I'm not okay

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Posted by WannaFeelOK
February 6, 2020 9:01 am

My husband of 11 years came out as gender fluid a couple of weeks ago. I'm not handling it the way I would have liked to have handled a situation like this. It hurts really bad and I really don't know why it hurts. Seeing him dressed in women's clothing or watching him paint his toe nails just makes me want to scream. Is this normal? He's started taking pictures of himself using snap chat filter to make him look like a woman and he wanted to show me the pictures last night. It ended with us sleeping in separate rooms of our house. 

Last edited by WannaFeelOK (February 6, 2020 9:06 am)

Posted by OutofHisCloset
February 6, 2020 3:54 pm

It hurts because your husband has fundamentally altered the terms of your marriage.  Instead of being married to a man who is happy to be a man, he now wants to act out his fantasy of what a woman is.  
What you are feeling is completely normal.  In fact, I would say that his asking you to validate what is to you a painful development--by showing you those pictures--is what is not normal.  Also, I think that you did exactly the right thing by sleeping separate.  In fact, the healthiest thing you can do is continue doing that.  


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