I know how you feel, I surely feel jaded. I was 19 when we started dating. First real relationship, together 20 years, married 10 and have an almost six year old daughter and NOW he chooses to be HIM. Told me not even three years ago when I wanted to persue my dream of being an extra in some of the television shows that I love that he didnt marry an actress, or when I wanted to maybe one day be governor of NJ, he didnt marry a politician. Well, i SURELY didnt marry a WOMAN. But, now he said that was wrong of him to say that and I surely can do whatever i want to do with his full support. Well thank you MA'AM for your approval otherwise you are a huge hypocrite.
I saw so many red flags, some relating to this, but never thought the end game would be this. I asked him out, I had to make a business deal almost to have a marriage because I refused to get a home with him unless we got married, he tricked me into getting pregnant and NOW he chooses this. Yet, he has a hard time understanding why i think this was a calculated plan to trap me. SMH
I battle with leaving or staying. Turning 40 next month makes me just straight angry at him. If i could go back twenty years ago I would have just been homeless (my pap who raised me left our family home after my gram died and moved in with his girlfriend so i was left either living with my husband now or homeless)
I feel like every decision in life was made FOR me or that i did for survival not desire or want or for happiness.
Anyways, i too have this I must be damaged feeling