My Story

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Posted by Thumper
July 28, 2019 9:04 am

I met my wife a month before my 19th Birthday.  The moment I saw her I had a feeling like no other and I still have that feeling to this day. We spent the entire night together playing pool, laughing and talking. I was in a relationship for the past 3 years when I meet her and ( it had it ups and downs and I was young). I could not get her off my mind and a week later she called me saying she couldn't either. She even told her friends and mother that she had met the man that she was going to marry. I ended the relationship with the other girl before anything would happen with her. I have always believed in trust, honesty and faithfulness.They are the foundation of who I am. We began dating and quickly fell in love. Shortly after we began living together while was attending University.

I know everyone's story is a little different and I have only read/heard a few.

I can tell you that we went on to have three beautiful children and have spent the last 25 years together (married for 18 years). We are best friends, she is the first person I think about when I wake up and the last person when I go to sleep. She is the one I want to tell when anything good or bad happens to me. We have an awesome relationship and I know she feels it and knows that too. We have spent most of our time together because cause we always feel a void when we are not together. I know many marriages where people spend little time together and maybe that works for them. But we love being with each other.We weather alot of life's storms together ( 2 children with autism, health issues , financial ups and downs etc... alot ) and it always brought us closer together, I thought... no I know it did.

Now the bedroom:
This is a complicated one.
Some people describe that from the beginning they knew something wasn't right. I didn't feel that, maybe I was young but if it wasn't, then I didn't see it. Shortly after we met she revealed to me that she had been molested by her half brother for a few years at the age of seven and six months before she met me she had lived with guy who emotionally, physically, and sexually abused her... We cried together when she shared the the details... If you know me then she would have seen me as her knight in shinning armour. I thought she should get therapy but she didn't think it was necessary because she was happy and that was the past. It didn't really seem to affect the bedroom or our ability to be intimate (because sex really is only a small part of true intimacy).
She never was an initiator but I figured that had to do with her past. I accepted it. Then in her early 20s she started getting ovarian cysts and ended up with endometriosis. Sex was physically uncomfortable for her and I again I was accepting of this complication. After we had kids she had to have a partial hysterectomy. After that sex was no longer painful and I thought finally we can have a truly awesome bedroom life. And at times I thought we did. After kids she went on to have severe back pain which would again affect the bedroom..I just accepted the cards we were delt because I loved her and all other parts of our marriage were wonderful. In the last 3 years she has suffered from stomach issues that the doctors label as IBS , but I don't agree. So let me say this. I walked with her through all this and I am very educated so I know she has not been making this stuff up. I always thought that her past coupled with these health issues were cause enough for our bedroom life to be less then stellar. Complicated I know. You see I always put her needs first and always made sure she was taken care. I was never a selfish lover and I could always make her orgasim and afterwards we would cuddle( not roll over and just go to sleep) I felt the true intimacy and she says she did too. Maybe she is good actor a damn good one. But believe me I have been rejected more then I can count even though I always was intentional to create romance, always said if there is something you need from me then I am willing. I always justified it with the past circumstances and thought oh well she just not that sexual of a person. I was very accepting of it even though I longed for more. I love her.

About eight months ago she started to get really anxious she totally wasn't herself. Our bed life was barren and when it was it was like she wasn't really there. I guess her marriage obligation at best. She went to the doctor, got on some meds and it helped with the anxiety.  She still wasn't herself and became more and more withdrawn and into her own world. I thought that her past and not dealing with was finally catching up to her. She had body image issues alot of negative self talk even though I have always lifted her up, told her how beautiful, smart, wonderful she really was because I truly believed it. She didn't want to be with me sexually and she couldn't even herself figure our why. I am not hard on the eyes ( not that this should matter) but I only say this because I see other women looking at me many times and when you take that and the way I have always invested in my marriage I couldn't understand what was wrong. I said it must just be her past, the health issues. But I always thought if I could just be a little better , just go that extra step then it would click and make that difference.

SO... 1045pm July 15 2019 the night before my 44th Birthday. We got into a argument because we had been going around on this issue for so long and I said to her what is going on, You don't seem to be attracted to me. What are you attracted to females or something. I wasn't prepared for the response. She responded yes I am. According to her responding to me was the first time she allowed herself to truly admit it to herself...
She claims that she has not been with anyone and has not formed any emotional bonds with some other female.

