know relatable this is to the women on here, but here goes-
i am an old school romantic. i cry at weddings, movies, songs. anything about love or heartbreak. i've been that way my whole life. i told my ex daliy, how beautiful she was, how much i loved her, foot rubs every night, packed her lunches, coffee in the morning, chores around the house.romantic dinners. thoughtful gifts. anything to make her life easier, not perfect. i have my flaws. but we had a fantastic sex life for years.
when your intune with your partner, you know what i'm going to describe....
i do not miss the sex. anyone can "fuck"
old, disabled, young, ugly, animals.etc. sex is sex. at times, you can have really passionate sex with new people. the thrill of the chase. seems to be a big part of the affairs people have.
but to me, its the intimacy i miss and desire
when you have spent considerable time with another you've been through the ups and downs of life and love. you "know" that person. through this, the 2 of you are completely vulnerable, with and to each other. there comes times when you have the most incredible sex. truly making love. you both are one. you cum together. as one. its the passion, love, desire, depths that you only get with certain people. your "person"
truly making love.
now,that's a very conflicting, terrifying thought.
there is no doubt , that those experiences in life aren't a regular thing and it takes a lot of life to get that point, and it doesn't happen to everyone.
now im scared how can those moments be based off of lies and deception? if she hid who she was, then how did we have those moments, and how and why did it go away?
i know in my heart, she is a closed chapter in my life. she has moved on. i hate it. it hurts. but i've accepted it.
but fuck, to think that ill never have those moments again, is almost unbearable. i know. if i put it behind me, give my trust and love to someone else again, its possible, right?. it starts with wanting this, but how do you make yourself want that? after all this?
thoughts please
Posted by Stronger December 22, 2020 9:07 am | #2 |
I’m not sure I can be of any help to you except to say I completely agree. Our sex life had faltered and disappeared a long time ago but now I find I do want that back. More so, I want the intimacy... the cuddles, the hugs, the conversations. My husband and I are trying to stay together but right now I feel like I’m the only one doing any of the work and I crave the intimacy more than anything.
Posted by OutofHisCloset December 22, 2020 10:57 am | #3 |
I understand this. I've felt this both that degree of intimacy, and that degree of horror when I asked myself how it was possible to achieve that intimacy if my ex was something other than he was presenting himself to be so,
Here's what I have concluded. I was duped. I was honest. I came to the moments of intimacy trusting, and because of my trust I opened myself up and my actions and feelings were genuine. There is one instance of our love making that I particularly remember, that occurred in the "honeymoon" period after he disclosed his sexuality, when he was future-faking me and love-bombing me so that I would stay in his closet, that was the closest I had felt to my now-ex in many, many years. I thought I was loved, I thought I was safe, and as a result I could trust to a degree that I could allow myself to be vulnerable at the deepest level. I don't think I'm at fault for not being able to see past his deception, and I don't think I'm ought not to have been able to feel it because it was based on a deception I couldn't possibly have discerned.
I've had more than a few moments of rage that although I was capable of such deep intimacy, and longed for it for the length of our marriage, that I was deprived from experiencing it because he was lying about who he was. Now in my mid-60s I'm aware that my chances for achieving it with someone else are vanishingly small.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (December 22, 2020 11:01 am)
Posted by inkundermyskin December 22, 2020 12:20 pm | #4 |
stronger-i get it for sure. for me, i don't think anyone can say the right things to help with everything. this is one of them. we can take advice all we want, and try to move on...but that "moment" that a lot of is crave, can only be had, in that moment. no amount of talking can replace that. i crave that closeness again.
out-duped. thats where im at. was it real at anypoint? did she feel those moments too, or was it just me? i felt like we were one, but was that all just a charade? are those moments true, or just another fantasy like happily ever after? im sorry how you feel about it vanishing. i truly am sorry for that.
Posted by Rob December 22, 2020 12:56 pm | #5 |
I've had time to think about this for my GX in particular.
The intimacy we shared was personal and in my mind formed a bond between us..something we shared together. Similar but maybe more than years of friendship and marriage.
For one person to throw that away and dishonor it. To deliberately hurt ... We all say long hidden same sex attraction and I get that but to also hide it for years..I put that right with their ability to hurt us..just a moral flaw..says more about them as a person than anything else.
In a sentence...for me..if she wanted to be gay and end the marriage..ok..but she could have done that better and in a kinder way. She just couldn't be kind..had be horrible and mean to the point of me physically fearing her.
So, I think its a moral or character flaw in them. They may have loved us to a degree..but not deeply enough or at least not deeply enough to not hurt us.
..and that is the difference between us and them.
Posted by inkundermyskin December 22, 2020 3:50 pm | #6 |
well said rob. thank you.
Posted by lily December 22, 2020 4:18 pm | #7 |
Ink, right on point again. It is something we muse on for years to come, if not all our lives.
I can't tell you how many secretive lesbians there are. When I was in my 40's I had no idea but now I see them. And you know, I've been talking with them.
The thrill of the chase - one young woman was telling me how much she enjoyed flirting with men and how exciting it was hooking one and you know she will happily get into bed with him too but she was very clear her love was for women. When I pointed out she was being misleading and it would hurt him there was no response at all, and yet I am looking her in the eye - I can see she understands what I am saying, and her eyes shift away. Not something she wanted to talk about at all.
It is a pattern that stops for some but also continues beyond the reproductive years for many of these women. It is a sin of the heart, a moral failing and a deception - yes we are duped. Knowingly. How they do it idk. But maybe it is a bit like the way a cat loves her mouse?
It took me decades to realise my ex was just stringing me along and that he would continue to do so for as long as he could get away with it.
I am slowly coming to a place of wondering if it really isn't about success and failure - if it is being true to myself that makes me able to love.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz Online! December 22, 2020 5:48 pm | #8 |
Ink Hey....
I was a romantic too. After the Mindfuck of learning my partner wanted to experiment with men I decided to give our r'ship 3 years. At the start of the 3 years I'd cry at the drop of a sad song (even a happy song) I would ache, physically ache with the pain of what had happened, was happening and have permanent dark circles under my eyes after a year in Australia when I had no-one to talk to. But I was still in a fight for the r'ship that meant so much, trying with soft gestures, sex, massages.....
By the 3rd year he was still trying to coerce me to returning back to the happy person I used to be, but doing it using sex as the carrot to me (the donkey) resisting more and more....because it dawned on me the only, comfortable way he could approach me was by promising sexual satisfaction, hi-jinks in the bedroom, us with other people...blah blah The guy just didn't know how to unsexualise me. So I did it myself.
At the start of the 4th year I told him I had no interest in sex with him ever again, or anybody for that matter. So we haven't had sex in almost a year. It's been great. I learned that not having a cock thrust into me was good for the muscles 'down there' far better than pelvic floor exercises have been....
I don't miss it. I see the loss of any libido as the price I pay for feeling safe from anything he may have given me if I had carried on our sexual r'ship.
I realise, with the different genders, that our situations are not the same but thought I'd add another perspective
Posted by inkundermyskin December 22, 2020 6:21 pm | #9 |
ellox- that is an interesting perspective. i commend you for your strength and determination. do you find yourself just missing the closeness? have your found ways to cope with the loss of that closeness. not sexually speaking. mentally and emotionally.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz Online! December 22, 2020 6:25 pm | #10 |
inkundermyskin wrote:
ellox- that is an interesting perspective. i commend you for your strength and determination. do you find yourself just missing the closeness? have your found ways to cope with the loss of that closeness. not sexually speaking. mentally and emotionally.
The odd time I think "I'm cold", and remember spooning to be warm but I have no yearning in my
No desire at all