OutofHisCloset wrote:
Why do you not refer to a "non-trans partner" as straight? Why single us out and shunt us over to a category in which we are defined not by what we are, but what we are not--trans. To do so defines us in relation to our trans spouses.
I am the lead on the research for SSN and I the research and language used in the research survey will be inclusive for all people. Demographic questions will allow for the person taking the survey to self identify, they will not be placed into a pre-determined bucket. Its up to the research team to stratify the data for analysis and review.
All people who who will be surveyed will answer basic demographic questions, from there there will be a series of questions asked, so that we can answer some of the questions that Kel mentioned. The survey will be set up for anyone to answer.
Demographic questions below for an example:
How do you identify your gender Check one response: Man, Woman, Non-Binary, Gender fluid, Gender Queer, Another Gender____, Prefer not to answer.
Do you identify as transgender or non-binary? Yes, no, prefer not to answer
Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation: straight/heterosexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, pansexual, asexual, demisexual, queer, another sexual orientation_____, prefer not to answer.
What is your race/ethnicity: white, black, African American, American Indian or Alaska native, Asian, native Hawaiian or pacific islander, another race or ethnicity, prefer not to answer.
Feel free to message me with your thoughts and ideas, questions you are seeking and I can add them to the list of the many ideas we have already received. The survey research is currently under development.