My world... my everything as I know it has been heart is broken into a million pieces and I don't understand any of this. The emotions are F****d
We have talked and she claims that when she looks back she felt physical attraction to females in her twenties but quickly denied them because she was happily married... she couldn't be gay.. it was only attraction, she loved me more then anything and was happy. So I guess she stuffed them and over the years if they came back she would quickly excuse them because she said she had everything she wanted in a partner... it couldn't be true. She has told me in our talks that in the past recent years that there was times when we were making love that she would fantasize that I was woman. Wow how do you unpack that. The betrayal I feel. The anger. I literally spend the last 25 years intentionally being the best person I could be for her( not perfect) but damn near close. This is so not fair.

Many details I have not put because then this would be a novel but I hope this sheds some light on my story


Last edited by Thumper (July 28, 2019 9:52 am)

Posted by OnMyOwnTwoFeet
July 28, 2019 9:23 am

Oh Thumper.  I am so sorry to read your story.  It sounds so awful.  You must just be reeling.  After giving everything you had, and more.  After all your patience.  To feel that no matter what you did it was never enough.  To have to rethink your entire adult life.  To know the woman who is your everything--does not feel this same way about you.

I am glad you have found the straight spouse network.  Please read the first aid kits.  Also, a lot of us have really appreciated this article:

New York Times, Ana Fels, Great Betrayals.

It gets at some of the "life is a whirlwind" feelings and physical responses we feel.  It is one thing for someone else to see things from their point of view of having all the information at once, and not having lived it like you have.  This article gets at the difficulty of rewriting your sense of the past, present, and future.

Take care of yourself.

Posted by Thumper
July 28, 2019 9:40 am

Thank you OnMyOwn2Feet

Posted by DanielleisDizzy
July 29, 2019 2:03 am

So very sorry you are going through all of this sadness!!! I am choosing to believe that this is all going to be better for all of us soon! Hang in there love!!! HUGS!!!

Posted by lily
July 29, 2019 8:30 am

Hi Thumper,

Awful isn't it.  I was 19 when I got together with my ex too.  I am in my sixties now so I'll say it - I was very good looking too.  

Kinda funny how the best get taken by the gay ones.  I was glad to see you are able to entertain the idea that she is good at acting - that is what I discovered about my ex, he had been acting all along.  When I saw him go all pink and girly talking about the 'chances he had had' with the men when he was young it was an eyeopener, seeing him cry over money was a shock - he had emotions just as strong as mine, he'd been hiding them and telling me I was over emotional all along.  I had believed him.  I thought I must be too emotional.  In fact he was hiding his real emotions from me altogether.

He did this every day, for decades.  

So back to your story - you start by saying what a good sex life you had but ended up expressing exactly the same thing we all say - it just never quite fired up as you somehow felt it should.  It never did and it never will because she is attracted to women rather than men and has been all along, no wonder her poor suffering body!  all that denial.

Denial doesn't mean don't know it means not telling.

To keep such a fundamental truth of herself hidden something that is supremely important to a marriage partner says something about her that is still true now that she is confessing it.  tbh, I don't believe she has had no contact with other women, I would guess the point of anxiety and going to the doctor she was emotionally involved with another woman and broken off with her - hence the anxiety.

I would tread gently with her, she has tough times ahead too.  Just don't believe the stuff she says.

Mainly, look after yourself, this is super horrible.  It is too unfair.  Remember at all times that you have done everything good - as ADSJ said - I gave her my A game and got a shit sandwich for it.  so remember that and do everything to be your own best friend now.  Over the next little while it is likely that the way you view your wife is going to change and change again a few times as you see her more and more without the rose coloured glasses of love and trust.

since the end of my marriage I have known what it is to be really in love with a man.  omg.  you have something really good to look forward to, on the distant horizon now but real.  Win lose or draw, it is a relief to have the real feelings after so many years stitched up with a faker.  Feeling angry and bitter is not fun but it doesn't take over - and I think it's good for you, like a bit of bitter is good in a meal, it aids digestion.  and anyway you feel the way you do, it's okay - you can trust yourself.  take it on board bit by bit.

wishing you lots of luck and all the best, Lily


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