My ex completely blew our kids off for Father's Day

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Posted by Kel
June 20, 2016 3:07 pm

We have it written into our custody papers that he gets the kids on Father's Day, and I get them on Mother's Day.  We've always just swapped weekends in the past if those weren't are weekends with the kids.  My daughter's birthday and mine are both this week (Thurs. her and Fri. me), and so she asked her dad a few weeks ago if he'd switch weekends - so that they could be with him on Father's Day and with me on "our" birthday.  I figured it'd be no problem.  I was surprised last weekend when they came back from being out of state with their dad to be told that he said he was going to have to work, so there would be no swap.  My daughter was fairly upset.  My son never shows much emotion on such matters, and he remained true to form this time.  Now, I KNOW my daughter had asked my ex WEEKS ahead of time about a swap.  He's a freaking waiter at a Mexican restaurant.  I'm sure he could have just asked for that weekend off, or asked for only evening hours or whatever.  I'm not sure why he couldn't do that.  He had time.  But he's making it seem like he has to work so it's impossible.  He works evenings - it's not like he was going to work the ENTIRE weekend.  They could have made some time during his downtime to celebrate their dad.  They wanted to.  HE didn't want to.

Well, I would have put up more of a stink about it if they didn't have my dh to spend Father's Day with.  Normally he spends it with just his daughter (only child) and me - my kids have always been with their dad.  This time I was concerned that my stepdd would be upset that she had to share him on what's always been their special day, but she and my dd are close (despite stepdd being almost 21 and my dd turning 13), and I know that stepdd know that dd is upset about this.  So there was no resistance from her.  All three of the kids got Father's Day presents for my dh.  They cooked him breakfast and blew up balloons and wrote wonderful messages on them personalized to dh.  They gave him gifts and cards.  We all saw a movie together yesterday afternoon.  We spent time with my father and siblings in the morning.  Overall, it was a nice day.

I did ask dd earlier in the week if she'd gotten her father anything for Father's Day, and she told me that she had time since she wasn't going to see him this weekend.  Okay.  Yesterday I asked her if she'd called her father to wish him a happy Father's Day.  She said yes.  I was a bit surprised.  I said, "How are you about him not spending this weekend with you?"  She said, "Fine".  I asked how her brother felt about it, and she said, "I don't know.  But I don't really want to talk about this or I'll start crying."  So yeah, it bothers her.

Part of me wants to just leave the situation alone.  If he's trying to slowly exit their lives, then this is just a brick in the wall that they need to see put up so they can handle the wall they'll someday see.  I also don't want him spending time with his kids because his ex wife yelled at him.  If he can't do it for his and kids' sake, then it's not worth much.  The other part of me wants to call up my ex and tell him that he really hurt the kids.  He did the same exact thing on his own birthday - the kids were told they'd be getting picked up that evening to be taken out for dinner with Dad, only to be blown off at the last minute.  He tried to blame it on my son, who was really hurt to see that his dad tried to manipulate the situation.

My kids aren't babies anymore, and I know that at least my dd isn't the least bit afraid to confront my ex about her feelings.  But what an asshole.  I'm so glad they still had a father's day anyway.


Posted by WendiT
June 20, 2016 6:09 pm

Kel, your kids are learning who their father is. And they are learning who he is directly from him. Thank goodness they have a open, honest, and available mom and a dependable hard working and loving step-father who is showing them everyday what good parents look like.  I never had to bad mouth my X. He did it all by himself with his actions. I just wish it did not hurt and disappoint our kids so much.

Posted by Rob
June 20, 2016 8:21 pm
#3 rather spend time with my kids than anything else.  They are starting to stress as things deteriorate in my house.  I'm seeing that any mistake on my part that hurts their feelings will be pounced on my the lezex and used against me. I hope our kids see later in life we tried our best.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by Kel
June 21, 2016 12:10 pm

I was able to talk to my dd about it again last night.  She is badly hurt by this.  But she's choosing to shut down some part of herself in order to deal with it.  She's decided that she won't be getting him a present after all - "He decided he didn't want a Father's Day, then he'll get no Father's Day".  Wow.  This kid is TWELVE.  I told her that I'm torn over discussing this with her father - mostly because I want him to be with them because it's important, not because his ex wife guilted him into it.  She agrees.  She says I'm free to contact him and tell him that he's an ass, but to also tell him that she doesn't want him to talk to her about it; what's done is done.  He did the same thing to them on his birthday, and she now sees that when he has better plans, his kids are blown off.  We don't really KNOW this - we have no idea what his plans were on either day.  But that's likely the reason.  Anyway, it hurts me to see my children hurting, but my ex is single-handedly doing this to himself.  My dd told me yesterday that she wishes her real dad loved her and wanted to be with her as much as her step-dad does.  But that she can't mention her SD's name around her father, because he goes berzerk about that.  What a fucking idiot.  He has every chance to be someone wonderful to his kids, but chooses not to, and is then jealous of someone who puts forth the effort.  Asshat.

You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.
Posted by Kel
June 21, 2016 2:44 pm

Annnnd, I just talked to my ex about this.  He made every excuse in the book about needing to work, how he has to work to pay child support, how he doesn't have the luxury of weekends off (God I HATE how he thinks my life is a luxury because I get paid vacation days - he has more of an education that me and he paints himself as a victim), how he made a Father's Day for them the weekend before (I guess declaring "this is Father's Day" despite having nothing to do with presents or meals or anything like that is good enough?), and how my dd didn't seem to have a problem with it.  I asked him why he didn't take the day off (or the day before off, or ask for a few HOURS off) since dd had asked him nearly 6 weeks beforehand to do so.  He just said that everyone else was on vacation, so he couldn't do it.  I don't buy any of it.

In the end, I told him that no matter what the excuse, his daughter feels like he doesn't want her.  He acted floored - "that's not true at all!".  I said, "Well, that's how she feels.  And you needed to know that.  Adjust accordingly".  He wound up thanking me before he hung up.  At least he can't say that he didn't know.

You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

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